View Full Version : Please Help!!

01-12-2004, 02:46 PM
Ok, I have installed the lvl 10 bolt into my micromag. I am using the smallest spacer with no dots or lines, I have tried using larger ones, they leak. I started out using 2 shims with the smallest spacer, for about 6 games the gun worked perfectly. After that the gun would shoot, but the bolt would stay forward and continue to spray gas. My on/off pin is in great condition and not short, I have 2 and I've compared them both. The back O-ring is in place, and I've tried removing all the shims and putting them all in, but the gun continues to shoot and stick every shot for about 10 seconds. Any help? Thanks a lot!

01-12-2004, 09:32 PM
Welcome to AO, 0 post count, that's interesting, have you tried the middle spring yet?

01-13-2004, 02:55 AM
Like Chuck said the middle spring might help, but also try the next larger carrier and let the oring wear in a little. I tried the smallest spacer on my EMag awhile back and it worked pretty good but would not fire every now and then, as luck would have it, the gun always decided not to shoot when needed most. Anyway try the carrier w/ 1 line and a dot and shoot it a bunch aof times like the instructions say and that should get it going good. This system worked for me w/ the longest spring and only leaks a very little when the gun could use more oil.

01-13-2004, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
... but also try the next larger carrier and let the oring wear in a little. ..... Anyway try the carrier w/ 1 line and a dot and shoot it a bunch of times like the instructions say and that should get it going good.
Hate to bust ya AGDFlash but the next larger carrier for him would be no lines and dots;)

01-13-2004, 09:29 AM
If the bolt sticks forward it shouldn't keep spewing gas out the front. It will leak down and then stop. When the bolt is forward it prevents the sear from resetting and keeps the on/off closed. If gas is continuing to leak out the front, then maybe the on/off is not sealing properly. Thgis could also keep the bolt forward which would act like a bolt stick problem.

Another thing may be that the carrier o-ring may be bad. If this is the case then maybe you are using a carrier that is too tight just to prevent the bad o-ring from leaking. Try another o-ring.

01-14-2004, 03:29 AM
Sorry I always get confused which way the size of the carriers goes. For some reason I had it stuck in my head that more lines ment it was smaller.