View Full Version : The Saga of the Axe

01-13-2004, 06:49 PM
Ok, for Christmas, I wanted to get my brother Gimli's Axe to hang on his wall. Yes, the full size weapon. Hes a huge LotR fan, and I figured it'd be cool.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get it in time for christmas, but his bday was January 10th, so I figure I'll just get it for his bday.

So, I go on ebay, and snag an axe on like Dec. 28th or so. I figure plenty of time to get there by the 10th.

So, the package gets shipped in a timely manner, and all is going well, until I check the status one day and it says that the package was damaged in transit and is being returned.

Now Im kinda pissed because its Jan. 5th, and I won't have a bday present for my brother.

So, I email the seller, and he says no problem, he'll ship out a second axe right away and file a claim with UPS.

So the second axe was supposed to get here yesterday, I check the status on UPS.com, and what do I see? AGAIN they damaged the package.

I talk to the seller again, he says he'll look into it. He gets back to me this morning and tells me that only the package was damaged, and UPS will deliver it tonight.

Around 6:30, the doorbell rings, and its UPS with a nice big package. My brother opens it, and loves it. I'm just happy I finally got it.

Five minutes later, the doorbell rings again. Its another UPS guy (not my regular UPS dude) and he has another big package. Its, you guessed it, another axe.

So now I have two axes, 3 days late.

I'm trying to ponder if I'll get to keep both, I think I'll just keep my mouth shut until people start screaming for their axe back.

01-13-2004, 11:00 PM

01-14-2004, 12:03 AM
lol, one for each hand:D Eventually someone is going to figure out an axe is missing though.

01-14-2004, 12:59 AM
hahaha, thats awesome. But yeah, someone is bound to be like "hey, where the hell is my axe?!?!"

01-14-2004, 03:02 AM
Send it back to the seller, it's good karma. Or at least contact him and see what is going on. He might just sell it to you.

01-14-2004, 10:51 AM
Well, it was a company, not an individual seller, so who knows :)

01-14-2004, 11:28 AM
Are those supposed to be the same as in the movie? Or are they a rendition made from description in the books? Because they don't look like what is in the movie.

There is a company that sells the exact replicas from the movie...almost any of the weapons used...including the shards of Narcile --sp?

01-14-2004, 02:10 PM
Its a replica of the one from the movie, but a cheap one :)

The licensed weapons are in the $200 - $300 range. This wasn't quite so pricey :)

It looks sorta like the one in the movie.


I have a feeling you are thinking of the single bladed axe Gimli used. He carried three axes. One small handaxe, a two-handed single bladed axe which he used mainly in the first movie, and what is referred to as "Gimli's Axe" which is a double-bladed battle axe, as shown in the picture about two inches up.

01-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
lol, one for each hand:D Eventually someone is going to figure out an axe is missing though.

Yeah, and he'll be like "YOU'VE GOT MY AXE"... get it... Gimli said that.... :rolleyes: :D

01-14-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I have a feeling you are thinking of the single bladed axe Gimli used. He carried three axes. One small handaxe, a two-handed single bladed axe which he used mainly in the first movie, and what is referred to as "Gimli's Axe" which is a double-bladed battle axe, as shown in the picture about two inches up.

Yep, I was thinking of the single...and after asking my wife about it, she said just what you did....that he had many axes.

Thos are cool.

I say keep them both so you can duel. :)

01-14-2004, 06:18 PM
i want narsil and the sheath for it. expensive as heck though.

01-14-2004, 10:54 PM
Nice. My Father-in-law is a huge LoTR fan. Got a link to those sales? Also does the company do the swords?


01-15-2004, 02:42 AM

That place has everything, including an $850 22k gold version of the one ring if you want it

01-15-2004, 07:26 AM
Word....I can't believe anyone has realized this yet. There are two of you, and there are two battle axes. BATTLE EACH OTHER DAMNIT! That's what battleaxes are made for, battling, so quit letting them collect dust and start battling each other dwarf style.