View Full Version : Starting dedicated and winning team in New York

Daniel Morse
09-10-2001, 02:11 PM
I am 24 years old and have been playing for 6 years. I play walk on hi-tec games on Long Island and at Skirmish with my brother (20 years old). We now feel it is time to take the next step and create a team from the ground up. You must be dedicated to hold practice (on chosen weekends), travel when necessary for tournaments, experience playing the game is ofcourse necessary, and you must love to win.
I personally use an RT but owners of guns from other gun manufacturing companies are also welcome. I will be taking at the most 5 people as teammates. Based on the success of our newly formed team we may grow to a 10 man. You do not need to live on Long Island (I personally live in Queens) although most practices will be at Paintball Long island. Since we do not have sponsorship (yet) you will need money for paint and air.
Apply by replying to this post with your email address and a summary of yourself. Be honest with experience, ability, position you usually play, age and the equipment you will be using. Liars are not good teammates. Do not tell me what gun you will borrow from your friend, mother, or grandmother. The gun needs to be your own, in perfect working condition and ready to play at all times. If not, you will need a secondary gun as a backup.
With the fall season approaching I would like to get this team established so we can begin to gel in time for upcoming tournaments.
Teammates will be picked carefully and team chemistry is very important. As much as I look forward to winning games as a team, good times are just as important. ;)

09-10-2001, 02:22 PM
if you played in upstate ny i could join, im in westchester, i play liberty, crazy paint, paintball maddness, and sometimes high velocity. i shoot a cocker as my main gun, and a micro emag as a backup. i also have a vsc phantom. ive been playing for 2 years. umm thats bout it, my email is [email protected], idk if ill be able to join, but let me kno anyway, oh im 16, wont have a car for a little while (2 months), but i can drive when my parents let me take the car, i also can get rides.

09-10-2001, 02:29 PM
actually, if the practices are on select weekends, and not every one, i probobly could make em

Daniel Morse
09-10-2001, 02:44 PM
Practices will not be every weekend, but rather anywhere from one to three days a month (being either Saturday or Sunday). The amount of practice days a month also depends on whether or not we have a tournament coming up. Having your own car is very important especially if you live far from Long Island because you don't want to rely on anybody just in case something comes up and you can't make it to a practice or even a tournament.

09-10-2001, 03:05 PM
i agree, my grandparents live in long island (hampton bays) which is about an hour from pbli and hv. i could take the train there for practices, i would then just need a ride to wherever the practice is. anyway, i also have a little tourny expierence. actually, i probobly could drive to the practice from there, but i doubt ill be driving to practices from my regular house.

id also like to kno what the roster is and talk to you before making a commitment.
a few more things:
i play all ranges of paintball, from speedball to scenario games.

in speedball, i mostly play back, but can play mid when needed.

im also pretty knowledgeable on lower end guns, cockers, and im learning mags at the moment.

Daniel Morse
09-10-2001, 03:26 PM
When a roster is chosen you will all be notified. It takes some time to sort through all of the applications and create the best team possible. If necessary I will contact you by email to ask you any questions I may have. Once evaluations are done we will all meet and make arrangements for our first practice, according to availability and whatever is practical for our teammates. I can't wait to get out on the field and start playing, just be patient for now.

09-10-2001, 03:39 PM
allright, lol, i dont mean to sound pushy or anything, im just bored. anywho, are you thinking of having tryouts?

Daniel Morse
09-10-2001, 04:50 PM
At our first practice we will be taking a look at each others abilities and deciding what position best suits the type of game you play. Obviously if you are fast and make quick decisive decisions and can snapshoot accurately you will be playing as a front player. If you are slower and accurate at long distances and have a good eye for the field to yell instructions to front players you will probably be a back player. From there we will work at perfecting game plans and practice our accuracy.

09-11-2001, 05:29 AM
Hey dude...I am from the New Jersey scene...I know alot of people...my team has about 22 players...and I know some in N. Jersey that should be interested... They boast about 5 years playing time, and want to join my team, but They are too far north for my practices...As far as the 1-3 times a month...just set a schedule...you will get better results if you just say every other weekend, or the 1st and 3rd sunday...also, go for 7 players...NPPL allows 7 players on a 5man tourney, you never can 100% rely on a player. I learned that the hard way a while back, plus 7 players cuts costs down, and rotate the guys around. I usually take the first 5 for my A team, and 1 backup...My A team is 7, B team is 10, and Young guns.

See Ya on the field...u ever go to Pinelands in Jersey??

Daniel Morse
09-11-2001, 04:26 PM
I do not want to say yet what Saturdays and Sundays of the month will be practice days until the team members have been chosen. I think that should be decided by the team and not me alone because I want to make it easy for everybody to show up.
Thank you for your input. The reason I said I will be accepting five players is because I already have two and a possible third. Unfortunatly, I have never been to Pinelands New Jersey. But if you come to Paintball Long Island or Skirmish I would meet up with you there. Thanks.

09-12-2001, 06:37 AM
Call me in 2 years :)

09-12-2001, 01:25 PM
thats me always jumping to conclusions...I helpalot of teams start...and when your team is made, lemme know and I will call up on my guys for a road trip to NY...they'd love to play a new team...

09-12-2001, 01:35 PM
aw crap... im like in watertown.. too far away to get involved

Daniel Morse
09-20-2001, 04:08 PM