View Full Version : Is an agd flatline worth the bucks???

01-09-2004, 09:58 PM
Look I have a 68/4500 flatline that I use with my emag and I love both. Here is the thing though.

I have ordered a xmag and should get it in a couple of months. Would it be worth it to purchase another flatline or should I just get a 68/4500 preset screwin tank? A preset tank is half the price.

Is an agd flatline worth it?

If u have a opinion please explain exactly why.

01-09-2004, 10:03 PM
I personally enjoy a uni mount/screw in combo much more than max flows/flatlines. Most prefereance I suppose.

01-09-2004, 10:05 PM
I would say no. I've owned a flatline for about a year. I got a killer deal on it, but I have to say it hasn't lived up to is reputation.

The recharge rate isn't terribly fast, which makes my X-valve less reactive. I've had better consistancy and reactivity using both a PMI pure energy preset and a Nitroduck preset. Plus it leaked on me for a while, I checked all the o-rings and oiled it, and it still leaked. I eventually had to send it in to AGD.

So, no, I don't think its worth it. But if you love it, its probably not worth buying another tank period. Buy a datapimp drop and switch it back and forth.;)

01-09-2004, 10:06 PM
you will need a Flat Line or a maxflow

no ordinary Tank can keep up with the BPS when you start hiting over 15bps you start to get Shoot down.

with a Flatline or Maxflow you should have no problems

01-09-2004, 10:13 PM
Lol, you sure about that one?

Originally posted by SkyBoySurfer
you will need a Flat Line or a maxflow

no ordinary Tank can keep up with the BPS when you start hiting over 15bps you start to get Shoot down.

with a Flatline or Maxflow you should have no problems

01-09-2004, 11:11 PM
Audio verified? Otherwise I call BS.

Originally posted by 68magOwner
umm sky boy, i sweetspot (22bps) with my preste nitro duck and get no shootdown?

01-09-2004, 11:14 PM
you can buy my used one for a bit less =]

01-09-2004, 11:24 PM
Used... maybe. New... no. There are plenty of comparable tanks at half the cost of a new flatline. I would strongly recommend centerflag as another choice. More affordable, performs just as well in my opinion.

And there is nothing wrong with a screwin tank.

Nick O time
01-09-2004, 11:35 PM
another option would be to get a data drop or rail and then just switch the tank when you need too. i dunno just an option. but i would get another flatty if i had the money.

01-09-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Audio verified? Otherwise I call BS.

i could sweet spot my old rt at maybe 17-18? and get no shoot down with a crossfire tank. (no clips or anything, im just saying)

01-09-2004, 11:55 PM
The flatline is one of the lightest adjustables out there, and by the time you add an ASA to every screw-in I have weighed they come in fatter. Recharge is more than enough for anything short of sweetspotting.

I do agree, though, that it is not the highest flow tank out there. With my 'Geddon set at the same pressure as my flatline, it will sweetspot like crazy. Kinda bugged me until I figured that I don't sweetspot in a game, and the weight penalty was not worth it.

Your mileage may vary.

01-10-2004, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by 68magOwner
umm sky boy, i sweetspot (22bps) with my preste nitro duck and get no shootdown?

Haha Nick, he's got you on a technicality. He clearly said "preste" tank. That could be something different we know nothing about. :D

my $.02 - A) Why get another Flatty? One tank for two guns doesn't work?
B) Yes Flatlines are worth it. Best all round adjustable tank. Had mine for 3 seasons now. No problems.

01-10-2004, 02:13 AM
look all I was saying is that I would recomend a flatline or a maxflow...

I use a Pure Energy 68^3 and I do get shoot down...It happens..I need a better tank.

01-10-2004, 05:11 AM
Gentleman... and some ladies... Ya'll sidetracked from the original comments greatly...

Dude, Jayloo.....

I have a 68/4500 Flatline... but for the money, if u need money for other investments, than I say switch it out. I have the Flatline running on my SFL Emag presently, but would like to reduce something in my setup to put money towards other things.

I'm thinking of getting a preset, 68/4500 Crossfire or something. Does the same thing, preset; dont have to mess with it but orings, and its cheaper.

This is my personal opinion, i could be wrong.


01-10-2004, 06:19 AM
Everyone, thanks for the info. If you look at my mag in my sig I have an AO DP drop.

I want to have 2 complete setups...as a complete backup and so I can let others play with it as well.

I just want to know is a flatline/maxflow worth the extra $200 or so.

01-10-2004, 07:23 AM
im really happy with my flatline
if you have the money get it

01-10-2004, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by jayloo
I just want to know is a flatline/maxflow worth the extra $200 or so.

I am having this same debate right now. I have a maxflow and a conquest and I have owned the 3k flatline and 4.5k.

Maxflow street price mid to low 300's
- I hate how the flow reg adjusts
- if you like to use Al 90* fittings for ultimate light weight you cant on the flow. the reg mounting ring is to close to all of the air outputs
- same as above with guages
- mine ang my buds both loose all thier air over night with the on/off in the off position
- real crapp mounting rail!

Flatline street price mid to high 300s
- nice on/off
- you can change outputs to where ever you want
- compact reg design
- easy to change velocity
- stock guages blow
- the mounting rails is nice. You can chew it up taking the tank on/off instead of your reg. Kuddos to AGD for that one..

I was chatting with Nero lastnight about dynaflows. I am trying to find some prices on them. I think they have all the advantages of a flatline but have the downline bleed on/off. My conquest works the same way. Its so nice to turn the tank off and its really off. Problem is I cant find anyone who carries the dynaflows...

EDIT: spelling
EDIT 2: lets be honest, i dont think there is a real difference in flow for our application bewteen the "nice" screw ins and pricey adjustibles

01-10-2004, 08:51 PM
I would go for a macdev conquest, those are sweet tanks

01-10-2004, 10:37 PM
just to throw something actually usefull in there

i have a dynaflow, they have some good traits well after i put some smaller guages on it i really like that it bleeds the air and is a compact tank if you see pic of my gun it rides so nice witha kapp micro drop.

the problems with the dynaflow are this you can jack up the rail and thats built into the reg it alwas makes you worry i saw one where the rail was ripped off cf fixed it but it was down time.

the on off i swear i have had to beat this thing with a stick to turn it off or on when i have a full fill. it is really hard not smooth like the agd on off.

lastly the pressure change is a bit much when the tank changes pressure between a low and full fill. watch it they migh catch you at the chrono, and you.

as for the agd flatline this one woudl be a perfect tank if 3 things happened,

better sstock guages taht dont crack
on off should bleed the air
color this thing black or silver pewter doesnt match anythign i have. black and silver will go with most peoples setups.

these 2 tanks are tied for best tanks out there for me worst one i ever owned was an angel air.

01-10-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by rudy

as for the agd flatline this one woudl be a perfect tank if 3 things happened,

better sstock guages taht dont crack
on off should bleed the air
color this thing black or silver pewter doesnt match anythign i have. black and silver will go with most peoples setups.

I agre with your 3 things but I still don't see $200 worth of goodness in a flatline to purchase another one. Anyone else.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-10-2004, 11:52 PM
I use a pure energy preset 68/4500 with my Xmag. I have no probs with shootdown that I have noticed and it does the job that it's supposed to do. I was thinking about buying a flatline for the purpose of having a spare airtank, but I think I'm just going to get another PE preset.