View Full Version : Are You A Freak?

09-10-2001, 05:52 AM
Hey Guys and Gals,
I am considering buying a Freak (kit or single) and was wanting some advice from a well respected collection of consumers... Any advice/reviews (good or bad) are welcome, so are links to such. Also, should I get the kit, or slowly build? You guys know better than I.

Thanks As Always,

09-10-2001, 06:16 AM
Love mine. If you run ito all sorts of sizes of paint without much notice its the trick.

09-10-2001, 11:31 AM
I love it. I have the full kit, and a back for eack of my guns. Its worth the money, search around and you should be able to find a good price on-line.


09-10-2001, 12:50 PM
Love my Freak kit.

Never use my other two barrels anymore. Er, my other one barrel that is. Just sold my Boomstick this weekend. Have a J&J Ceramic barrel still, but I'm looking to sell that one too.