View Full Version : Cutting an egg

01-13-2004, 05:30 PM
Im planning on cutting down my egg 2 but first would like to know approx. how much should i take off? Anyone got any suggestions?

01-13-2004, 05:37 PM
take off as much as you desire.
place the hopper next to the neck and see how low you would want it to be so it fits your taste, then just cut it accordingly

01-13-2004, 05:45 PM
I believe its best to cut in whole ball amounts ... in other words, place a ball next to the bottom of the feedneck and mark where the top of it is in the feedneck. Then cut from that line.

I believe this is so that you dont run the risk of jamming up the feed system buy having a partial ball sticking out the top of the feedneck in the body.


01-13-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
I believe its best to cut in whole ball amounts ... in other words, place a ball next to the bottom of the feedneck and mark where the top of it is in the feedneck. Then cut from that line.

I believe this is so that you dont run the risk of jamming up the feed system buy having a partial ball sticking out the top of the feedneck in the body.


This seems logical to me, but that poses a problem. The length of the feed neck is 3.5 cm and the hopper extends 2 cm into my feedneck. I just measured a pb and they are 1.5 cm long. This would meen that there would basicaly be no part of the hopper sticking out at all, does this i would think that would be a little to short. I just dont wanna mess this up and have to buy new shells. Once i find my old revy i will measure that feedneck and see whats going on.

01-13-2004, 06:28 PM
I would cut a little at a time, you can always cut more.

01-13-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
I believe its best to cut in whole ball amounts ... in other words, place a ball next to the bottom of the feedneck and mark where the top of it is in the feedneck. Then cut from that line.

I believe this is so that you dont run the risk of jamming up the feed system buy having a partial ball sticking out the top of the feedneck in the body.


doesn't seem all logical to me.. the chances of the eyes actually detecting that TINY space between the balls is kinda rare to me.

but on the other hand, it DOES seem logical

01-14-2004, 01:27 AM
i cut mine so that it is perfect. from the ribbed thing at the top of the neck, messure 1.8cm down and cut the bottom off. should fit perfectly

01-14-2004, 07:10 AM
i cut both of mine. it really makes for a small profile. lower than a revy. Now im debating if i want to use an egg or a halo on my a4