View Full Version : A good note for AGD

09-10-2001, 12:53 PM
Tom i played at my tourney this sunday up at survival and i've gotta tell ya man the e-mags are getting REALL POPULAR!

Usually im the only e-mag ther and everyone calls me E-Mag. But yesterday ther were 5! And my store got one in and the first day it got in Brian (a kid witha dust blue angel)bought one and was like yea ive always been a mag fan!


Another Note:
Why do ppl whear that "mags are for donkey's" shirt it really pisses me off

09-10-2001, 01:02 PM

I noticed this phenomenon also...Are mags on a comeback? My Home field hosts a Team Practice day once a month, and yesterday, I never saw so many mags out there...usually its all cockers, and bushies/impies...there were alot of mags out there... we kinda hung out for a while trying the different ones out...and stuff...kinda bonded...all were sweet...I had to tech one, but it was no biggie, needed oil.

But I am definitely noticing more mags, all around, butI am still the only true RT Pro...one or two have the RT valve, but none were bought as RT models. No Emags yet either...mine will be the first... :)

09-10-2001, 02:24 PM
I played saturday night at an indoor field. People asked me how I liked the emag, I told them it is heavy but shoots REALLY fast. I have the trigger so damn short and light now, I am afraid I will hurt someone from over shooting( I do control my trigger but...fast is fast is faster than most anything). I gots to get me more magnets :)
I personally didn't enjoy being the only emag there, everyone was much to excited to shoot me out. They thought I was god or something because I had a fancy gun. They thought so even after they kept shooting me. Although, no one got to bunker me. One kid tried and I shot him up. So alls I got to say is thank god the emag works good, otherwise I would be one big welt, cause their heads were down most of the time :).

09-10-2001, 03:04 PM
I compared my emag w/o the battery to my bushmaster - and they weigh nearly the same. Im drawing up a skeletonized version of the battery pack - becuase of its placement and size, I think its what makes the emag feel heavy overall. With out it I dare say the emag is light!

ANYWAY - when I finally got to take my new baby out, I showed a few angel owners what Fast Rate of Fire really means...

09-10-2001, 08:33 PM
Got to tell ya it warms my heart to hear these stories.......

You keep shoot'n em we'll make more!


09-10-2001, 09:23 PM
What can we say? We like going out there with the frist and last paintball marker made right from the beginning, so you don't NEED aftermarket parts! Me personally? I enjoy the fact that I carry the most bad a$$ marker on the field.

Evil Bob
09-10-2001, 09:38 PM
Ran into someone last May at a rec field I frequent, your typical loud mouth who has an answer for everything whether you want to hear it or not. I had not heard someone sober spout so much complete crap about everything in general, it was simply amazing. Fortunately, he was not on my team, I'd hate to have to shoot him in the back every game just to get him to shut up.

The scenario is as follows: Elimination game, green team (my team) has 12 people, red (the team loud mouth is on) is down to 3, and we're rapidly closing in. They're dug in behind a barricade in the corner of the field, only option is to rush. So I called out that I would lay down cover fire, and we only need a couple guys to run up and force a surrender, this particular field has a 15 foot no fire/forced surrender rule. 5 heads nodded back in agreement and I opened up, firing as fast as I could, hitting the top edge of the barricade covering it quite thoroughly with paint, the constant splating noise was keeping their heads down. The 5 rushed in from both sides of the barricade and force a surrender. Game over!

As we're walking back, Mr Loud Mouth starts making comments about my "super powered super expensive blasting race gun" and how he'd be kicking everyone's butt if he had one, blah blah blah, yakkity smakkity. Then he turns to me and says: "So, what do you do when the batteries die? Do you piss and moan and go home?" "Oh, you mean like this?" and I removed the battery. "Circuits dead, no power. If this happens, I just switch over to manual and..." and I emptied my last 30 some odd rounds rapid fire into the trees. The stupid look on his face was worth it, he just didn't have a come back.

Back at the staging area, a few people came up and asked me questions about the E-Mag I was shooting, I let them all shoot it on the field just before the next game started.

At that time, I was the only E-Mag owner on the field, now there are a dozen or so that show up fairly regularly, including several outspoken Angel owners.

Evil Bob

09-10-2001, 11:44 PM
Evil Bob, Now THAT was a classic answer!! LOL:cool:

09-11-2001, 01:34 AM
Bob I wet my pants on that story!!!


09-11-2001, 03:31 AM
I have also seen a resurgence of mags at my local field. When team AO Nightmare first started meeting there last month, we were usually about the only mags to show up. The field was at that time, cocker and electro dominated. Month and a half later, and at times it seems everywhere you turn was a mag. Last Sunday we even had an E-Mag show up! I do believe that the field sponsored teams are even toning down the mag bashing.
