View Full Version : Classic Valve Blues...

01-12-2004, 10:42 PM
Hi guys,

How are you? I'm having a bit o' trouble here, and I'm wondering who can help me out. Here's the trouble:

I gassed it up with CO2 the other day, and the trigger pull felt like 20lbs! It was truly HARD TO PULL, and it began to leak after a few pulls. I tried adjusting the velocity, but alas - no help! I can't find anything that's broken or burst, but I admit that I am no Mag master! Could someone help me? Possibly take a look at the valve itself (i.e. me sending it to you)?


01-13-2004, 12:12 AM
Well my guess is it need a little lube. Put a drop in your reg and two in your asa and gas it up and let some air vent through it and let it set for a little bit gas up and try to fire a couple time and see if it works.
If you can't get it to work this way LMK and I will sugest some more ideas. If you can't get it to work and you don't wanna send it to AGD then I would be happy to look at it.

01-13-2004, 12:27 AM
Thank you Argnot! I will lube it up and gas it up ASAP

...wow that sounded wrong! :p

01-13-2004, 12:33 PM
I kinda had the same thing happen in away.... My ans gen xII would have really bad shoot down and then the pressure would spike not matter what I adjusted the veloctiy to. I took it apart put in a drop on the piston checked my seals and uses my back up gun the reast of the day and now no trouble. If you dont regularly lube your gun you should...put in a drop or two into the ASA at the begining of the first game, if it sits for a while I would recomend taking it apart and checking your orings which is the next step.