View Full Version : Can we trust other paintball players while we're on the field?

09-09-2001, 06:34 PM
I just had to post this since it was the first bad experience I've ever had while playing paintball. I guess you can call me a little to trusting or even a bit nieve, however, while playing today at my local field, someone decided to help themselves to the cash ($70)in my wallet. The wallet was in my gear box which of course was unlocked because I thought I could trust the other payers that are in the staging areas. However, as I found out today I guess that isn't true anymore.

It makes me wonder what type of people are we really playing with? All the times I've ever played I've met great people in the staging area who I'd believe wouldn't stoop so low as to rip off another player. Particularly when you see so many people who help each other out during prep time or between games. Need a tool, I've got one you can borrow. Need a spare part I have one you can use. This type of behavior made me believe that these people aren't the type that steal from each other. I guess I was proven wrong.

Makes me wonder if it's a good idea to leave my equipment out on the table or do we have to be so untrusting of each other now that it's padlocks, chains and security cameras around the gear from now on.

It's a black day for paintball in my eyes but I'm still going to help someone if they need a part, tool, or some extra paint. Just when I'm on the field, the new locks I just bought are going on the gear box.

09-09-2001, 07:17 PM
Yeah, it's sad, but these things do happen. It's never happened to me thank goodness but I wouldn't put it past some of the people that play at my field. I mean, they all seem like really nice people but you just never know what a person is like by talking to them once or by seeing how they play or what not.

09-09-2001, 07:23 PM
yeah just yesterday i was paintballin at a local feild and it was only 2 on 2 and the ref ask us if we cronoed and i and my brother had and the other 2 guys were like yeah so the ref was like i truse u guys and the fps was supposed under 250 cause we were indoor and in a small feild and the ref was like if we see any big welts will check the fps and the 2nd round i get shot in the leg and it left a hugh welt so i was like ur not shooting under 250 the guy was like yeah im shootin 245 and the ref cronoed him and his friend and they both were shootin like 320 so that made me mad

09-09-2001, 08:24 PM
Yep, its sad. But ive only met nice, helpful people at my field...In fact one time this guy lost fifty dollars on one of the fields and another player found it without anyone seeing him, and instead of pockiting the money he gave the money to the guy that lost. Thats how people should act in life in general.

09-10-2001, 11:40 AM
The place I play at has $5 Fridays (Wildfire, in Snellville, GA). Well on these evenings there will be 50+ people playing, way too many for the field size, but management wants the money, screw customer service.

There has been a rash of paint theft. I'm willing to bet it's the kids whose mommies drop them off, and they blow their money shooting the barracades as they walk on to the field. As soon as the refs ok a game, as the teams walk to their base, all you hear is whap whap whap as the kiddies shoot up the barracades. Pretty dumb.

Anyway, this is the same place that the refs won't make paint checks when you ask (they don't want to call their friends out), and treat the customers like crap - darn teenagers ;) Too bad it's the only place close enough to play on short notice. Someone needs to open a friendly, non-intimidating, customer-oriented paintball shop in Atlanta. At 21, I should not feel like I am being looked down upon when I walk in to play PB.

Sorry for the Rant,

09-10-2001, 01:09 PM
Were you at the field with friends or alone?

It was probably one of your "friends".... you would be suprised...a lot of crimes are committed by those closest to us.

09-10-2001, 01:21 PM
As one of his new "friends" who was there that day I take offence to that! (j/k)

I all seriousness, it did suck. Not just because of the money but also because that field has a large group of regulars who all know each other and play on many of the same teams. As one of the guys there said, that sort of thing doesn't happen there (his Angel was turned in after he left it there at the end of the day). Everyone leaves their paint, tools, etc around and for the most part there is never any problem.

I generally leave my wallet in my locked car with the keys buried at the bottom of my gear bag. But now I'm going to have to rethink the key situation. I suppose you are never safe but it would be nice to be able to trust someone.

Hopefully this doesn't turn Saber off to the field and I completely understand his new locks even though it's a real shame he needs them.

09-10-2001, 01:34 PM
first off, i mean this in a clinical and not a critical way of you.

This is not a reflection of the paintball community. This is a reflection of YOUR community. Some of us try to police it, and some of us take advantage. You won't be able to go to too many places (generally speaking) and not have this problem.
People even steal at church.

We have to take the proper precautions to protect ourseves from society as a whole. Sadly, you're going to have to live with it.

Now I myself always leave my gear clearly visible on tables lined up, but still chain my 30 dollar radio to the table... and I carry my walled in my BDUs next to my barrel plug.

The leave the 1300 dollar marker, but take the barrel plug. or the elbow. dumb.

09-10-2001, 02:53 PM
I accept the responsbility for being foolish enough to leave my wallet in an unlocked gear box. My point here is that it is sad that it comes down to having to lock everything away because you can't trust people anymore. I think it's probably more a reflection on society than it is on paintball.

To be honest I'm not all that upset about losing the money as I'm disappointed that one player would steal from another.

Also, I know none of my friends would consider stealing from especially when I've demonstrated that their welcome to borrow from me anytime they need to. That includes money,parts or paint.

I'm still going to go back and play at that field,. It's just next time I go a little bit wiser and lock my valuables.

09-10-2001, 03:19 PM
I always put my wallet in my fatigues when I play but I leave 150-250 dollars worth of gear laying out mostly in barrels everytime I play and no one has touched my stuff. Then again I guess I am lucky.

09-10-2001, 03:23 PM
What do you do with your paint (general question) when you are on the field. If it's 100 degrees outside, I am hard pressed to leave it in my car (I drive an SUV, so the shaded trunk isn't an option) but leaving it out for others seems like an even riskier proposition.

09-10-2001, 03:28 PM
put it under your seat or jsut hide it some where away from every one else

09-10-2001, 03:35 PM
Along with TheTramp, Iwannariot979, and I are his friends. And no one on our team is a theif or a lowlife. We were also on the field during the time of the robbery. And the guy who left his angel unnatended and got it back had said that someone had seen sabres son take a few bucks for lunch and noticed the wallet. To steal ones money is not a paintball player, they are a theif and don't belong at reputable fields such as the one we were at. When one of the managers found out money was stolen he was also mad and told sabre to talk to him next time he came(probally for free admission or paint). But whoever did it ruined a good day of paintball for a lot of people.

09-10-2001, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by 2000Sabre
Can we trust other paintball players while we're on the field?

Not a chance. Even up here in Maine you can't. I play at a small rec field that gets about 3,000 players a year. Whats that say?

People can not be trusted. There will always be one that will put out a bad image for others...:mad:

09-10-2001, 04:29 PM
I have been playiong for 11+ years...and I have gone to the same field for that entire time...I leave my trunk up, doors open...my field has never had a theft of anything...the field is only known by word of mouth advertising, and gets between 100-200 a day...when I play there, I know everyone, and everyone knows me...so I have never even thought of a problem. Now your area may be different, but mine is very low keyed, and everybody has respect.

09-10-2001, 04:42 PM
I would disagree. I just started my second year of high school at a new locale. The program is really amazing to me because it is based on trust. There are so many great things I could say about it (Just read about it here: http://www.linworth.org/ and save me some time :).) but I would like to get to the point. The first thing I noticed when I walked in the school was that NONE of the lockers had locks on them, students had instilled their trust in the other members of the school even without meeting some of them. Although there have been a few small cases of theft, to my knowledge all of the kids who have commited the crime have fessed up and have served a proper punishment. (Which is to be decided by the students of the school.) So don't let just one bad apple ruin your trust in everyone. (I'm not saying to not use locks on your gear.) but please just keep in mind that at this age and day, surprisingly people can be trusted. :)


09-10-2001, 08:45 PM
I was at my field last weekend and while I was up at the store the refs and stuff were messing around(shooting it ALOT) with my mag. Then when I got back some other people that work up there started shooting it alot. I thought it'd be ok since I still had 1500 in my 88 3k tank. I didnt check the gauge untill of got on the filled and was practically at empty. This isnt really a big deal, but they could've at least given me a free fill. But yea, it's hard to trust guys at the field. I've had friends that have lost up to half a case of paint in one day, and some lost some money. Oh well, these things happen and we can only learn from them unless someone tells on the person that did it.

09-10-2001, 09:18 PM
As far as im concerend, I only trust people as far as I can throw them with one finger. might seem somewhat selfish, but I cant say ive been stolen from frequently.

"I cannot give them my confidence; pardon me, gentlemen, confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom: youth is the season of credulity."
-William Pitt The Elder, Lord Chatham

09-10-2001, 10:19 PM
when i had two guns i would put one in the trunk, but i have left my wallet lying open on the seat on my car with the windows down countless times.