View Full Version : Best Pump Gun for under (or close to) $100?

01-10-2004, 07:18 PM

I am coming up on my 3rd season of paintball, and I still totally love it. Anyhow I find that going through 3/4 of a case of paint everytime I go out is a ton of fun, but really expensive. During the spring and summer my wife makes sure I get to go out once a week and you can see how that adds up. So this winter I decided I should get a pump gun to play with in the bushes since so many of my shots wind up getting eaten by stray twigs anyhow.

Obviously Phantoms are pretty swell gazelle, and sure a pump mag would be neat but I have a hard time getting my head around a $300 pump gun. Anybody out there have any ideas about cheaper alternatives? I like Tippmanns and have thought about the SL-68 II. I don't know anyone who has one though. Please hit me with as many opinions as possible.



01-10-2004, 07:38 PM
The SL68-2 is not made anymore. I would suggest the PGP. That's all I can think of right now.

01-10-2004, 08:00 PM
Cobble a WGP Sniper together.

Load SM5
01-10-2004, 08:08 PM
PGP, way fun to play with.

01-10-2004, 08:18 PM
I'd suggest a PGP2k. Go on over to Stock Class Paintball (http://www.stockclasspaintball.com) and check out the cool stuff easix6 (? if that's the right spelling of his nick) does with them. If I wasn't able to see shelling out for a Phantom, which I plan on doing as soon as my various other projects are completed :), I would be all over a PGP2k and doing some of that guy's mods. Hope that helps.


(Edited for a few grammatical things that bothered me. =) )

01-10-2004, 08:20 PM
I suggest a PGP as well. You may want to take a read over at the PGP Owners group......


You can get them new for under $100 and used for half that if you look around.

01-10-2004, 08:21 PM
PGP's are being fazed out too, if i remember correctly. and them being stock class only, maybe a deterant.

under a C note; all i can think of is the ACI maveric or PMI traccer....both can be had for about $70 new i think.

i am a happy phantom owner, in fact it was the phantom i came to when i walked back into paintball after a 4 year hiatus. hardly needed, but VERY nice, smooth, and quite "customizable" as far as set up.

there's also an old piranha in the marketplace as i type this. under $100, and will certainly turn heads at the field!!! i'm tempted myself; but i already have a new phantom on the way, as well as almost too many markers now.

no matter what it is you get, have fun with it. it can be a challange playing against 20+BPS wonderguns, but it can be done!


01-10-2004, 08:40 PM
I don't mind used markers at all. It generally forces me to take them apart and figure out how they work. Not a huge fan of PGPs, they are fun but. I would like a larger marker that would be closer in size and shape to my semis. I really like the look of the PG-68AT(I think that's how you write it)and the Tippmann (which you can get used all over the place). Is there a reason that old PMIs look so much like Sheridans? I have played with an ACI Maverick before. It seemed to chop a lot. Is that standard? I like the fact that it looks like you can adjust the velocity on the Trracer with out necessarily swapping springs. Any other thoughts?



Chojin Man
01-10-2004, 11:00 PM
GEt a BRASS EAGLE TALON!!! At wall-mart!!!11

01-10-2004, 11:04 PM
Well if you don't want to go stock and get a PGP, I'd recommend a Kingman Hammer A. I've got two from when my sister and I started back in the day and they're still working great after about 7 or 8 years. I also have a Maverick thats about a year old and it works good as well. And no chops either... maybe the barrel was too small for the paint?

01-10-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Chojin Man
GEt a BRASS EAGLE TALON!!! At wall-mart!!!11 you cotton headed ninnymuggins!:p

adam shannon
01-10-2004, 11:18 PM
look for used sl-68 or sl-68 2's. friends and i bought 20 of them from a field (their old rentals guns circa '88) for $20 each. clean em up, repaint them and they are ready to roll.

01-11-2004, 07:51 AM
look on ebay for sl-68's. i see the frequently.

go to "sporting goods" then paintball" then "markers". type in "pump" in the search box. if there are any for sale, they will show up there mos likley. or you could type in "tippman" etc. search periodically because there are not always some up for bid.