View Full Version : Sickening Tv broadcast....

01-13-2004, 07:15 PM
i just saw a report inside edition about 5 minutes ago about a bunch of kids who drove around in a car shooting people with paintball guns... the reports said things like "unsafe sport" and "don't let your kids play it" they shot some girl from colorado in the eye and now she is blind in that eye.

This makes me sick, because of a few reckless morons who abuse our great sport things like this happens... i wish there was somethin we could do

Load SM5
01-13-2004, 07:25 PM
So does that mean baseball is an unsafe sport because people get beaten to death by bats fairly often?

01-13-2004, 07:28 PM
That is horrible, the sad part is there is really nothing we can do as a pball nation to stop things like this. What we can do is try to teach people taht paintball is a safe sport, and things like that can happen with anytype of sporting equipment (baseball bats, baseballs, golfclubs etc.) Just whenever u see someone using a pball gun in a unsafe manner teach them how to use it properly and safely.

Another thing is if u ever hear people talkin like, i just got a spyder and we are gonna go shoot some kids today tell them that is wrong, and tell them that they can really hurt the kids they shoot. If everyone just does their part. The way people think about this great sport may change for the better.

01-13-2004, 07:32 PM
These little blurbs will not hurt paintball, these things come in day in and day out

01-13-2004, 07:35 PM
Just let the paintball haters hold an e-mag for a minute...I'd bet they will change their minds post haste.

01-13-2004, 10:53 PM
during abc's world news tonight they aired a promo for gma tomorrow about paintball and how "dangerous" it is. keep your moms away from charlie and diane in the morning. the upside is that they showed some pretty cool indoor action.

01-13-2004, 11:03 PM
Here's a pre emptive,



It will do no good. If you're angry, I would advise sending letters of praise to Fox and OLN for airing paintball instead. Paintball wasn't severely damaged in the past from these things, and since it's even bigger now, it will be even less damaging.

01-14-2004, 12:12 AM
our counrtys title as the civilized nation with the most gun homicides hasent harmed that industry, so yeah i think there is no real issue, americans are to lazy to really give a crap

01-14-2004, 10:24 AM
honestly if a parent is too dumb to do some of their own investigating and are willing to take for granted whatever the news tells them is right, then I'd actually feel safer if their offspring didn't play

01-14-2004, 10:36 AM
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/Living/Paintball_dangers_040114-2.html <- the text (including the grammar errors) of the Good Morning America article.

What I find interesting is that if you use the numbers that they provide, and assuming my math is correct:

1200 injuries / 10000000 players = .00012 = .012% chance of getting an eye injury from playing paintball, but the tone of the article makes it seem much worse than that.

01-14-2004, 11:53 AM
.012% would only be accurate if all of the injuries happened while the entire seto fo saftey precautions was in use. From the reports this is not true. A majority is due to a lack of saftey precautions. I suspect that your chances of being premanently injured while playing paintball, and using all of the normal saftey precautions is nearly null.

01-14-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
honestly if a parent is too dumb to do some of their own investigating and are willing to take for granted whatever the news tells them is right, then I'd actually feel safer if their offspring didn't play


01-14-2004, 06:42 PM
O well, there are idiots in the world. there is nothing we can really do about it

01-14-2004, 08:54 PM
i hate it. kids acting like little childrens shoot up people out of no reason. oh well nothing u can do about idiots in the world. what come around goes around.

01-14-2004, 11:15 PM
"a medical journal published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the number of eye injuries treated in emergency rooms caused by paintball accidents more than doubled from 545 in 1998 to 1,200 in 2000."

Ok here's what I want to know, since when did shooting into a crowd become an "Accident", also there is AGAIN no mention that paintball is statisticaly safer than bowling and golf if the proper guidelines are followed..
The fact that these idiots drive around and shoot people doesnt say much for the parents of these kids....OH wait!..its not their fault! :rolleyes: its everyone elses job to raise their kids.......:mad: GRRRRRRRRRRR.

"They shouldn't be allowed to be out in the open area," Travis said. "If they are going to be around, they should be in a controlled environment completely and not just to where people can purchase them and keep them at their homes or wherever." " thats great, once again people assume that making the law abiding rule following citizen jump through hoops will keep the Hooligan yuk yuks from commiting a crime.

END RANT>>..........

01-14-2004, 11:43 PM
I really wish that you would have included some more positive statistics in your segment "Off-Field Paintball Injuries on the Rise".

Other than the quick comment made while talking to the owner of Cousins paintball stating "Cousins paintball claims to not having one eye injury at their facility" you failed to mention that statisticaly paintball is safer than golf and bowling when the rules are followed, yes that is correct......golf and bowling.
you see for every 100 players of each of those sports there are less injurys reported for paintball than any others.

I urge you to either make a comment regarding this subject or at the least allow a representative of the sport to have more airtime to explain to parents what they can do to help prevent the same kind of incidences that happened to the young man in North Carolina and to the young lady in the segment.

if your segment was really an effort to help educate parents I feel this would be the proper steps to follow,

Thank you for you time,

01-15-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
So does that mean baseball is an unsafe sport because people get beaten to death by bats fairly often?

Couldn't have said it better myself :p :cool:

01-15-2004, 09:03 AM
I do not think the press coverage will really have any effect. If anything, it will draw more people. Face it, people are shooting eachother with guns, its going to get some bad press. Call it what you want (marker), but its a gun. I have been playing a long time and I am still not totally convinced it is a true sport. Actually, I am surprised more people are not injured. Every field I go to I will always see a kid trying to clean a gun with the tank attached and the barrel plug out.

01-15-2004, 10:15 AM
Yes the world is full of stupid people. I don't see how they can call paintball dangerous if all saftey precautions are followed. The sport can't help it if so stupid person takes his mask off in the middle of the game to clean it or so stupid bunch of kids drive around and shoot people. They should be punished not people that abuse the responsiblity of a paintball gun. Part of the problem to is miseducation. Joe Smoes kid is cleaning his gun with the tank on and a hopper full of paint because no one told him he couldn't and he didn't read the directions. If we want better press we, and by that I mean the responsible paintball players, need to take some action. It could be having a tech class on paintball saftey when you purchase you marker, or sponser a reduced entry tournament where to have to participate is a paintball saftey lesson or maker matinence. Something should be set up where someone can be conntacted in the event that some stupid kids get it in thier head that they wanna do drive by paintballing we as a whole can say that we don't condon thier actions. We have to be proactive if we want to gain a better view as a safe sport. Numbers should be compiled that show sports injuries and the severity of the injuys when saftey is followed in all sports. I bet hands down paintball would be on the bottom of the list. Seriously I have heard of more broken bones from people falling in paintball then eye injuries. And parents to play a major problem in paintball even though they my not agree with the problems it causes. If you think about it how many kids have you seen at your feild that look to be about 12 and under. I went to a customer aperciation day and there must have been 30 out of a 150 under the age of 12. By parents putting a gun in a kids hands they are asking for trouble. I doubt most of them didn't sit down and show little Billy about saftey and matinence. Well thats my thoughs. Sorry for the quick end I was getting pissed. Also I heard they are trying to make paintballl illegal in NY does anyone know if this is true cause if it is I am writing some people.