View Full Version : Q's about the Go X-Valve Program ???'s

01-12-2004, 02:08 PM
This Q is for one of the AGD staff who would know the appropriate answer or to anyone who has had this same experience.

I'm wanting to upgrade my classic to the X-valve and want to take advantage of the go X-valve program where I recieve $100 credit for my old valve, but my old valve has an ANS Phase II regulator half on it. Am I still elligible to use this program? There is still a serial number on the other side of the valve. I'm not the original owner so I can't just use my old reg half. I hope I'm still eligible.

Another Q about the X-valve. I'm using a benchmark single trigger frame on my mag right now. Will it still work with the RT? How about the standard composite gripframe that came with my Mag?

Thanks ahead of time for any help.

01-12-2004, 02:46 PM
Yes you're eligable. (Best way to be 100% sure is to always call the factory.)

Yes it will work with the benchy.

Yes it will work with the stock frame.

Originally posted by Thourne
I'm wanting to upgrade my classic to the X-valve and want to take advantage of the go X-valve program where I recieve $100 credit for my old valve, but my old valve has an ANS Phase II regulator half on it. Am I still elligible to use this program? There is still a serial number on the other side of the valve. I'm not the original owner so I can't just use my old reg half. I hope I'm still eligible.

Another Q about the X-valve. I'm using a benchmark single trigger frame on my mag right now. Will it still work with the RT? How about the standard composite gripframe that came with my Mag?

Thanks ahead of time for any help.

01-12-2004, 03:15 PM
Thanks Dayspring, are there any official AGD people browsing that can confirm this. I'll call later, but since I'm at work right now it's probably not a good idea.

01-16-2004, 07:28 PM
I did the EXACT same thing, had a Classic with a Phase 2 on it and called them up, they said fine. just let them know when you get your RA number.