View Full Version : This could change everything, (not paintball related)

01-12-2004, 01:02 AM
I omitted irrelevant IMs, including the other person, who was irelevant :p

SpeedyEJL: in the summer Verizon is going to role out 3G in the US market(that’s third generation wireless networks)
SpeedyEJL: i was just in England
SpeedyEJL: where 3g is already implemented
SpeedyEJL: ands its awesome you can watch TV on your cell phone
SpeedyEJL: its up to 500kps
SpeedyEJL: that’s about 4times faster than your DSL
SpeedyEJL: on a mobile
SpeedyEJL: now
SpeedyEJL: you cant do high end work on a cell phone
SpeedyEJL: not enough processing power
SpeedyEJL: what if you used the cell phone though to just look at your computer at home and let that do hard processing work
SpeedyEJL: 4G is being developed in Japan which promises 100mpbs which would be 4times more definition for TV than HDTV sets
SpeedyEJL: so that would be more than enough to view your computer
SpeedyEJL: there are no cell phones or more importantly wireless pdas out yet that use a remote desktop for processing though

The important aspect here is not the technology as much as the applications for it. If you could access your home computer from your cell phone, or probably a PDA for a wider range of uses it would be amazing.
Your portal (pda or cell) would only have to send upstream cursor and keyboard input, while coming downstream would be the view of your monitor (with 3G or later 4G networks expected in 2007-2010 this would be more than possible).
You would have the storage capacity of hundreds of gigabytes, processing power of 3Ghz or maybe more soon all in a device that fits in your hand.
You could watch large movies saved on your computer, play graphic intensive games, cpu intensive photo processing, watch dvds already in your computer, and so much more from something soo damn small.

Now I’m not bringing this up to share with the world, its probably already been thought about. Whats important to me are there bottlenecks with this concept that would make it unfeasible? Resolution might hinder this but within a few years wireless services will be in place that can handle HDTV, and in turn could easily handle computer screen images. Resolutions on mobiles are acceptable enough already for this, but who knows soon you might get 1080p (after we get 1080i and 720p together haha) on a mobile device.

01-12-2004, 04:58 AM
Ummmmmmm........ my dsl is 768kps:D

01-12-2004, 05:38 AM
Ok, how is this going to change everytthing?

Mr Pink
01-12-2004, 05:45 AM
Not only that but the 3G phones are here are rubbish - the battery will barely last a day with minimal call usage and they are the size of a house-brick:rolleyes: :)

Maybe in two or three years time, when they sort out the battery life I'll consider it - but for now they a rich-boy's toy.

01-12-2004, 07:08 AM
Same thing here in sweden...expensive, low batterytime and lots of problems. There has been a huge marketing of 3G, but nobody buys them, because they basically suck. Although, thats always the way of a new technology...wait a couple of years, then everybody has them.

01-12-2004, 08:22 AM
So let me get this straight....you had an AIM convo with someone about a new wireless system that for most intents and purposes will piss me off more, and somehow this changes everything?

I guess I better start taking anger management courses now before the poo hits the spinning blades.

01-12-2004, 09:08 AM
The other thing is if someone you know has a 3G phone make sure you know they are using 3G as you never call them on a regular phone call unless you have cross network free time as the connection cost will cripple you. I just got that warning form a person who got a great deal on a 3G phone so I asked why the new number appeared when they called me and they told me the above info.

01-13-2004, 01:16 PM
Umm... typically DSL runs at 1.5Mbps, 1.0Mbps to be relaistic. At the lower speed, that's still 2x the speed of 500kbps 3G wireless phones. FYI

01-19-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by speedyejl

SpeedyEJL: its up to 500kps
SpeedyEJL: that’s about 4times faster than your DSL

i think you mean ISDN which is about 128kps. also at least for me, i wouldnt want to do much with a cell phone, but make calls and check an email or two. im glad wireless is getting faster, but i dont think it will change much. the display on cell phones right now are to small to watch tv and do other things on(but thats my opinion).

01-19-2004, 12:52 PM
i dont understand it, but it sounds like its pretty damn sweet. if i can play games on my phone that are better than 'snake' ill be satisfied

01-21-2004, 10:34 PM
That's not faster than my cable connection :D

My cable connection has gone up to 4,200 and more. When I download stuff if I look in the little gray download box next to transfer rate, guess what it says? 525KB w00t!

This G3 wireless stuff does sound interesting though. I would love to hook that up to a Notebook PC to game on the go. 500k is faster than some broadband. I have heard of some people that pay $50/mo for 256/128.

What is the ping on this? I don't know much about wireless networks.

01-21-2004, 10:41 PM
Spring PCS rolled out 3G phones and service almost 2 years ago

so who cares what verizon does

verizons 3G network is going to suck because verizon rents alot of towers, and you cant use 3G on rented towers. phones will still work but no data and all the other fun stuff.

Sprint PCS has the best 3G in the states