View Full Version : Full-head covering on mask?

01-08-2004, 11:15 PM
I was flipping through this month's APG and saw a JT mask with what looks like a full-head cover attached to it. It extends back from the visor and replaces a hat or beanie. It's on page 73, if anyone wants to look.

Has anyone else seen this mask? I probably just missed a model or something...

01-08-2004, 11:18 PM
I saw something like that in wal-mart.

I had to laugh... Although when I thought about it for a while, It does suck to get beaned in the back of the head.

Still looks rediculous...

01-08-2004, 11:20 PM
I've seen one of those at the field, they are very strange.

01-08-2004, 11:24 PM
I saw a kid wearing a sk8bord helmate once

01-08-2004, 11:25 PM
Alright, I took a bit more time to research.


I dunno, it could grow on me. Only if it came in olive to match my Spectra 260.

01-08-2004, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Ginjiroku
I've seen one of those at the field, they are very strange.
Same thought here. And they sell them at walmart, and I belive JT makes them.

01-08-2004, 11:28 PM
As a matter of fact ym lil bro bought one of those (forgot his mask, saw that, cheap,s o he bought it)

Those are more for the little kids that can't handle a hit do a soft area like the head as well as us older people.

PS If you paint one of those green it looks like a hobgoblin mask, just missing the yellow eyes.

01-08-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Rather
...Those are more for the little kids that can't handle a hit do a soft area like the head as well as us older people...

...because paintball is becoming more popular among infants...:p

01-08-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
...because paintball is becoming more popular among infants...:p LOL!

Am I the only one that thinks it actually has some asthetic quality?

01-08-2004, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by abarnhar
...Am I the only one that thinks it actually has some asthetic quality?
umm... yes.:p

Edit just out of curiousity, I clicked on the link... "maybe if I look at it hard enough, it will look good..."

I didnt get the chance, as I was distracted by the meaning of true aesthetic value (http://www.jtusa.com/2003/promotional/promotionalSpokesmodel_Chelsea.asp)

01-09-2004, 12:00 AM
We've come a long way since shop goggles.

01-09-2004, 12:00 AM
my bro picked up one of those. cut up some strips of camo cloth and sewed it in the top, painted it a bit, including the mouth piece. It now looks like he is some kinda freakish monster out on the field. it actually looks sorta good, I guess.

01-09-2004, 02:11 AM
I don't think it looks THAT bad....

But then again, it doesn't look that good either, lol.
Well, if it'll get the proper authority figures to think of paintball as more safe than it already is, I'm all for it (not that I'll ever buy/sell/wear/or promote them :rolleyes: ).

01-09-2004, 04:16 AM

those are way better :) just got mine to and is it nice fits like a charm although the strap connectors are a little rough but hey looks and feals great so far :) just dont like the chin strap

01-09-2004, 05:50 AM
they have em at the local shop. they look funny and are really uncomfertable. pretty cheap and good idea for little kids though.

01-09-2004, 06:23 AM
I don’t like the looks of them. Plus it is just more to clean if you get hit….. and makes headshot eliminations easier.

I prefer a backwards ball cap, Ban-Du. Bandana, or similar head covering…. And they all have been known to bounce a few shots.

But to each their own.

01-09-2004, 07:22 AM
The're hotter than h*** to wear.

But it's all soft rubber, so maybe you might get bounces off the top.

Wasted Rabbit
01-09-2004, 07:28 AM
I really dont care for the looks of them. :rolleyes:

01-09-2004, 07:44 AM
Nope they dont bounce paint. Infact they act as funnels to turn hellfire into solid goo in peoples hair.

01-09-2004, 09:47 AM
Whilst I understand that they don't look "cool" and are probably very hot when worn, they are intended for as full as possible protection ...A player may not feel the need for this kind of protection but a REF certainly does, the arguement that could now follow about a ref being in a firing lane deserves to get hit, is just so wrong on so many levels. A ref who gets hit in the head through the spray and pray tactics of so many players now is out of the game and so cannot do an effective job, with this kind of goggle he will be able to remain in the game and do his/her job..same can be said for that body armour that was linked to a few weeks ago...for a player no not right but for a ref...perfect. As regardless of how good all you players think you are at accurate shooting..if you were that good then you would only need 10 balls maximum ;) Blind firing 2 or three pots seems the norm now and the refs have to contend with this aswell and they do not have nice little barricades to hide behind they have to be in the open where all these so called "firing lanes" are.

01-09-2004, 09:57 AM
MarkM has an excellent point.

Referees would like all the protection they can get.
No reason not to, and a bunch of reason why they would.
Same for body armor.

And like it or not, more coverage/protection is the future of masks and other protective gear, not less.
One day, they will be full helmets(if they can be properly ventilated, like Japanese bee keeper helmets).

paint magnet
01-09-2004, 10:29 AM
Still, if I were a ref, I would take my Proteus with a fan over that thing any day. (getting shot in head > heat stroke, and it gets really hot down here. I threw up on the field once...from drinking water too fast or something)

And I'm guessing this thing really makes it sound like Darth Vader is breathing in your ear.

*edit* man, I can't spell

01-09-2004, 10:48 AM
One of the refs where I play has one. He constantly gets ridiculed over it. I start work there tomorrow morning as a ref (go me) and I'll just stick to my Axiom FX-10...it's Über.

01-09-2004, 11:55 AM
Refs with that bory armour and the head gear would look like aliens that were stuck in county jail with cold showers and "bubba".

I'd rather wear my invisions and take the hit in the head.

01-09-2004, 12:56 PM
the first time i saw that thing in walmart the first thing that poped in my head was that its priceless for reffing. i don't care what it looks like. although i don't think its that bad. later AZZKIKR

01-09-2004, 01:05 PM
i think it would be a kickass scenario mask, just add some camo cloth hanging of the back ala dusty from gijoe, it really doesnt look like it would be too hot, i guess its a must have if you play and have a bald head(ask wheelman about his welt/scar that he got lol)

01-09-2004, 04:03 PM
the first thing i thought when i saw the pic was "oven". it is a solid idea for refs, but why not make it in yellow then? this looks like a good field/rental mask to reassure all the soccer moms who use the field as a weekend daycare that their precious will be safe.

01-09-2004, 09:41 PM
I've seen them a couple of times. I wouldn't buy it, but the little scared kiddys would hehe.

01-09-2004, 09:49 PM
those things would suck way bad. i love it when i get shot in the head and it bounces. yeah buddy nothing better except maybe when u take one off the face while wearing the flex 7.

01-09-2004, 09:55 PM
Think about it 6 balls to the head when getting bunkered. OUT COLD! This thing could save you form a concusion like this one guy I know how got bunkered 6 balls to the head. I think it is a great idea. More ways to improve our sport.

01-09-2004, 10:07 PM
u wussy. i got bunkered with 4 one day and they all bounced off. and the usual bunkering is like 3+ plus if you went out there in a nppl tourney and i was playing against u i would just bonus ball you just because you wore that

01-09-2004, 10:46 PM
You are a disrespectful *******.

01-09-2004, 10:52 PM
a. respect your elders
b. im not disrespectful. i just have a pair.

01-09-2004, 11:02 PM
yeah dude when your nutz actually drop then you can have an opinion

01-09-2004, 11:14 PM
That thing is so ugly and el pimpo has a point about bounces.:)

01-09-2004, 11:16 PM
grow out a little hair and put on your favprite benie and youle be set

01-09-2004, 11:19 PM
i worked at a field over the summer. Mostly little kids played there, so i had to deal with psycho moms alot. Many of the kids wore those, and it seemed to work out nicely because it saved me alot of whining. They always thought i was crazy for playing/reffing in shorts, knee pads and a tee shirt.

01-09-2004, 11:22 PM
I guess being concerned for safty is being a wussy and not having balls. This is a perfectly good idea for the new player or someone who just doesn't like getting head shots. I never said about using them for NPPL. You sound like a bigshot jerk with ur first post. I have seen concusions happen form head shots and how out I pound 7 ot 8 balls into your head with my barrel touching your forehead. See if you talk then.

01-09-2004, 11:27 PM
but the thing is you would have to be able to get close enough to me on the field to be able to do that. call me mc hammer you know why cause you cant touch this

01-09-2004, 11:35 PM
Yet again you sound like an ignorant hotshot. You talk big over the internet. Right now I whole-heartedly belive that this is a good idea and would like to see this more often with the newer players especialy if they are playing at advanced fields. A concusion can realy screew you up in your eye site thinking serious headaches and other things I can look into and post if you want me to prove my point further. Good idea end of story.

01-09-2004, 11:42 PM
well its not being arrogant if you have the skillz to back it up.

01-09-2004, 11:51 PM
You guys are funny

Safty is always first. Go judge A NPPL Tourny then come back with your thoughts. Ill take my welts as a player but not as a judge, and thats tuff cause sooner or later ya cross that firing lane to do the job. Id use the full face helmet to judge, no problem

I threw up on the field once...from drinking water too fast or something)

Was it cold. Dont drink the fluids to cold, its better.

01-09-2004, 11:56 PM
So who are you agreeing with?

01-10-2004, 12:18 AM
I think a beanie would work just as well, and maybe even bounce a few in the process :) . While I do think this mask is a great idea, it is (like stated before) not for everyone. I don't really see too many "veteran" players wearing this mask, but then again wasn't it the same way when masks that covered the entire face were first introduced? I know people still thought wearing just goggles and not the face protection was the cool thing to do back in the day. I was not playing back then it's just what I've heard/read so please correct me if I'm wrong. So who knows, this mask might become another standard in paintball saftey.

Wes Janson
01-10-2004, 01:48 AM
I've used probably a half dozen different masks. I picked up the JT helmet because I needed something to use, and it fit decently. The chin strap is unique to the helm, I think, and it makes for a nice touch. Overall, I like it.
Heat is not an issue with it. Unless you actually try it out, you don't realize how little mass/heat insulation the protector really gives. Honestly, I don't even notice it. And I live in freaking florida. I've yet to try it during the absolute hottest parts of the year, but as a non-fan-equipped mask, it works perfectly during the winter. I've had zero fogging issues, and zero overheating issues. It isn't like it's some wool blanket over your head, it's just a thin piece of durable plastic that covers your hair.
I played all of last sunday, and the saturday the week before that. I had one break on Sunday, where the ball apparantly hit my forehead right above and to the side of the visor (the visor and goggles are general JT-model, but the helm attaches behind the visor). The ball broke, but apparantly because it ricocheted into the back of the visor. It was close enough range and hit hard enough that I'm really glad I didn't take it directly to my temple. Later that day I counted no less than two or three noticeable bounces off the plastic helm. Any shot that impacted the upper middle of the visor, or above, seemed to bounce quite nicely. Meanwhile my dad looked like he had dyed his tips pink from where a pair of shots nailed his forehead (he removed the visor from his mask) and top of his head.
Personally, I think the JT helm looks better than most other goggle systems. I'd rather look like the Master Sergeant than a bug-eyed alien from some old B film. And for only thirty bucks, it's a good value too.

01-10-2004, 10:46 AM
seriously elpimpo your an ***:rolleyes:

01-10-2004, 10:51 AM
Thank you. I wear a beanie and will continue to use a beanie. This is one of the best mask advancements yet.

01-10-2004, 02:33 PM

paint magnet
01-10-2004, 10:13 PM
Beemer- yeah, it was ice cold. Thanks for the tip, I'll try that next time.

Wes Janson- you might not think its hot, but when I nearly pass out in a freaking Proteus (I even cut most of the bottom half of it off to improve air flow) then I definately don't think it's for me.

And I don't really like wearing beanies either, as well, I get hot in them too. But then again, everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I walk out of the house in shorts and short sleeves and it's like 31 degrees :D

01-10-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
And I don't really like wearing beanies either, as well, I get hot in them too. But then again, everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I walk out of the house in shorts and short sleeves and it's like 31 degrees :D

i do the same thinig dude

benies are hott but when i play speed ball im only in them for 5 minutes

Wes Janson
01-11-2004, 12:39 AM
Wes Janson- you might not think its hot, but when I nearly pass out in a freaking Proteus (I even cut most of the bottom half of it off to improve air flow) then I definately don't think it's for me.
The point is that there's no real insulation-issue with it. It doesn't change the airflow around your head much at all. And frankly, if you're nearing heatstroke like that from playing, you need to A: get liquid, B: sit down and take a break, C: cool off with some ice or chilled water. It doesn't matter what the hell mask you use, if you're that close to heatstroke you should not be on the field.

paint magnet
01-12-2004, 10:26 AM
Yeah, I know, but I'll play rain/shine/tidal wave, whatever.

I do however need to lose some weight, drink more (in the heat of the summer I go through 2 64 oz. Gatorades as well as approximately 4 of the 20 oz. ones, as well as a couple of bottled waters and a Coke or three with lunch) I used to have a mask with a hole cut in the front so I could drink out of my Camel Bak on the field :D And this is wearing a T shirt with the sleeves cut off, shorts and knee pads.

EDIT for spelling

01-12-2004, 01:16 PM
I was one of those old-timer players who wore nothing but UVEX goggles up until the mid 90's.
I wouldn't wear a mask, didn't like them, thought (and still do, somewhat) that they were hot as heck.
I took my shots to the face and side of the head "like a man"....

In retrospect, looking back, I was just being a retard about it.

Masks improved a lot since then, and they're still getting better.
They'll pretty much all cover your whole head one day, mark my words.
This mask is sort of a first step towards that. Evolution.

Referees, on-field spectators, bald guys, and kids all have an interest in something like this. And I've seen quite a few on the scenario fields lately. If it's not to your liking, that's fine. But I think it's cool of JT to make and offer it, for those who do like the idea. Can't hurt, right?

paint magnet
01-13-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by fallout11
I was one of those old-timer players who wore nothing but UVEX goggles up until the mid 90's.
I wouldn't wear a mask, didn't like them, thought (and still do, somewhat) that they were hot as heck.
I took my shots to the face and side of the head "like a man"....

In retrospect, looking back, I was just being a retard about it.

Masks improved a lot since then, and they're still getting better.
They'll pretty much all cover your whole head one day, mark my words.
This mask is sort of a first step towards that. Evolution.

Referees, on-field spectators, bald guys, and kids all have an interest in something like this. And I've seen quite a few on the scenario fields lately. If it's not to your liking, that's fine. But I think it's cool of JT to make and offer it, for those who do like the idea. Can't hurt, right?

You wore nothing but Uvex goggles? If I was wearing nothing but goggles, I would be more concerned about being hit in um, certain "other" areas instead of being hit in the face :D

01-13-2004, 12:33 PM
Uh, yeah, nothing else. =)
Sometimes maybe a camo thong.

<*big grin*>

I think you get the idea.

On the issue of other stupid things, back in 1988, during a paintball game, a teenage friend of mine strapped 2 military-issue smoke grenades to his boots, ignited them, and then proceeded to run across the paintball field, yelling like a madman. Instant smoke screen, and for laughs.
He got plenty!

Guess what happened next?
Military-issue smoke gets HOT when burning. Yep.
His yelling suddenly got much louder, and his boots caught on fire....

01-13-2004, 02:47 PM
I saw one in walmart for like 25$, so I tried it out on my local rec field. It's not any hotter that mask and beany or mask and ball cap, it fits well, only complaint is its only a 180 for vision, and its a little big in the face for smaller people.

paint magnet
01-14-2004, 09:32 AM
Um, the Spectras only offer a 160 degree field of vision, and the normal lenses in these bicycle helmet things offer much less. And to have any use for anything over a 180 degree field of vision, you would literally have to have eyes in the back of your head :)

EDIT- Spectra's have a 260 degree field of vision

01-14-2004, 09:40 AM
You are right, If your eyes are fixed in one position forward and you never look left or right. And I may be misquoting the feild of view. I would like to see a wider field of view, so as not to block my vision, while looking left and right keeping my head still. I play recball in the woods, so there are times when the smallest movement will give your position away.Just double checked, JT Spectra offers a 260, very nice FOV.

paint magnet
01-14-2004, 10:21 AM
Sorry, I never was very good at math :rolleyes:

01-14-2004, 10:43 AM
The V-Force Morph's "bug eye" lens is also 260 degree FOV.

Unfortunately, my eyeglasses cut that waaaay down.

01-17-2004, 08:35 PM
We'll hey for little kids it works out. Immagine a little kid getting wacked it the head 6 times, he'ed fall down and start screaming and crying, It would be a horror show. I think its a good idea, it lets people that are afraid to be hit have a little more fun. Whats wrong with that

01-17-2004, 08:47 PM
woot! i have one of these too!

but seriously, make them yellow and a refs mask possibly.. other than that, i couldn't wear one. I saw a couple kids with them at a tournament a few weeks ago.

I prefer the hat.. protects your neck, and can be reversed to double as a visor!

paint magnet
01-18-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by fallout11
The V-Force Morph's "bug eye" lens is also 260 degree FOV.

Unfortunately, my eyeglasses cut that waaaay down.

Maybe if Oakley would ever come out with a paintball mask (I'm betting there would be a huge market for them, by the way, even with the estimated price range) then they could offer lenses in your prescription, just as they do with their sunglasses. I think they're made out of the same material as paintball lenses (polycarbonate?)

01-18-2004, 12:41 PM
Dude worst thing to wear in a tourney, they make your head's mass twice its normal sieze, not to menchine its hard plastic. I think its cool when people use the masks with no normal forehead protection and use a helmet from like WW2 or vietnom.

01-18-2004, 01:32 PM
wut r u doing with a revolution helmet? is that at ur house?

01-18-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by street1356
wut r u doing with a revolution helmet? is that at ur house?

yeah its my house.. I took it home to get the air bladders filled up to where I liked it for the beginning of our season.. not to mention we were undefeated