View Full Version : flashing boards

01-08-2004, 01:24 PM
Hi all - have emag software version 1.35 and want to get my board flashed. However I have a problem - I live in Canada!

What is my best option with doing this and has anyone from canada managed to get this done and had no customs problems?? I know you dont have to pay customs fees on warantee work, but this isnt really warantee - but it also isnt getting any actual parts installed either....

Thanks for any help...

01-08-2004, 03:25 PM
I feel your pain. I too am in Canada, BC though. I have searched high and low for someone to flash my emag but I haven't yet found anyone. BlackVCG offered to do it for me, he's just south of me in the USA. I don't live far from the border so I am considering driving across, fedexing it from a US point, then going down to pick it up when it gets sent back. That way, it's still mine, I still own it, and I don't have to deal with those pesky custom's agents.... (I know yer reading this, so hi FBI and CSIS). That's the only soln' I've come up with.

The other option, send it down and then they have to send it back but not insure it for anything. If it's a $0 value item, then there's no duty to be claimed. Kinda risky.

If you find someone in Canada that'll do it, lemme know.

cheers & jeerz

01-09-2004, 07:13 AM
GRR I dont have the option of driving down across the boarder and fedexing it - I live in NF and have to cross the water to get there.....

Someone has to have an idea as to how to do this easily....

01-09-2004, 08:05 AM
i have a simmilar problem, i however live in japan. i wanted to try and get the newest version before i moved, but i didnt fllow up on it like i should have. i however dont have a problem shipping usps expressmail to someone in the US if they can flash my board and ship it back in an equally speedy manner. i have an x-mag that is running ver 2.1 any takers? also what is a logic trigger, did tl63 ever make anymore triggers, and i need like a 10pack of bumpers, cause mine is starting to get worn out (unless they figured out a way to fix this)


sorry to divert the thread (its still going in the same direction, just at a different angle)