View Full Version : Is this supposed to be cool or something?

01-08-2004, 10:47 PM

I just saw this image for the team "Naughty by Nature" on Paintball.com. Sometimes safety does slip, but IMO, this is not acceptable (especially for the level they are playing at). That's all we need for paintball, a "gangsta" 12 year old with his team, all of whom have paint, air, and no barrel condoms (and ALL of them with their masks up, yay!).

Maybe I'm playing the soccer mom role here, but the pic did get to me.

01-08-2004, 10:50 PM
I'm not saying this to jump on the bandwagon, but the attitude conveyed by these players enfuriates me. If I'm ever in a position of authority (ref, sponsor, tournie organizer) and I see something like that, your flipping GONE! no warning, just out.

01-08-2004, 10:55 PM
Honestly that does peeve me a bit.

Also the kid in the middle appeared to already have shot himself twice

01-08-2004, 10:55 PM
I also love the paint on his foot and leg. That's a genuine tuff guy right there.:rolleyes:

01-08-2004, 11:08 PM
Is it supposed to be cool or something to critique what others do in life. Worry about what YOU are doing and your surroundings, not some picture of an event you wern't at 5 feet away from them without barrels. You wern't hurt, and wont be hurt by the picture.


01-08-2004, 11:12 PM
I've seen the short one in APG a few times, and man is he funny looking........... Anyway, that is unexcuseable (sp?:rolleyes: )

01-08-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
Is it supposed to be cool or something to critique what others do in life. Worry about what YOU are doing and your surroundings, not some picture of an event you wern't at 5 feet away from them without barrels. You wern't hurt, and wont be hurt by the picture.


I bet mindflux is the tall guy in yellow with the absent stare on his face.

01-08-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
Is it supposed to be cool or something to critique what others do in life. Worry about what YOU are doing and your surroundings, not some picture of an event you wern't at 5 feet away from them without barrels. You wern't hurt, and wont be hurt by the picture.


hehe u are a hypocrite you are critiquing, while you said don't worry what others are doing

01-08-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by MayAMonkeyBeYourPinata

hehe u are a hypocrite you are critiquing, while you said don't worry what others are doing

No, I'm making a suggestion. There's a difference.

01-08-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Cryer

I bet mindflux is the tall guy in yellow with the absent stare on his face.

Pft, I wish I was that slim ;)

01-08-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
Is it supposed to be cool or something to critique what others do in life. Worry about what YOU are doing and your surroundings, not some picture of an event you wern't at 5 feet away from them without barrels. You wern't hurt, and wont be hurt by the picture.

Yes we will be hurt. Have you read the negative news story about paintball related eye injuries going up. The information is bias and they don't give you all the facts but it is people like those in the picture that allow for this stuff to be in the news. It gives paintball a bad reputation.

Chojin Man
01-08-2004, 11:44 PM
the kid who shot his own leg looks kind of like the troll from lord of the rings.

01-08-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
Is it supposed to be cool or something to critique what others do in life. Worry about what YOU are doing and your surroundings, not some picture of an event you wern't at 5 feet away from them without barrels. You wern't hurt, and wont be hurt by the picture.

Because at that level they have an obligation to follow the rules, especially when they're being watched by so many people. That and anyone who encourages this sort of behavior is bad for paintball in general, and I don't want to feel those effects.

01-08-2004, 11:48 PM
These guys are like the baby backstreet boys of paintball

01-08-2004, 11:57 PM
"Sububan Linguo"

-I dont know about you guys but I feel pretty intimidated by these gangstas of the hood. Their glazed over eyes with intimidating looks makes me feel less of a man and more of a young innocent boy. Im a white suburban kid in a world full of hatred and anger. This picture stirs my insides the wrong way and gives me a sad feeling inside... much like the sexual harrasment panda in south park.

"Language that people lacking in the skills of social speach patterns use"

-I dont know about yo' as- guys but I feel pretty intimidated by dese-he'ah gangstas o' da dam- hood. Deir glazed ova' eyes wit' intimidatin' peeks makes
me feel less o' some dude an' mo' o' some jailbait innocent boy. No diggety. Im some pale suburban kid in some world full o' hatred an' anga'. Dis picture
stirs mah insides da wrong way an' gives me some sad feelin' inside... much likes da sexual harrasment panda in sout' park.

I have edited my own unfortunate vocab...


01-09-2004, 12:07 AM
the little kid is "Bear", i'm pretty sure his dad owns Challenge Park, and this kid is incredibly spoiled....

i saw him on TV, saying that he practiced with pros and all this crap.......the usual TV bologna

01-09-2004, 12:34 AM
that would seem like the kind of person that kid is.

01-09-2004, 12:36 AM
that is too gangster

01-09-2004, 12:43 AM
Just me, or do a couple of those guys look completely spaced out? Not the best image for paintball, but their guns [oops . . . markers :)] are pointed down. Worst case is a sore foot.

50 cal
01-09-2004, 01:00 AM
But they are so cool, just ask them.

01-09-2004, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by cris8762
the little kid is "Bear", i'm pretty sure his dad owns Challenge Park, and this kid is incredibly spoiled....

i saw him on TV, saying that he practiced with pros and all this crap.......the usual TV bologna

No..his father is Gino D'egidio, one of the two owner/founders of SC Village and Hollywood Sports Park (along with Dennis Bukowski) and his uncle is one of the guys that started Hybrid Tech, the aftermarket parts company..so that's where that sponsorship comes from...so essentially he's paintball's version of Paris Hilton...I just don't want to see any videos of that kid acting like Paris...ever..

01-09-2004, 01:35 AM
why? the nuaghty dogs walk around the field in practice with goggles up guns aried up and paint wihtout barrel socks. they trust eachother.

01-09-2004, 01:35 AM
That kid is a punk. Me and a group of others played his team in a practice and they wiped 2 or 3 times on the 2nd game. Good players besides that though. Daddy is a big time spender with this team.

01-09-2004, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by maglover52
why? the nuaghty dogs walk around the field in practice with goggles up guns aried up and paint wihtout barrel socks. they trust eachother.

True... but how often do you see Naughty Dogs shooting themselves (or teammates) in the leg during that time? ;)

01-09-2004, 02:03 AM
Bear, that fat POS. The kid grew up learning how to wipe and play on. I know a few of the kids who play on that team. Basically they don't respect him and think he's an idiot. But daddy has money and daddy has the contact that gets the team alot of sponsors.

01-09-2004, 02:28 AM
Please tell me hes not shooting a mag!!! looks kinda like the back of an RT

01-09-2004, 02:30 AM
No he shoots an Angel of Timmy.

01-09-2004, 02:51 AM
come on , lets give him a break, if i looked like that, i would be trying to look "cool" at every oppertunity.

poor kid, his mother must have had an encounter with a gorilla at the zoo.

PS. yeah that is unacceptable though , what if when of the tripped and the gun went off. i dont know about you guys, but being reckless in paintball is never cool to me.

01-09-2004, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by FallNAngel

True... but how often do you see Naughty Dogs shooting themselves (or teammates) in the leg during that time? ;)

o i thought that happened while they where playing never mind then i didnt know that happened right then. yeah that is unsafe then if they are that carless

01-09-2004, 07:54 AM
Oh well, you can only lose an eye twice then you are blind.
I think we should leave this one alone and watch darwinism in action...

It's a hell of an attitude to have but, you can only tell some one something so many times... I mean they knew what the potential consquences (sp) are and did it anyway. I feel no pity for folks like that.

01-09-2004, 08:06 AM
Fat kid playing paintball and he plays "pros", I can’t understand why people have a hard time distinguishing paintball as a legit sport, amazing...

01-09-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi
Fat kid playing paintball and he plays "pros", I can’t understand why people have a hard time distinguishing paintball as a legit sport, amazing...

01-09-2004, 08:34 AM
Daddy's boy also probably is the pod *****... hehehe

01-09-2004, 09:33 AM
goggles up = condoms on.

it ain't hard. And its not about worrying about yourself only, if that kid shoots ME in the eye because he don't have a barrel condom on, is that my fault Mindflux?

Like car insurance. Its like you going out now and saying
"hey its ok, I have never crashed.....why should I get insurance?"

its the others i worry about, and goggles are a must.

01-09-2004, 10:00 AM
Yeah, I would play with him for sponsors, then all turn on him and preform a coup! Then name the new team Gorrilaz! Then go on to write top chart songs, then an acting career, then president! And maybe even become a govenor in austria. And declare war on switzerland (those bastards need a good war, IMO).

Yes, today rich a-hole'S team, tommorrow the world...

Ok, sorry for the pointless post, just kinda bored.

01-09-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Bolter
goggles up = condoms on.

it ain't hard. And its not about worrying about yourself only, if that kid shoots ME in the eye because he don't have a barrel condom on, is that my fault Mindflux?

Like car insurance. Its like you going out now and saying
"hey its ok, I have never crashed.....why should I get insurance?"

its the others i worry about, and goggles are a must.

That's why I said why worry about a picture, worry about it if you are near them ( i used 5 feet as an example ).

I agree goggles are a must, barrel plugs/socks are a must too. But for posing purposes I think they're fine. I would HOPE that after the picture was taken everyone came to their senses and put the barrel socks back on.

This is also why most markers have some sort of safety, either a mechanical safety or a OFF switch. I know when I walk out of the netting, barrel sock goes on, safety goes on. It's a habit now, I'd like to think most 'seasoned' players are the same.

01-09-2004, 10:11 AM
safety is uncool
have you seen the cool "good" local skaters go on ramps w/ a helmet?! HELL NO that makes them loook boring

pretty much what goes through all little kid's heads
hell i keep my barrel plugs and condoms on my "markers" even when im at home w/ the balls and air 3 rooms down

01-09-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by maglover52
why? the nuaghty dogs walk around the field in practice with goggles up guns aried up and paint wihtout barrel socks. they trust eachother. Ya, there pros. It MUST be ok. :rolleyes:

But then again, your probably just like that kid.

01-09-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
This is also why most markers have some sort of safety, either a mechanical safety or a OFF switch. I know when I walk out of the netting, barrel sock goes on, safety goes on. It's a habit now, I'd like to think most 'seasoned' players are the same.

Very true. Very true.
Though, I would like to tell you about the hunting safety calss that I went through when I was a bit younger. One of the instructors picked up a .22 bolt action rifle. He showed us a .22 round, and put it in the chamber then closed the bolt. Then, he put the safety in the ON position. He then picked up a hammer and said, "This is a rock." tapper the end of the bolt with the hammer and the gun went off.
Well, I do agree that the use of mechcanical safeties or turning the marker off is important, but on the same token, would you bet an eye that those are totally 100% beyond all reproach effective? I would not. You can never be too safe around projectile weapons.
Aside form the obivious safety hazards, it does set a bad example for younger players (and some older ones). They see a bunch of guys looking "cool" and at the same time breaking safety protocals. Then it's just a case of monkey see, moneky do.
And, if that is the kind of safety lapses that his dad allows to go on at his park, then well... I think some one needs to report it to the proper autorities. How is it going to look when a marker goes off the next time they are trying to look something akin to paintballs answer to the backstreet boys or n'sync and someone near by goes blind from a few accidently discharged paintballs from a cool, gangster player? I'd rather not think of the explaination the he would have to make to the insurance company. ("Well, he tought that it would be a cool photo op...")

So many rants, so little time...

01-09-2004, 01:10 PM
you think maybe they are at the crono area with a ref(you know the secion)

but anway i digress to this statement

Hi, i don't care. Thanks:rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by dansim
you think maybe they are at the crono area with a ref(you know the secion)

even then that's unacceptable. Chrono station: GOGGLES ON!

01-09-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
Fat kid playing paintball and he plays "pros", I can’t understand why people have a hard time distinguishing paintball as a legit sport, amazing...

What does fat have to do with "pro" or "sport". I think its pretty ignorant to assume a fat dude can't have skill.

He might not be able to dominate every aspect of the game, but then again, I've never seen The "Refridgerator" Perry catch a Hail Marry to score a touch down. He was a "pro" playing a "sport" :rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

What does fat have to do with "pro" or "sport". I think its pretty ignorant to assume a fat dude can't have skill.

that was just the response I was looking for. When was the last time you played? It seems our 'sport' has a propensity to attract fat kids and losers. I hear the good ol' wednesday night bowling is starting up. Thats a sport isn't it?:rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

that was just the response I was looking for. When was the last time you played? It seems our 'sport' has a propensity to attract fat kids and losers. I hear the good ol' wednesday night bowling is starting up. Thats a sport isn't it?:rolleyes:


I'm hefty.. 260 lbs. Working on losing it though, but again what does being fat have to do with anything?

01-09-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

that was just the response I was looking for. When was the last time you played? It seems our 'sport' has a propensity to attract fat kids and losers. I hear the good ol' wednesday night bowling is starting up. Thats a sport isn't it?:rolleyes:

I thought it was a pretty legit question. Last time I played was in november. My team and I are currently 2nd overall out of 60 something teams in the Global Paintball League. We'll be back practicing next week end just in time for Skyball, and the majority of the NPPL events... Whats your point smart guy?

All I'm getting at is what does being fat and the legitimacy of our sport have to do with each other?

Nick O time
01-09-2004, 03:52 PM
since the first time i saw him. i hated him. he is supposed to look like some cool kid. he was all over like APG and Painball Magazine. he is so stupid he thought he was so cool and stuff. just looking at him mad me think super wigger. i mean supa wigga.

01-09-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Nick O time
since the first time i saw him. i hated him. he is supposed to look like some cool kid. he was all over like APG and Painball Magazine. he is so stupid he thought he was so cool and stuff. just looking at him mad me think super wigger. i mean supa wigga.

I thought the same exact thing

01-09-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by maglover52
why? the nuaghty dogs walk around the field in practice with goggles up guns aried up and paint wihtout barrel socks. they trust eachother.

Familiarity breeds contempt.


01-09-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

that was just the response I was looking for. When was the last time you played? It seems our 'sport' has a propensity to attract fat kids and losers. I hear the good ol' wednesday night bowling is starting up. Thats a sport isn't it?:rolleyes:

what are you getting at, i belive you were just pwned by the fellows above this post

01-09-2004, 04:37 PM
well professional players tends to mean they have a regular excercise sessions etc to keep in top shape (i do believe dynasty is one of those) while pretty much anyone can play, that doesnt make them a pro :) (although i dont believe there is any true professional circuit in existance (with all these new leagues and such you cant really call it truely professional even though the would be pros play it)

01-09-2004, 04:41 PM
I think its pretty ignorant to assume a fat dude can't have skill.

BTW it’s arrogant not ignorant. I certainly know that my heavy set brothers have the skill however it is very arrogant for me to actually post it. I also said FAT KIDS.... There is a big difference when you are 15 and 30 lbs overweight as opposed to 30 and 30lbs overweight...

My team and I are currently 2nd overall out of 60 something teams in the Global Paintball League.

Did I mention anything about your team....... You can take it personal if you like but the average paintball player isnt really what I was aimed at although my mature post stated otherwise....

Originally posted by JEDI

Whats your point smart guy?

My point is....
How can we even compare ourselves to "real" athletes when our "pro's" don’t even look the part? I am sorry but if you honestly think that your physical body weight and fitness level does not hinder your game you are sorely mistaken.

With intense training also prepares you mentally for extreme concentration and focus on your task on the field.....

I will be completely honest I am not even going to finish the rest of this post. In an athletic sport if you believe that physical state cannot be improved to affect the outcome on the field then you have been defeated before you signed up for the tourney...

Again to answer honestly, We, paintball, have not even begun to see a level of professional competition and we probably won’t until your "average" teams begin to understand this principle...

01-09-2004, 05:01 PM
btw, gtrsi...did the mag animation in your sig...if only someone would do a level 10 version..

01-09-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

My point is....
How can we even compare ourselves to "real" athletes when our "pro's" don’t even look the part? I am sorry but if you honestly think that your physical body weight and fitness level does not hinder your game you are sorely mistaken.

Ok, again, then I ask; How do you explain 400+lb guys that play Pro Football? They're rediculously fat, and it helps their game. I'll agree, if you're a good fat player, you'd be a better in shape player. No doubt. Are you saying portly old Bob Long isnt a good player?

01-09-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

BTW it’s arrogant not ignorant. I certainly know that my heavy set brothers have the skill however it is very arrogant for me to actually post it. I also said FAT KIDS.... There is a big difference when you are 15 and 30 lbs overweight as opposed to 30 and 30lbs overweight...

Did I mention anything about your team....... You can take it personal if you like but the average paintball player isnt really what I was aimed at although my mature post stated otherwise....

My point is....
How can we even compare ourselves to "real" athletes when our "pro's" don’t even look the part? I am sorry but if you honestly think that your physical body weight and fitness level does not hinder your game you are sorely mistaken.

With intense training also prepares you mentally for extreme concentration and focus on your task on the field.....

I will be completely honest I am not even going to finish the rest of this post. In an athletic sport if you believe that physical state cannot be improved to affect the outcome on the field then you have been defeated before you signed up for the tourney...

Again to answer honestly, We, paintball, have not even begun to see a level of professional competition and we probably won’t until your "average" teams begin to understand this principle...

so to be a professional at something you have to look like all the other professionals?youre saying that unless a pro team doesnt have the steriotypical look of an athletic group of people they are no good? tiger woods doesnt look like any other pro golfer and hes one of the best in the world, but he isnt really a pro because hes black, right? wells, formerly of the yankees, is fat and over weight but he can throw 95 mile and hour fast balls with the best of any pitcher in baseball... hes not a pro though because hes fat right? even though he plays on professional teams and makes millions of dollars hes not a pro because he doesnt fit the steriotypical baseball player. the few white guys in the NFL arent pros because they arent black right? i mean the vast majority of pro football players are black, that means that white guys arent pro football players then because they dont meet the steriotype of a pro player in the NFL. bob long is fat, he was fat when he played and is regarded as one of the best back players of all time, but no... hes wasnt a pro because hes fat right?your logic makes all the statements correct but it is obvious that tiger woods, wells, white guys in the NFL, and bob long are/were professionals at their sport and damned good at them. you need to pull you arrogent head out of your butt and realise that looks have nothing to do with anything. skill and talent are undeniable, no matter what you look like.

lets imagine a serario here: a guy starts playing PB and through years of practice and hard work becomes one of the best front men in the sport. he races off the dead box and gets to the 50 a solid 5 seconds before anybody else can, shoots an easy 20 bps(without cheating), never wipes, never over shoots. he plays for a dominant pro team(it doesnt matter which one). this guy is simply an amazing professional paintball player. but wait... hes black/mexican/asian!!!! :eek: using your logic, he CANT be a pro then!! he doesnt fit the steriotype!!!nevermind the fact that hes godlike on the field, hes not the steriotypical baller. get him outta here, hes no good, worst player in the sport. nice logic

while youre right that being fat wont let you be a good front player(in most cases), does it matter at all for back players? no way in the world. we just stand there, yell, shoot, yell, and shoot. what if a really fat guy can somehow run the 40 yard dash in 5 seconds flat? can he not be a professional front player simply because hes fat? of course he can.

your logic is too fractured to even be considered legitiment. i could go on for hours about people that dont fit steriotypes but are amazing at what they do. not everybody can be skinny, tanned, ripped So. Cal. kids like Dyansty.

pull your head outta your butt and open your eyes. steriotypes are for the simple minded, arrogent pricks in the world and you have clearly shown today that you are one of those.

have a nice life condeming everybody that doesnt meet up to your standards, you will get far i swear.

01-09-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
No doubt. Are you saying portly old Bob Long isnt a good player?

You need to read my post and then think about it for a minute.... Let me break it down...

bob long is not going to be anywhere near the skill level of a highly focused and trained athelete. end of story...

01-09-2004, 05:23 PM
pull your head outta your butt and open your eyes. stereotypes are for the simple minded, arrogant pricks in the world and you have clearly shown today that you are one of those.

I love the internet; it allows a degree of anonymity. If we had this conversation in public face to face I am sure this wouldn’t have been said.

Originally posted by xadamx

have a nice life condemning everybody that doesn’t meet up to your standards, you will get far i swear.

You have some serious race issues and you need to learn how to read. I never brought that into the equation. I don’t believe race has a dam thing to do with ones atheletism. You are the one that is quite close minded to link body type to race, of which little have to do with one another. Your five page tirade also denotes your extreme intelligence in the matter.

You can shoot holes in any "rule" or "stereotype" I post, however you cant tell me that if you took the same player plus 30lbs of fat v. that same player w/ 30lbs of additional muscle that the game isn’t going to be changed.

That the point of my post, if these guys were leaner we would see some very dynamic games..

spend more time reading my posts instead of rushing to start the flame

01-09-2004, 06:02 PM
honestly where is it your place to say how a pro should look, if the skill is there how can you judge on asthetics?:rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 06:20 PM
bear can lick my... netherregions... that kid is the biggest punk a** bit... (counts to 10) .... i hate him with every last fiber of my being...

and yes chojin man is right.. hes a ugly fat ba***** to boot...

01-09-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

You need to read my post and then think about it for a minute.... Let me break it down...

bob long is not going to be anywhere near the skill level of a highly focused and trained athelete. end of story...

You're really spitting out rediculous babble. Bob Long in relation to what athlete? Who are we comparing? No, Bob Long isnt the finely tuned Machine that Jerry Rice is/was. Likewise Rice can spend hours in the gym and be no where near the Pballer Bob Long is.

There are most certainly aspects of paintball that are not affected by ones weight. Do you even realize just how accomplished Bob Long is?

You're saying "Welll... Bob Long is good, But he'd be better if he was thin." NO!! Bob Long is Freakin Phenominal within his sport, AND HE'S FAT. We're not comparing all athletes/athleticism here. We're talking about skill regardless of stature.

I love the internet; it allows a degree of anonymity. If we had this conversation in public face to face I am sure this wouldn’t have been said.

:rolleyes: Somehow I think it would have. I would.

01-09-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I just don't want to see any videos of that kid acting like Paris...ever..

i dont know, it might be funny to see him taking it "the rich biach" way.


01-09-2004, 07:04 PM
gee i wish my parents would spend thousands on my paintball team :rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 07:11 PM
you can be fat and be the best athlete ever. It all depends on the sport and your position.

No sKiLLz
01-09-2004, 07:27 PM
Hahaha! Don't hate on Bear. It's not worth it. He will be the oldest virgin in paintball. Seriously, the kid can't even shoot fast.

I actually saw Bear on possibly the first day he started playing. He had a shiny red Angel and took it out on the lego field. Gramps was behind the net cheering him on (Gramps was cheering him by name and that's how I know it was him) and he went one on one with a kid packing a Spyder. Mind you this was about 5-6 years ago. Game is called, Bear takes back middle stand up. Sits there and peers around his bunker and then waits. The Spyder kid meanwhile is moving bunker to bunker shooting and bear is too scared to peer out again. Spyder kid gets to about the 30 when Bear decides to take a shot, and when he pokes out the Spyder kid hits him in his gun arm. Bear drops his shiny new angel in the dirt, falls down and starts crying. I just shook my head and walked away.

No need to hate a person like this. The lack of respect and women will be punishment enough.

01-09-2004, 07:32 PM
/start slightly off topic rant mode

Ok, the only thing I have to say is that all you little white kids who think your black, take a quick look in the mirror would ya? I am not at all racist, so dont try to pin that sh1t on me. My little sister is white as white gets, and I swear she thinks shes straigt outa Compton. I don't get it. You dont get respect from black kids ("real thugs") you dont get respect from white kids, so whats the f'in point? Please explain this to me. I see it all day at the High School I work at. Do you just not want to be respected? There is nothing worse in my opinion than white kids calling each other "my nigga". Additionally, just because Eminem can be a thug, doesnt give us white folks any "street cred". ROFL

/end slightly off topic rant mode

01-09-2004, 07:48 PM

I couldnt help it, and I was bored :p

But yeah, they should have their barrel condoms on. I bet they shoot squirrels and animals in their backyard too :mad:

01-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Someone should inform the fat 10 yar old in the red that getting shot isn't something you brag about, whether he shot himself or not.

01-09-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Hahaha! Don't hate on Bear. It's not worth it. He will be the oldest virgin in paintball. Seriously, the kid can't even shoot fast.

I actually saw Bear on possibly the first day he started playing. He had a shiny red Angel and took it out on the lego field. Gramps was behind the net cheering him on (Gramps was cheering him by name and that's how I know it was him) and he went one on one with a kid packing a Spyder. Mind you this was about 5-6 years ago. Game is called, Bear takes back middle stand up. Sits there and peers around his bunker and then waits. The Spyder kid meanwhile is moving bunker to bunker shooting and bear is too scared to peer out again. Spyder kid gets to about the 30 when Bear decides to take a shot, and when he pokes out the Spyder kid hits him in his gun arm. Bear drops his shiny new angel in the dirt, falls down and starts crying. I just shook my head and walked away.

No need to hate a person like this. The lack of respect and women will be punishment enough.
Are you saying his dad let him play when he was 6/7 years old? If so, crying might be understandable.

01-09-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Hahaha! Don't hate on Bear. It's not worth it. He will be the oldest virgin in paintball. Seriously, the kid can't even shoot fast.

I actually saw Bear on possibly the first day he started playing. He had a shiny red Angel and took it out on the lego field. Gramps was behind the net cheering him on (Gramps was cheering him by name and that's how I know it was him) and he went one on one with a kid packing a Spyder. Mind you this was about 5-6 years ago. Game is called, Bear takes back middle stand up. Sits there and peers around his bunker and then waits. The Spyder kid meanwhile is moving bunker to bunker shooting and bear is too scared to peer out again. Spyder kid gets to about the 30 when Bear decides to take a shot, and when he pokes out the Spyder kid hits him in his gun arm. Bear drops his shiny new angel in the dirt, falls down and starts crying. I just shook my head and walked away.

No need to hate a person like this. The lack of respect and women will be punishment enough.

there you go..No SKiLLz taking a page out of DB's handbook and calling a spade a spade...oh well...

01-09-2004, 08:41 PM
Im not sure he was braggin about getting hit, I think they were actually pointing out that he played on without getting caught. They came to pbc a couple times to practice teams there, big cheaters, but bear wasn't a dick. He was a cool guy, imo.

To the people dissing kids who have their parents buy their gear, give the kid a break, hes 12 years old. I know of no 12 year old who can go out and get a job without the use of nepotism. So what his parents cater(sp?) to paintball for him, that gives him an edge over everyone else in that he already has the highest end equipment, and is playing close to the highest level of paintball (or atleast alot better than regional tournaments). He may be butt arse ugly, but I bet him and his team will go far in paintball being that they are where they are already.

The loaded guns without barrel sleeves isn't a great image they're portraying... But to the people stating that these are the people who shoot out their eyes are wrong. Its kids who play in their woods or "backyard ball" without masks, refs, or a properly maintained staging area who end up getting hurt by paintball.

Paintball is becoming a heck of alot more professional every season, people's physique can have an effect on how well they perform, but it definately doesn't effect how well they play as a team, snapshoot, or take bounces (gotta have a little extra "meat").

my 2 cents...

01-09-2004, 08:57 PM
I don't believe physical size plays a very big factor in paintball... Really you wouldn't be that much bigger of a target, and I happen to be the fastest person on my team at the pleasantly chubby weight of 230 lbs (that's what happens when you play football for 4 years and squat 400 lbs).

01-09-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by freek133
Its kids who play in their woods or "backyard ball" without masks
I wonder why that is...probably because most tourny players are competent enough to know that when your gun is in the staging area, it has a condom on it. I don't care who that punk is, if he was around me with his gun like that I would tell him straight up.

01-09-2004, 09:14 PM
I could do my job and mow his face...then would I be gangsta cuz I capped him with my agg gat?

Just wondering

01-09-2004, 09:30 PM
Theres one advantage of woodsball. You have to deal with a lot less of the "Agg gat gangsta thugs." Sure, theres a lot of the weekend warriors in their ghillie suits, but at 31, I feel a bit more comfortable with that crowd.

01-09-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by freek133
I know of no 12 year old who can go out and get a job without the use of nepotism.

I'm 11, and I have a matrix. That I payed for:) Do you know how many lawns and how much random stuff I did? Alot. I'm not dissing him or anything, but he really should pay for SOMETHING. My 2 cents...

01-09-2004, 09:39 PM

You guys freak out over everything. I mean seriously, after sitting in the boiling sun all day watching xball games at chicago open I didn't see one pro put a barrel sock back in his gun. Even watching aftershock and the like practice at badlandz I never saw anyone put their barrel sock in. I guess I'm out of place. It seems like everyone on here still wants it to be like the old days when people wore old pants, a jersey, a backwards hat and a mask and shot a cocker, angel or mag. Times are changing and so is how paintballers dress. And guess what? Acting "gansta" is what everyone is dressing like, 3 years ago doo rags weren't popular, people didn't wear hats forwards, or shoot 15+ bps.

I don't know, I'm pretty jealous of his situation, your dad owns one of the best paintball fields in the whole world, you get all your tourney fees and everything paid for. I would love that, I can finally play the sport I love without worrying about costs.

01-09-2004, 09:52 PM
Mow him with your P.I.M.P agg gat, special dynasty edition...automaticly mows muppets.

Originally posted by SyntaxError
I could do my job and mow his face...then would I be gangsta cuz I capped him with my agg gat?

Just wondering

01-09-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by tony3
I don't know, I'm pretty jealous of his situation

You know, Im really not jealous... when that kid gets out in the real world and daddy's not there to give him money anymore hes in for a rude awakening.

01-09-2004, 10:02 PM
I hate that bear kid. I want to just kill him till he is dead. THENSOME! Spoiled brat he probly sucks. I mean look at him. I hope he dies!

01-09-2004, 10:54 PM
Sorry guy, gtrsi is right. You see very few professionals in other sports that are out of shape. Some guys may be overweight but in shape. ie football players who are "freaken huge." I am not a football player but I think it is a sure bet that they all work out. All profesionals in physical sports work out and maintain some type of condition. What GTRSI is refering to are the guys whos bellys come over their pack belts. If I didnt play paintball I would lose respect for the sport anytime I saw these players that where held at a profesional level.

01-09-2004, 11:05 PM
The huge 300 lb guys in the NFL are a lot faster and more fit than they appear. They work out all the time, they just want linemen to be large, since large guys work best there. Most of the large paintball players are not physically fit. There is a world of difference.

01-09-2004, 11:09 PM
They should just kick the fat kid in the red jersey off the team he looks like he can do nothing but negative for the team. I mean he cant even pose for a picture without shooting himself imagine what he is like on the field where it requires u run.

Oh and dont turn this into another spoiled kid jealousy thread that wouldnt be cool. Lets just make fun of him because he looks like a typical pbn poster. :p

Nick O time
01-10-2004, 12:13 AM
don't just hate him because of his gear. i know i would take all of it if i was him and so would almost all of you. just because you don't have that good of gear doesn't mean you should hate him. although i do dislike this kid with a passion becasue i can't stand wiggers.

01-10-2004, 12:29 AM
omg if you say this is a safety thing.. My god.. People are way to uptight.. Ok.. There not noobs.. There markers are facing the ground.. The picture was probablly staged..

Do you think a ball will accidently get shot from one of there guns which are probablly all off, bounce up from the ground and hit someone in the eye?

please.. These people don't make paintball look bad.. It's the people that flip out on a kid that forgets to put his barrell condom on.. Or the people that say an obviouslly staged picture looks bad because some pro-ballers who god forbid no nothing about paintball and what there doing :rolleyes: have there masks up and no barrel condom on while there guns are pointing at the ground.. This is so bad..

It's not like these guys are in the middle of a game with their masks up.

And yes.. The picture does look stupid.. It looks like a bunch of wiggers trying to act hard..

01-10-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

I love the internet; it allows a degree of anonymity. If we had this conversation in public face to face I am sure this wouldn’t have been said.

You have some serious race issues and you need to learn how to read. I never brought that into the equation. I don’t believe race has a dam thing to do with ones atheletism. You are the one that is quite close minded to link body type to race, of which little have to do with one another. Your five page tirade also denotes your extreme intelligence in the matter.

You can shoot holes in any "rule" or "stereotype" I post, however you cant tell me that if you took the same player plus 30lbs of fat v. that same player w/ 30lbs of additional muscle that the game isn’t going to be changed.

That the point of my post, if these guys were leaner we would see some very dynamic games..

spend more time reading my posts instead of rushing to start the flame

first off, if you think that i wouldnt say what i said, and more, to you to your face; lets meet up somewhere. im willing. i not an "internet tough guy" that goes around threatening people because i know they cant get to me. if you think you are big bad *** then prove it. youre not the only one that can play "internet tough guy", tough guy.

the whole point of your argument is that somebody cant/isnt good at a professional level of sports unless they fit the steriotype of a professional player. youre right, somebody with more muscle that fat COULD result in a different outcome of the game. that doesnt mean it will be a more "dynamic" game just because a guy is more of an athlete. i know completely athletic gym rats that are ripped and strong but have no coordination, finese, or skill at anything other than pumping weights. just because youre strong and athletic doesnt mean that you will have one ounce of skill at anything whatsoever.

i can tell you right now that i would take an absolutly amazing, 500 lbs player versus a ripped, lean mean killing machine, absolutly terrible player anyday. if you had any common sence you would too.

youre saying that you discriminate people against their wieght and not their race. they are both equally as bad and nothing but differing forms of unjust hatred.

01-10-2004, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

Did I mention anything about your team....... You can take it personal if you like but the average paintball player isnt really what I was aimed at although my mature post stated otherwise....

One day you will find a "fat kid" aiming at you. Maybe you havent yet realized that some people cant help being overweight, and it isnt up to them. But they still deserve everything you have. They deserve to have fun, and compete just like you. There isnt ANYTHING you can say to that. You got owned.

Quik, very, very funny picture!!

01-10-2004, 12:59 AM
Strong and athletic are not really the same. Someome can be either or. Really depends on the sport. A football player is both. A long distance runner and gym rats can sometime be complete opposites.

01-10-2004, 01:52 AM
lol middle kid looks like a homo hahahahaha

::cant stop laughing::

Chojin Man
01-10-2004, 02:52 AM
what about sumo wrestlers? those guys are mad fat and can still move pretty fast.

01-10-2004, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by spleefstylez
/start slightly off topic rant mode

Ok, the only thing I have to say is that all you little white kids who think your black, take a quick look in the mirror would ya? I am not at all racist, so dont try to pin that sh1t on me. My little sister is white as white gets, and I swear she thinks shes straigt outa Compton. I don't get it. You dont get respect from black kids ("real thugs") you dont get respect from white kids, so whats the f'in point? Please explain this to me. I see it all day at the High School I work at. Do you just not want to be respected? There is nothing worse in my opinion than white kids calling each other "my nigga". Additionally, just because Eminem can be a thug, doesnt give us white folks any "street cred". ROFL

/end slightly off topic rant mode

Duude! its urban, not talking "black".:D Have you heard black people from England talk? well, they sound british.

First of this thread started with a safety issue as a main concern. I know if i were the reff walking the staging area i would holler big time bout the barrel bag. I wouldnt care if the owner of the filed/team was right there. Waivers or not, i still would feel a good amount concern/responsibillity if someone lost and eye on my watch.

And heres the problem with pictures, "...worth a thousand words" It actually kinda makes me wonder what kind of attitudes of ya'll posters have. Im mean geez, they do a silly pose for the camera, like im sure all of have done before and your calling em a whigger? Grow up! "whiggers trying to act hard".

whatever. word.

Chance Buckman
01-10-2004, 04:17 AM
i am usually a lurker, but this fat argument is too rediculous for me to pass up. Sure some football players have advantages in being fat, but i cant see any advantages being fat would give you in paintball. It would make you slower. So dont use different sports to back up an argument about paintball. Second of all, Bob long is good, but if he was in better shape he would be able to think more clearly and move faster, thus making him better. Yes, fat people can be good at paintball, but if they lose weight they will be better, it is common sense.

01-10-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Chance Buckman
...Bob long is good, but if he was in better shape he would be able to think more clearly and move faster, thus making him better. Yes, fat people can be good at paintball, but if they lose weight they will be better, it is common sense.

That's about at logical as saying that I could type faster if I was thinner. Or I would be a better chess player if I lost weight. Or I could start a bonfire easier if I wasn't a big guy. As far as I know, there is no study that finds that thin people are smarter. So I fail to see how a lack of fat makes one's brain work better.

Oh, and FYI, <a href="http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/facts.html#brain">your brain is mostly fatty tissue</a>.


01-10-2004, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by tony3

You guys freak out over everything. I mean seriously, after sitting in the boiling sun all day watching xball games at chicago open I didn't see one pro put a barrel sock back in his gun. Even watching aftershock and the like practice at badlandz I never saw anyone put their barrel sock in.

I think this is part of the overall problem. I have seen that too. And I saw it on OLN as well.

I also saw the “pro’s” getting marked out in a game and NOT raising their markers over their heads to signal it either, but simply walking off the field. That is called the “dead man’s walk” in most places and I would have kept shooting the player.

Just because you see the “pro’s” do something does not make it acceptable, or even correct. And THAT goes to show the problem with these things. It filters down to the average player. And this is very dangerous.

I will say however, that I have taken posed shots without my barrel wrap on. It was however on my own PRIVATE PROPERTY, and I personally supervised it. These types of pictures CAN be taken safely, it all depends on the situation. The best thing in my opinion is to not get all worked up over what “may” be a safety violation in a photograph, but make sure that if you see one in person you take care of it.

As for equipment and clothes/uniforms…. I could personally care less. I now the clothes don’t make the player, nor does the equipment. I never underestimate ANY player, nor do I ever over estimate them either. And I know that on any given day, ANY player can get lucky, even a fat 13 year old.

Which brings me to the “fat” issue. I will not argue that there are great “fat” athletes. I WILL argue though that they play in sports that it can be an asset IF they stay in relatively good physical shape in spite of their weight, and if they use it to their advantage. Most of these “fat” athletes are in sports where physical contact is made though (a point most are blatantly ignoring here)… and guess what? Fat is NOT an asset in paintball no matter what some may want to believe.

Does that mean people who are heavy can’t be good paintball players? HECK NO! They can be FANTASTIC paintball players. But to think the average heavy person has the stamina, endurance, speed, etc. of someone who is much thinner and in shape is ludicrous. I will point out though, that the same can be said about really skinny players as well. This is an issue that goes BOTH ways.

If folks want to believe they are supermen no matter how fat they are, fine. It does not bother me one bit. Nor does it make it true. But I would not refuse to play on a team with someone who is overweight either…. I could care less.

And I will also point out (as was stated earlier by another member), that there is a HUGE difference (no pun intended) between a 25-35 year old man who is 30-50 lbs overweight (or more) and a 13 year old BOY who is. And I will not even bother explaining why.

I think though, that the “fat boy” comments were meant to indicate that when the public gets the impression that to be a pro (or to play with the pro’s) takes no special abilities (over that of fancy jerseys and expensive equipment) and that a fat child is an indication of what it takes, it is hard to look at the sport as a seriously athletic one. And I would agree with that statement.

But I also know that there is much more to the sport than “tournament ball”, and honestly I could care less what type of player people think they themselves are. And I know the vast majority of players will never win a tournament, nor even PLAY in one (at least not at the upper levels)… no matter if they have a “team” or not. And rich kids are only given a way into the game at certain levels; it will not help them when on the field. If they suck, they suck, and the paint will prove that.

01-10-2004, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Tyger
Oh, and FYI, <a href="http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/facts.html#brain">your brain is mostly fatty tissue</a>.

But so are BREASTS. ;) Does that mean women with big breasts are smarter?

While I don’t disagree that fat does not make you less smart and losing weight does not make you smarter…. It is smart to lose weight, and for many reasons. And the fact that the brain is mostly made up of “fatty tissue” is irrelevant.

01-10-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by shartley

But so are BREASTS. ;) Does that mean women with big breasts are smarter?

While I don’t disagree that fat does not make you less smart and losing weight does not make you smarter…. It is smart to lose weight, and for many reasons. And the fact that the brain is mostly made up of “fatty tissue” is irrelevant.

and how you look and how you play are also irrelevant

01-10-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by dansim
and how you look and how you play are also irrelevant
Yes, it is… on the field. And I think I even stated as much.

Good players come in all shapes and sizes. So do bad players.

But I think people were talking about “impressions”, and “perceptions”. And I have yet to see anyone point out a valid argument to counter that. All I see is folks wanting to argue that “fat people can be good players”, which is true, but does not tell the whole truth.

To argue that being overweight is not a handicap no matter HOW good of a player you are is kind of silly. That just goes against simple logic and cold hard reality. If a good player who is overweight was to lose the extra weight, he/she would be a better player simply for that fact alone. They would be able to move quicker, be a smaller target, and have more stamina…. simply by losing the extra weight alone.

01-10-2004, 11:24 AM
yeah i think you guys are over thinking this if the guy is in shape he will play better because he can run faster when he needs to, keep playing at a fast pace the whole game without getting as tired, etc, etc.

01-10-2004, 11:53 AM
Few comments before I start in on some of the real morons....

Some of you guys need to invest time in critical thinking skills and learn to remove yourself from the subject and view it as subjectivly as possible.

Your phycsical state, for most of us, is dynamic. (If you cant figure out what that means print this post and ask mommy or daddy;)). I am on a little three man team. I am the smallest guy on our team at about 5'11". My other 2 buds are 6'3", 6'4". Guess what we can only play at so many feilds becuase my buds cant fit in some bunkers. I am not in wonderfull shape, but these two guys are. You think they whine and cry about being tall? DO you have any idea the intimidation when we take the feild?

I am talking about body fat and body structer as it relates to the game. Sure its nice to look hard but to use that in the game is a huge asset.

WHERE THE HECK DID I SAY FAT FOLKS CANY PLAY? You guys really need to learn how to read. If it pisses you off sit back read the post again and then post. Most of you that get pissy and post are going to die of a heart attack at a young age. All i said is that our current stock of pros are going to be severally out matched in the next few years if they dont start taking cross trainning very seriously. The younger guys running around now are dam fast and will destroy pro paintball when they gain those skills.

Fat is NOT an asset in paintball no matter what some may want to believe.

good post shartly!

Does that mean people who are heavy can’t be good paintball players? HECK NO!

Agreed, some of the best guys I have played with are your average dad that has been playing for 10-15 years... however this is changing fast...

and how you look and how you play are also irrelevant

Maybe for rec ball.... you want to create a presence before, durring, and after the game. This is called the mental game and yes your physical attributes make a big difference.... If you dont understand how or why I posted that you need to play other sports(not aimed at you dan)

One day you will find a "fat kid" aiming at you. Maybe you havent yet realized that some people cant help being overweight, and it isnt up to them. But they still deserve everything you have. They deserve to have fun, and compete just like you. There isnt ANYTHING you can say to that. You got owned.

agin not talking about you.... sure there are better heavier players out there but I am not talking about your run of the mill player. If you have been playing paintball isntead of posting you would know that games can go either way and one elimnation doesnt make you king. Actaully read my posts instead of looking for funny pics and you might learn something ;)

first off, if you think that i wouldnt say what i said, and more, to you to your face; lets meet up somewhere.

I love the internet tuff guy crap. All it does is make you look like a moron. You can clearly see I live in houston and your in VA. Act your age and grow up..

So dont use different sports to back up an argument about paintball.
Chance got my back!

If I didnt play paintball I would lose respect for the sport anytime I saw these players that where held at a profesional level.

Brightman's got my back!

well professional players tends to mean they have a regular excercise sessions etc to keep in top shape (i do believe dynasty is one of those) while pretty much anyone can play, that doesnt make them a pro

Future mag has my back!

hmm... maybe there is some hope still left here?:)

01-10-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by shartley

While I don’t disagree that fat does not make you less smart and losing weight does not make you smarter…. It is smart to lose weight, and for many reasons. And the fact that the brain is mostly made up of “fatty tissue” is irrelevant.

Well, just going to the theory of "No fat makes you smarter", if you lose all the fat in the head, odds are you won't be smart no more. :rolleyes:

Now me, I'm 6'4", 250 pounds. I'm not a small guy. I'm actually VERY happy with my weight, even though I'm over the "optimal". Why? Bouncers. I get 'em off my big, overweight body. I'm still fast enough to make my spots, And agile enough to get into most bunkers (except those annoying tiny things they make just to annoy me...)

I'm not a stick on steroids. Big guys rock the game.

Now if you want to really pick a fight, how many paintball "athletes" smoke?


01-10-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
Well, just going to the theory of "No fat makes you smarter", if you lose all the fat in the head, odds are you won't be smart no more. :rolleyes:

Now me, I'm 6'4", 250 pounds. I'm not a small guy. I'm actually VERY happy with my weight, even though I'm over the "optimal". Why? Bouncers. I get 'em off my big, overweight body. I'm still fast enough to make my spots, And agile enough to get into most bunkers (except those annoying tiny things they make just to annoy me...)

I'm not a stick on steroids. Big guys rock the game.

Now if you want to really pick a fight, how many paintball "athletes" smoke?

Actually…. I was not trying to pick a fight. If I WAS, you sure as heck would now it. ;) But smoking….. Yes you can argue that. But I will counter with the FACT that when I was in the Service AND when I was a Cop, I used to run an average of 8 miles a day, work out regularly, AND smoked 3 packs of cigarettes each day. :D I guess for ANY situation we can find exceptions to the rules….. and that was not what was being discussed now, was it? Nope.

Also, we were not discussing what YOU were very happy with personally, were we? Nope. We were talking FACTS about weight. And more so, not just weight, but body fat ratio.

And last but not least, I have never heard of a single diet that would reduce BRAIN FAT. That is not how it works. In fact far from it. And I think you will see that I AGREE that losing weight does not make you smarter, even if it is smarter to do so if possible. But I didn’t see anyone say “No fat makes you smarter”, that is a stretch that you made from what another member posted.

I am very happy that you are pleased and comfortable with your weight. But I again state that brain fat is still irrelevant, as was the other member stating that losing weight helps you think more clearly (which I will point out is not the same as “smarter”).

;) It’s all good.

01-10-2004, 04:17 PM
Little Chubster, ive seen that stupid gangsta kid in so many magazines. I would love to play that poser any day.

01-10-2004, 04:32 PM
there barrels are pointing at the ground dont worry about it! you forget your saftey stuff to sometimes it isnt going to kill any of you guys just chill

No sKiLLz
01-10-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Are you saying his dad let him play when he was 6/7 years old? If so, crying might be understandable.

Which brings up another interesting point. Minimum age to play at SC Village is 10. WTH was he doing out there in the first place with a $12-1300 marker? Of course the kid thinks he's immune to rules.

01-10-2004, 05:33 PM
If I might make a statement about your brain being made up mostly of fatty tissue, well, that's somewhat untrue.

Your nerves have a coating called melanin (or something. it's been a few years since I took IB Biology my senior year of HS, the exact terms sometimes leave me), and it is insulation for your nerves. This is NOT the kind of fat your body burns. Your body burns fat molecules created from food that was not digested. If it's already fat that you injested, it stays fat and stays in your body. The fatty acids covering your nerve tissue (yes, this is the brain as well. fyi for those who don't know, the brain is a HUGE mass of nerve cells) are NOT burned.

HOWEVER, there is a syndrome that does cause the body to do this. It's very rare, and it is very deadly in it's advanced stages. A movie was made about one of the first discovered cases of this and it's called Lorenzo's Oil. Watch it if you want to get a lesson in unchained fatty acids ;).

01-10-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Tyger

Now me, I'm 6'4", 250 pounds. I'm not a small guy. I'm actually VERY happy with my weight, even though I'm over the "optimal". Why? Bouncers. I get 'em off my big, overweight body. I'm still fast enough to make my spots, And agile enough to get into most bunkers (except those annoying tiny things they make just to annoy me...)

Bouncers are a big issue. I would rather have a 350 lb back guy who takes 10 bouncers a game than a 160 lb back guy who is going to get out on the first shot. And you don't have to be fast to play back...

As for image, when people see that all the back guys are big and all the front guys are small it will show the world that we actually ARE a real sport. You won't see a 150 lb lineman on the Carolina panthers, and there shouldn't be any skin-and-bone guys playing back. It will show that we have developed into a sport where little things like excess body fat can be used strategically.

01-10-2004, 06:31 PM
Yes, the substance is myelin. It is formed in sheathes by a unnucleated cell known as a Schwan's cell, which rolls up around your nerve's axons, thus insulating them. This allows impulses to travel along the more quickly, with less chance of error. So, your brain contains a lot of fat, but it isn't really the "working" parts.

And Shartley, there has been some speculation (although it is difficult to determine without very long-term studies) that not allowing an intake in certain fats (i.e. fat free diets) can actually cause depletion of the myelin over long periods of time, which may lead to degenerative disorders such as CP, and Parkinson's, if I can remember correctly. Another reason to eat fish and olive oil!

01-10-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by cockermongol
Bouncers are a big issue. I would rather have a 350 lb back guy who takes 10 bouncers a game than a 160 lb back guy who is going to get out on the first shot. And you don't have to be fast to play back...

As for image, when people see that all the back guys are big and all the front guys are small it will show the world that we actually ARE a real sport. You won't see a 150 lb lineman on the Carolina panthers, and there shouldn't be any skin-and-bone guys playing back. It will show that we have developed into a sport where little things like excess body fat can be used strategically.
I hope you are joking. If not…….

There is a REASON why football players are sized the way they are and no one in their right mind could compare that to PAINTBALL and player positions. And I simply laugh at “using little things like excess body fat strategically”. You may be able to convince me that fat back players are there because they can’t run as fast and make better stationary players, but NEVER that they are there so that paint bounces off of them.

Come on folks……


01-10-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by rx2
Yes, the substance is myelin. It is formed in sheathes by a unnucleated cell known as a Schwan's cell, which rolls up around your nerve's axons, thus insulating them. This allows impulses to travel along the more quickly, with less chance of error. So, your brain contains a lot of fat, but it isn't really the "working" parts.

And Shartley, there has been some speculation (although it is difficult to determine without very long-term studies) that not allowing an intake in certain fats (i.e. fat free diets) can actually cause depletion of the myelin over long periods of time, which may lead to degenerative disorders such as CP, and Parkinson's, if I can remember correctly. Another reason to eat fish and olive oil!
Can you possibly reach any further to try to prove a nonexistent point? We are not talking about some RARE disorders, or stopping from eating certain fats. We are talking about losing excess weight to a more healthy weight and better physical conditioning.

I don’t think you will find ONE Doctor who will disagree that losing excess weight is a GOOD thing, and that it will not only help in sporting activities, but will help in every day life and general health issues.

And I don’t think you will find ONE Doctor that will stand up and say that reducing weight by healthy dieting and exercising will lead to CP, Parkinson’s, or any other disorder.

Come on folks……. (second time I have had to say that).

01-10-2004, 06:50 PM
You have grossly missed my point. I was
A. Helping clear up Sir-Brass's statement
B. Telling you of a diet that could reduce brain fat, considering you stated that you have never heard of one.

I am not saying people shouldn't loose weight, or that fat paintball players are just a fit as any others. You stated that there is not diet that could cause the mentioned effects, but some researchers who actually study in the field of nutrition and physiology say there is. Also, I know of many people who cut out fats all together in an attempt to loose weight. Most loose very little, as we don't convert fat to more fat the way most people think.

Also, most doctors know very little about real nutrition. I have seen much of the curriculum in medical schools, and surprisingly little is covered concerning nutrition. Actually, some of the things I hear doctors say amaze me, although it shouldn't considering pharmaceutical kick-backs.

ANYHOW, I actually agree with your statements. Being in shape (when done properly) IS good, and CAN help your game, as well as lots of other things.

01-10-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I don’t think you will find ONE Doctor who will disagree that losing excess weight is a GOOD thing, and that it will not only help in sporting activities, but will help in every day life and general health issues.

And I think fat guys are better back players than skinny guys.

01-10-2004, 06:58 PM
I should also state that I also strongly agree that the average person, who knows nothing about paintball, would most likely get the wrong impression about the sport when they see fat twelve-year old kids playing at a "pro" level. In fact, I have had people tell me this. Or, they will ask "how can it be a sport with so many fat people playing?" I have gotten that question quite a few times. So, even without considering the actual physical aspect, it does give some naieve people the wrong impression.

01-10-2004, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by rx2
You have grossly missed my point. I was
A. Helping clear up Sir-Brass's statement
B. Telling you of a diet that could reduce brain fat, considering you stated that you have never heard of one.

I am not saying people shouldn't loose weight, or that fat paintball players are just a fit as any others. You stated that there is not diet that could cause the mentioned effects, but some researchers who actually study in the field of nutrition and physiology say there is. Also, I know of many people who cut out fats all together in an attempt to loose weight. Most loose very little, as we don't convert fat to more fat the way most people think.

Also, most doctors know very little about real nutrition. I have seen much of the curriculum in medical schools, and surprisingly little is covered concerning nutrition. Actually, some of the things I hear doctors say amaze me, although it shouldn't considering pharmaceutical kick-backs.

ANYHOW, I actually agree with your statements. Being in shape (when done properly) IS good, and CAN help your game, as well as lots of other things.
Ahhhh. Okay, that makes more sense. Thanks.

And I stand corrected… there CAN be an EXTREME NO FAT diet that MAY cause some brain problems (although I don’t know if that is actually the reduction of brain mass) if done on an extremely long timeframe.

I will also say though that I was not referring to reducing your fat intake (to reduce weight), but reducing your body fat percentage. And they are not the same thing. ;)

I think most of us thinking logically and rationally, as well as from a detached position, agree on this issue. :) The rest are actually non-relevant side issues that although are quite interesting, don’t really apply to the general points made in this thread.

01-10-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by cockermongol

And I think fat guys are better back players than skinny guys.

And you are free to think that all you want. But your opinion on that issue is not supported by your other post. And that is what I was saying.

If you can show me some proof that fat guys actually DO make better back players than skinny guys I will give you that point. But you CAN’T. And why? Because being a back player, and a good one, does not depend on FAT… it depends on not getting hit, having good aim, having good field and player awareness, having good communication with your other teammates, and other things that do not hinge on FAT.

I would argue that the better player is one that does not get HIT, not one that can bounce balls off their body.

01-10-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by rx2
I should also state that I also strongly agree that the average person, who knows nothing about paintball, would most likely get the wrong impression about the sport when they see fat twelve-year old kids playing at a "pro" level. In fact, I have had people tell me this. Or, they will ask "how can it be a sport with so many fat people playing?" I have gotten that question quite a few times. So, even without considering the actual physical aspect, it does give some naieve people the wrong impression.
And I have seen this too. It is indeed unfortunate, but predictable.

I just tell people there are many levels of play and many types of games. I also tell them that in every type of game there are many skill levels, and just because you can “field a team” that you are going to WIN, or be any good. Just playing with others that ARE good does not mean YOU are good too….

Me personally… I just play the game. I judge MY skill by my last game and if I am getting better, or how much fun I am having. Like I have posted time and again, for me it is not about who wins. It is about how hard I push myself and if am enjoying the game. :D

01-10-2004, 07:09 PM
If you are a back player and are "physically fit", then I argue that if you put on another 100 lbs of fat it would not affect your game. At all. That's what I'm saying.

01-10-2004, 07:11 PM
No its not COOL Ov3rmind

Originally posted by Ov3rmind
Because at that level they have an obligation to follow the rules, especially when they're being watched by so many people. That and anyone who encourages this sort of behavior is bad for paintball in general, and I don't want to feel those effects.

goggles up = condoms on.
it ain't hard. And its not about worrying about yourself only, if that kid shoots ME in the eye because he don't have a barrel condom on, is that my fault Mindflux?

Like car insurance. Its like you going out now and saying
"hey its ok, I have never crashed.....why should I get insurance?"

its the others i worry about, and goggles are a must.

Very true. Very true.
Though, I would like to tell you about the hunting safety calss that I went through when I was a bit younger. One of the instructors picked up a .22 bolt action rifle. He showed us a .22 round, and put it in the chamber then closed the bolt. Then, he put the safety in the ON position. He then picked up a hammer and said, "This is a rock." tapper the end of the bolt with the hammer and the gun went off.
Well, I do agree that the use of mechcanical safeties or turning the marker off is important, but on the same token, would you bet an eye that those are totally 100% beyond all reproach effective? I would not. You can never be too safe around projectile weapons.
Aside form the obivious safety hazards, it does set a bad example for younger players (and some older ones). They see a bunch of guys looking "cool" and at the same time breaking safety protocals. Then it's just a case of monkey see, moneky do.
And, if that is the kind of safety lapses that his dad allows to go on at his park, then well... I think some one needs to report it to the proper autorities. How is it going to look when a marker goes off the next time they are trying to look something akin to paintballs answer to the backstreet boys or n'sync and someone near by goes blind from a few accidently discharged paintballs from a cool, gangster player? I'd rather not think of the explaination the he would have to make to the insurance company. ("Well, he tought that it would be a cool photo op...")

So many rants, so little time...

Like I really wanna be around some of you with real fire arms. Accidents dont happen they are caused.

I got ur back Tyger lets go set some examples

The thread started out good then went south

01-10-2004, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by cockermongol
If you are a back player and are "physically fit", then I argue that if you put on another 100 lbs of fat it would not affect your game. At all. That's what I'm saying.
Ummmm, no. That was NOT what you were saying, nor what you said. You may want to go back and read what you actually wrote.

But if this is what you are saying NOW… I would still strongly disagree. Putting on an additional 100 pounds of fat will not only have an affect on a person’s paintball game, but it would have quite an affect on every aspect in their lives.

I just think you want to disagree. And that is fine. But please use a rational argument.

01-10-2004, 07:18 PM
Well, I don't care what others think about paintball, either. People also call me a gun nut, and think I am in a militia because I own and operate many different firearms, for purely recreation purpouses (I don't even hunt). But, I keep on shooting.

And to cockermongol, a fit person with a few extra pounds is different that an unfit person who has never been thin. I went to a school that had a legacy of football championships, and there were many large men who could outrun me in a most humiliating fasion. But, they had a very strong athletic background, with lots of cross-training. Whilst many like to blame other factors, many people are overweight because they are out of shape, and do nothing to change this. It is these types if sedentary folks that could benefit from being in shape. It is easier on your joints, your heart, your lungs, and, becuase you generally play better when you feel better, it affects your game. But, yes, a backplayer who was very fit could probably put on 20 or more pounds and not notice (although 100 may be a bit extreme).

01-10-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by rx2
Well, I don't care what others think about paintball, either. People also call me a gun nut, and think I am in a militia because I own and operate many different firearms, for purely recreation purpouses (I don't even hunt). But, I keep on shooting.

LOL Too true. And my in-laws used to be the same way. We could never even mention the word paintball around them.

I am happy to say that they have changed their opinions. And that was because of education. You just have to show them that they are wrong… not by arguing with them, but by actions. They now support me and the sport….. which is good since it is how I feed my kids and pay the bills. LOL

01-10-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Putting on an additional 100 pounds of fat will not only have an affect on a person’s paintball game, but it would have quite an affect on every aspect in their lives.

Simply untrue. Because back players require no physical attributes besides a fast trigger finger, they could weigh 500 lbs and it would not take any affect on their game.

Maybe YOU should re-read what I said - I never said fat guys were the best all around players (which seems to be what you're implying by saying losing weight would help your "game"), but instead my entire argument is on the basis that any fat person could perform the back player position as good or better than that of a slim person.

Back to my original statement about bouncers, example: George is an excellent skinny back player, then puts on 100 lbs. Does he lose back player skill? No! Absolutely not! What I'm saying (and don't say I'm not saying it cause that's what I'm saying ;) ) is the player, George in this case, would not only play his position just as well, but maybe even better because of the fat tit bounce factor. If a soft plastic mask can make bouncers possible, then a 3-inch layer of jell-o all around your body will greatly increase bouncers as well.

By the way.. did anyone see the Rams vs Panthers game? (good stuff)

01-10-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by shartley

They now support me and the sport….. which is good since it is how I feed my kids and pay the bills. LOL

Hard to argue with that;)

01-10-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Tyger

I'm not a stick on steroids. Big guys rock the game.

Now if you want to really pick a fight, how many paintball "athletes" smoke?


I resemble that comment! Pack a day smoker here...I was trying to quit, then I got divorced...now I'm remarried...ugh...lung cancer, here I come!

However, you people are missing another bounce producing possibility here...body hair.

I'm pretty average physically...5'10", 183...but I'm a hairball (hence the nickname 'Furby') and I can and do get bouncers off my CHEST!

Hairless children...pfft.

01-10-2004, 09:54 PM
even better: huge full length beards all the way down to your belt. Would work just like a ghillie suit, but be a natural pball net :D. get lit up in full charge and be picking intact balls out of your beard :D.

01-10-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass
even better: huge full length beards all the way down to your belt. Would work just like a ghillie suit, but be a natural pball net :D. get lit up in full charge and be picking intact balls out of your beard :D. then they should go to the nearest federal facility!:)

01-10-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by cockermongol

Simply untrue. Because back players require no physical attributes besides a fast trigger finger, they could weigh 500 lbs and it would not take any affect on their game.

Wow that is pretty wrong, but its your opinion so here is my take.

Back players direct traffic for the guys upfront. at some point you will begin to lose the tape or your boys at the 50ft. there is going to be a turning point in the game where the back players heafty ace is going to have to move and play a different postion. Its called a clutch player, well in my book. The back is the hardest postion to play because you are responsible for the whole field AND filling in when needed!

Shoot its your game play how you like. Die in the back all alone if you like ;)

If a soft plastic mask can make bouncers possible, then a 3-inch layer of jell-o all around your body will greatly increase bouncers as well.

One of the goals of paintball is to not get hit. getting any bouncers just means you screwed up and are pretty lucky, this is a poor assest since there are a number of areas on any paintballer that are hard surfaces that can be used as targets...

Chance Buckman
01-11-2004, 12:01 AM
being in shape, aka not fat, will make you a better back player, because people who are in shape are able to think more clearly because their bodies work more efficiently. This is a proven fact.

01-11-2004, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Chance Buckman
being in shape, aka not fat, will make you a better back player, because people who are in shape are able to think more clearly because their bodies work more efficiently. This is a proven fact.
hah a proven fact! what BS!

01-11-2004, 01:13 AM
actually, you do feel ALOT better if you're in shape, and you do your best thinking on you feet when you're feeling your best.

01-11-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Chance Buckman
being in shape, aka not fat, will make you a better back player, because people who are in shape are able to think more clearly because their bodies work more efficiently. This is a proven fact.

/me wonders why jocks aren't all geniuses then, if this is true. :p

Being in better shape allows you to be more athletic.

01-11-2004, 01:19 AM
I said think on your feet, not overall intelligence. ;) b/c if you're in better shape, then you can be very active and still think clearly b/c you're not trying to catch your breath all the time ;).

01-11-2004, 01:27 AM
Understandably. But if you're good at something, you can still do better than everyone else regardless. Being in shape which can help mental quickness, just makes you that much better. But you can't say that just because someone is out of shape that they won't do well... they just might not do as well as they could. And even that could be plenty good enough, and still better than what others are doing.

01-11-2004, 02:24 AM
Agreed. I said what I did to counter those folks who were saying to let a backman get good while he's real fit, then have him put on the fat. Not good. A player will ALWAYS be better when he's physically fit than when he's overweight, period. Even if he's not that great when he's fit, he'll be better than if he's overweight. And if he's overweight, but skilled, then he'll be even more effective as a player if he gets himself physically fit.

01-11-2004, 04:20 AM
keep talking all of your fat crap.i am 6'3 300 lbs(most of it in the legs) and 16 years old(woudln't be as big if i didn't break my ankle and sit around all summer but still) but being as big as i am u may think i am as fast as a turtle but really i am as slow as a rabbit. come play against me and i will show you i am as athletic as most(i will even bunker you):D. for god sakes i ride a bmx bike and i am dam good at it too. but every1 think u must be skinny to ride a bmx bike to be good and get onto a 3 foot ledge. people are always sterotyping me in bmx and paintball and until yo see me play you can't say crap. i know many other large bmx'ers too and they rock the bmx world. my friend micah is around 320 lbs and can backflip as good as koji kraft.(for those of you who don't know koji he is a pro and one of the best)

and i am only dieting for the ladies. so i can stay in the game lol;)

01-11-2004, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Actually…. I was not trying to pick a fight.

Dude. Decaf.

Apparently, subtle humor is lost here. Perhaps if I put in more "smiles" and LOL's, the satire would get through.

Oh, I'll put away the subtle humor and go straight for the brute-force club of comedy.

**ahem, picks up brute force comedy club**


**shivers and puts down the club**

I can't do it. Nope, not gonna happen.

Stuff meant in jest. I didn't realise that this thread, originally about some kid named "Bear", got so deathly serious all the sudden. I guess it's a matter of poking fun at yourself and having it taken as "Written in stone law". I'll back down now, and go play some X-box live. I've got my voice mask set just right, I sound like "Strong Bad" now.


01-11-2004, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by cockermongol

Simply untrue. Because back players require no physical attributes besides a fast trigger finger, they could weigh 500 lbs and it would not take any affect on their game.

Maybe YOU should re-read what I said - I never said fat guys were the best all around players (which seems to be what you're implying by saying losing weight would help your "game"), but instead my entire argument is on the basis that any fat person could perform the back player position as good or better than that of a slim person.

Back to my original statement about bouncers, example: George is an excellent skinny back player, then puts on 100 lbs. Does he lose back player skill? No! Absolutely not! What I'm saying (and don't say I'm not saying it cause that's what I'm saying ;) ) is the player, George in this case, would not only play his position just as well, but maybe even better because of the fat tit bounce factor. If a soft plastic mask can make bouncers possible, then a 3-inch layer of jell-o all around your body will greatly increase bouncers as well.

Look kid, it is more than obvious that you can’t express what you mean, nor can you read what you actually wrote. It is also obvious that you don’t know as much about the game of paintball as you think you do.

You also said fat players were better than “skinny” players, even if just for ONE position. I never claimed you said they were better all around players.

I am through discussing this with you. Think what you want.

Originally posted by gtrsi
Wow that is pretty wrong, but its your opinion so here is my take.

Back players direct traffic for the guys upfront. at some point you will begin to lose the tape or your boys at the 50ft. there is going to be a turning point in the game where the back players heafty ace is going to have to move and play a different postion. Its called a clutch player, well in my book. The back is the hardest postion to play because you are responsible for the whole field AND filling in when needed!

Shoot its your game play how you like. Die in the back all alone if you like ;)

One of the goals of paintball is to not get hit. getting any bouncers just means you screwed up and are pretty lucky, this is a poor assest since there are a number of areas on any paintballer that are hard surfaces that can be used as targets...
Thank you. Your assessment of Back Players is dead on.

And relying on FAT (or any bounce inducing thing) leads to lazy playing, and reduces skill, not adds to it. The game is about marking an opponent while not being hit yourself… not seeing how many balls you can make bounce off you.

I was joking as well. ;) If you look, I attempted to put winks and smiles in strategic places.

Now…. as for everything else. I will no longer discuss this issue. LOL It seems that we have hit “that wall”, and anything worth saying has been said.

01-11-2004, 07:14 AM
cockermongol And I think fat guys are better back players than skinny guys

name a top successful Pro team with a fat back guy.

01-11-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Now…. as for everything else. I will no longer discuss this issue. LOL It seems that we have hit “that wall”, and anything worth saying has been said.

I should have never brought it up, lol. O well you know its a good topic when the pages keep going.

01-11-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
The huge 300 lb guys in the NFL are a lot faster and more fit than they appear. They work out all the time, they just want linemen to be large, since large guys work best there. Most of the large paintball players are not physically fit. There is a world of difference.
I'm fat, i play paintball. But i'm also a lineman and I work out alot and im pretty phisically fit for weighing as much as I do..

01-11-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Bolter

name a top successful Pro team with a fat back guy.
Your wrong, just becouse someones fat it doesnt mean that they are out of shape and they suck at all phisical activities. But then again the sport is still young and there arent too many pro teams that have developed yet.;)

01-12-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by GhillieGuy

I'm fat, i play paintball. But i'm also a lineman and I work out alot and im pretty phisically fit for weighing as much as I do..

There's a big difference between being fat and being heavy. One means you have alot of fat. The other means you're either fat, or you have alot of muscle. I assume that since you're a lineman and work out and are physically fit, that your weight comes from the muscle on your body. This is not what we're talking about.

We're talking about people who are large and heavy due to excessive amounts of fat molecules stored in their bodies, not large amounts on toned muscle ;).

01-12-2004, 01:43 AM
you dont see the main advantage to being fat? its clearly surface area..
hes trying to have as much room to strap on pods as he can it doesnt matter that he can barely move himself and the 3 cases hes carrying out with him he doesnt have to hell shoot at 20bps with some special hi tech glove that pumps the trigger for you and just hose the field down all cause hes fast
me im a thin guy i weigh in at about 140lbs at 5'8" i dont even carry pods i just go out with my 50rnds and i have fun