View Full Version : Why CAN'T I get my RT converted to E-MAG???

09-10-2001, 10:40 AM
Ok, I've been loyal to AGD for a while now. I have an RT, and whenever someone new to the sport asks to try it out, I give it over proudly. I explain how simple and wonderful the product is. But now I have a problem, and some questions. First of all, I'm tired of being "lit-up" by players with electronic markers. I have patiently waited for a year now to send in my RT for E-Mag conversion(to prevent this!). I was under the impression that the conversion process would be possible by Jan 2000 at the very latest. Now I feel like I'm being strung along, told "don't worry we'll be doing it soon" by AGD without any real answers. I know that manufacturing, procurement, and logistics are all crucial for this to be possible, but give me a break! How about this, AGD; take my RT as a trade on an E-Mag? Without some sort of satisfaction here, I'm switching to an Angel LCD. The next time someone asks me about AGD, do I tell them about how disappointed I am in their service? HELP!

09-10-2001, 11:06 AM
Dude...is it an RT or RT Pro...since there are 2 different designs...I was working a deal with a guy for the same sort of swap...it looked to me that you need to get the trigger, foregrip, and bodyrail to do it to an RT Pro...

...I assume an RT would be different, since the RT has a different body, and smaller diameter RT valve. Only AGD can help you, they ALWAYS come through...What would WDP give you? an Angel that people are posting in warpig, and paintballcity for sale or trade for an Emag? just hold on, I am sure that AGD will resolve the issue. I have held a mag for years, and will never go back to other markers, because of AGD's awesome customer service and interaction.

If you really cant wait...just sell the RT for a decent $$ and buy an Emag...heck...I know a few guys from my field that are looking for used RT's.....

If youre being "lit up" by other players, that has nothing to do with the marker...I will "lite someone up" with a raptor...

I am an avid tourney player....I am in at least one tourney a month...I think I am pretty good, and I sure do take out my share of electros...they all shoot the same...one ball at a time...I have been taken out alot too, but have never laid the blame on my RT Pro...I made a mistake somewhere along the game...

Good Luck...

09-10-2001, 11:39 AM
Thanks, PhyscoMag- At least I feel a little better..

09-10-2001, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by PBchopR
I'm tired of being "lit-up" by players with electronic markers. I have patiently waited for a year now to send in my RT for E-Mag conversion(to prevent this

Just learn to Shoot RT faster , a good trigger finger could do 14bps with a normal RT. Also , just don't stick your body out too much , íf you're getting lit up , you're probabally stickin out too much. A angel won't help you stick to you bunker if you can't hit the broad side of a barn?

09-10-2001, 12:54 PM
Youre welcome...I will tell you this...I am still mastering the RT trigger, but I have had trigger pull offs, and I can repeatedly outshoot a revvie, and a ricochet, as compared to cockers, and angels. Those markers are quick, but this is the only true RT trigger that forces the return of the trigger. I am thoroughly content with my RT.

Thanks AGD for such quality.

"Often imitated...never duplicated..."

09-10-2001, 01:09 PM
ever light up someone with a pump??

09-10-2001, 01:58 PM
Yeah...with a sterling...the dude gives that...

"omygod...I spent $1500 on this Dark Angel LCD and got torn up by a freakin pump...im going home in embarrassment"


lol...for u Dolby

09-10-2001, 02:13 PM
Give me $900 and your RT and I'll convert it for you right away. No problem. Take me a few days. ;)

09-10-2001, 02:35 PM
Cphilip - lol Let me know the first guy who takes that offer Cphilip. I have other ones waiting in line for him. *grins*

And PBchopR, the other guys are right. If you're getting lit-up, this probably has nothing to do with the fact you're getting shot by angels. It has to do with the caliber of players.

Learn to better cover yourself on the field, and watch for the movements of others.

09-10-2001, 02:48 PM
You will be the first to know Arturus...;) I'll do as many as you like.

09-10-2001, 03:33 PM
RT conversions have already been done. A friend of mine has #1. However, they had fits with his, it took them months to make it work, so maybe they are refining the design.

09-10-2001, 07:46 PM
PsychoMag listed all of the points I was going to say.

The RT is a sweet gun in its own right. But sell it and buy an E-mag (either on Ebay or here) if you wish.

The E-mag is an engineering masterpiece - I just took mine completely apart and reassembled it. A conversion would be like an Autococker - it takes a lot to create a Cocker from the original Sniper pump.

Speaking of which - yes, I HAVE lit up people with a pump. It's called autotrigger, and at close range it's almost as fast as a decent semi. Try it sometime with a Phantom, or better yet, and old school Bushmaster SI.

09-10-2001, 08:20 PM

Yes the retrofits have been a hastle. If your gun is worth 300 bucks then you are only 150 away from a new Emag with all the trimmings. As the man who makes them I strongly urge you to sell your RT and get the Emag fresh.


09-10-2001, 08:43 PM
My mag is worth $300. where can i get an emag for $450 :) ? or did i misunderstand (i assume).

09-10-2001, 09:21 PM
Hes saying instead of the upgrade. The E-Mag conversion costs $600. But 888Paintball has E-Mags for like $975 or so, so its less than that.


09-10-2001, 10:22 PM

Do like Tom recommends and get the E-mag. You should be able to get $300 for your RT pretty easily. I've had my E-mag for 2 weeks, and it is an amazing piece of engineering. I am in love.

09-11-2001, 05:20 AM
Paintballgear.com...$969 i thuink...with a free crossfire...

i am paitently waiting for my SFL Emag, or Emag Extreem ::sigh:: waiting...wiaiting...waiting