View Full Version : Gosh Durn idiot Teens!

01-14-2004, 01:20 PM
By OREN DORELL, Staff Writer

GARNER -- Garner police Chief Tom Moss said his staff will consider
whether to recommend banning the firing of paintball guns within town
limits, after a recent incident in which a boy was partially blinded in
a drive-by paintball shooting.
Garner investigators are also looking into filing additional charges
against some of the same teens already charged with injuring Chris
Estes, 12, of Raleigh, who was shot in the eye Jan. 5 in Wake County,
said Garner police Officer Jon Blum, the department spokesman.

Four teens were arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon
inflicting serious injury. Arrested were John Lemons, 16, of ------------- Lane; Christopher Robert Tracy, 16, of ------ Road; and Adam
Bennette Nelson, 17, of --------- Road, all of Raleigh; and
Garner resident Kyle David Lindbergh, 16, of -------- Way.

The N.C. Crimes guidebook published by the UNC-Chapel Hill Institute of
Government identifies a deadly weapon as "any instrument that under the
circumstances of that use is likely to cause death or serious bodily

Blum said the paintball spree apparently began in Garner.

The first known shots occurred about 1 p.m. behind Winn-Dixie at ------------- Blvd., where Julio Vargas of ------------- Ave. in Raleigh
was looking through a Dumpster, Blum said. Vargas "heard three shots
from a paintgun and felt something hot hit him on the leg," Blum said.
Vargas wasn't seriously injured.

About 5:30 p.m., three more paintballs slammed into a window at
Chick-fil-A at ------------- Drive, according to police reports. The paint
washed off and caused no permanent damage. Someone inside Chick-fil-A
recognized the vehicle and helped police identify the driver.

"This kid [the driver] basically admits that the balls were shot from
his car. He didn't know who actually shot it," Blum said. "Actually the
guy in the back seat did. He gave some names of other people who were
actually in the vehicle."

One of the suspects admitted to shooting -------, Blum said.

Maj. T.S. Matthews of the Wake County Sheriff's Office said
investigators are also looking into whether there is a connection
between the incidents Jan. 5 and one that occurred a day earlier on the
----- block of --------- Road. Melissa R. Carroll, 29, of -------- Court in Raleigh was bicycling with her husband and two other
people when a paintball shot from a moving sedan hit her in the arm.

Raleigh police have handled six paintball assaults in 2003, police
spokesman Jim Sughrue said. Four of the six involved unknown attackers,
Sughrue said.

Raleigh and Chapel Hill prohibit discharging paintball guns within city
limits. Several other towns in Wake County do not.

Sgt. Dan Ennis of the Morrisville Police Department, where paintball is
not banned, called paintball "a new problem."

When the devices were first introduced, they didn't have much power,
Ennis said. Most now shoot with velocities approaching 300 feet per
second, however, "and that will hurt you," Ennis said.

In Garner, the ordinance banning the discharge of firearms covers BB
guns, pellet guns and other air-powered devices that fire a metal
projectile. But that excludes paintballs.

Matthews said that politicians will decide but that he doesn't think new
ordinances are necessary.

"We have the necessary statutes to deal with these problems," he said.
"Law enforcement is not going to be able to replace a parent's
responsibility for teaching their children good judgment."

Staff writer Oren Dorell can be reached at 829-8963 or

link: http://newsobserver.com/news/triangle/story/3218844p-2886384c.html

Note: addresses have been blocked, however the article lists them :/

01-14-2004, 01:33 PM
Wouldn't hurt a thing as long as they placed some type of exception in the law that stated except at specific permitted or licensed areas. Thus allowing PB fields to operate inside of the city limit.

01-14-2004, 01:38 PM
I hate teenagers, and am embarrassed to be one.

01-14-2004, 01:39 PM
i dont think they have that in mind....

01-14-2004, 01:40 PM
Hey Kev,
I'm really sorry to see that you protected the "innocent" by blanking out the streets. I'd love to see the PB community come together to scare the boys straight! :)

01-14-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
"We have the necessary statutes to deal with these problems," he said.
"Law enforcement is not going to be able to replace a parent's responsibility for teaching their children good judgment."

Times ARE changing. There is hope yet. ;)

01-14-2004, 02:10 PM
I find it odd that they think passing a law banning the firing of paintball guns would solve this problem. The only thing it would do is just give them one more thing to chage people with, but it's not going to stop idiots from doing stuff like this.

01-14-2004, 02:45 PM
Take the cows out of the feeder lots and put teenagers in them instead:)

01-14-2004, 02:59 PM
hey:mad: not fair to accuse all teenagers of being retarded. Is it iven true that when markers were first introduced they didnt go 300fps? I thought splatmasters were set to go 300..?

01-14-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by PBCapo
Is it iven true that when markers were first introduced they didnt go 300fps? I thought splatmasters were set to go 300..?

Old paintball guns didn't have adjustable velocities. Their FPS was fixed, generally intrinsic to their design.
Most tended to be around 250 fps. That is a generalization.

My old Splatmaster Rapide shot 245 fps with the first shot on a 12-gram, and fell off from there.

01-14-2004, 03:26 PM
300fps has been avalible on standard markers for over 10 years. It's not like it's a recent thing, or that the speed is increasing, as they kind of suggest in the article.

Sounds like the police are forgetting their role. They are empowered to enforce the law, not create new ones.

It also sounds like they have a prefectly good law on the books to cover such incidents.

It's unfortunate that some teenagers are stupid. It is however reality. In the context of such an incident, banning one device that somone can be stupid with isn't going to accomplish much. When going on a cluevoid rampage it's only going to cause another rule or law to be broken, not cut down on the cluevoid rampages.

01-14-2004, 05:21 PM
a guy at work told me about this today. he also told me about the girl in colorado.

kev, where do you play at? I am looking for some good fields in our area.

01-14-2004, 05:41 PM
kev hasnt played in forever, lol

some sport named "basketball" is more important to him;) :p

you should come play at Black River paintball on sunday!

i'll be out there for team practice in the morning then rec in the afternoon


01-14-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I hate teenagers, and am embarrassed to be one.

I feel the same way at times like this.

01-14-2004, 05:46 PM
I thought it was illegal to release the names of suspects under the age of 18 :confused:

Chojin Man
01-14-2004, 05:48 PM
"Matthews said that politicians will decide but that he doesn't think new
ordinances are necessary.

"We have the necessary statutes to deal with these problems," he said.
"Law enforcement is not going to be able to replace a parent's
responsibility for teaching their children good judgment."

The police aren't trying to change the law. The politicians will decide weather it is changed; not the police.

If the police don't inform the politicians of possible problems with the law how are the politicans ever going to learn about those problems?

01-14-2004, 06:14 PM
Did any of you all happen to watch GMA this morning?

01-14-2004, 07:15 PM

When will these morons live. Sadly, I too am a teen.

I don't get it!
Do they think that a new law will solve it?

New laws will only punish the law-abiding citizens.
Politics :mad:

01-14-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by PBCapo
hey:mad: not fair to accuse all teenagers of being retarded. Is it iven true that when markers were first introduced they didnt go 300fps? I thought splatmasters were set to go 300..?

hey, im a teen too...its just we're all really stupid...im no better than the rest of us
I'll continue to monitor the situation for everyone. I'll go to a town council meeting if I have to...

and i dont play as much as i would like anymore. Yeh, Im a student at Duke and work for the basketball program there. It takes too mcuh time to play.

Id recommend playing at Triangle Paintball: (919) 598.5000.

01-14-2004, 07:40 PM
I really hate punks that do this kinda stuff...really, expecially after today when I got slung unbenoigstently into the same catigory....

I go to second peroid, I goto the Library for online college course, right?

Im sitting there reading some really long, tedious Frontier Thesis when the Asst. Librarian was like, hey I heard about something on the news and thought of you...
Me: ah really? what was it?
Her:something about a girl in Colorado and a paintball gun and she got shot in the eye and is blind now
Me: somewhat blows off, going on about how they give paintball a bad image, and safty statstics, yadda yadda, how much I would like to find said punk and beat the living *insert profane word here* outta him, and to please not EVER put me in the same class as said punks etc

She went silent for quite some time... but its the truth, I ticks me off to no end...

I enjoy my ablity to shoot and drill in my back yard, reguardless of my location(in direct site of City Hall/Police/Fire Dept., P.O., and Water Dept) I would have a friggin cow if some punk did that in my little town...

01-14-2004, 08:26 PM
why would they put a minor's address in an article, personally i think thats out of line. "If you would like to go beat this people up for ruining paintball they live at.....

01-14-2004, 09:01 PM
I think that those teens got what they deserved. but I don't see how restricting paintball in whereever is going to stop driveby shootings. It's against the law to do a driveby paintball shooting, but people still did it any how.Posing restrictions just means that you try not to get caught. It really ruins it only for the leagel paintballers