View Full Version : Easyest way to achive back spin on an e-mag w/level 10

01-15-2004, 01:30 AM
so what is it?

01-15-2004, 03:56 AM
I think there is something called the Z-body that has a rubber bumper in the top of the body, that will induce backspin. Dont know who sells them, and if the yexist anymore...it is a couple of years since I heard of them.
Anyway, what I heard about them is that your accuracy goes ape*EDIT* No need to use foul language here, it's against the rules. Please refrain from using swear, cuss, our any other poor choice of words. Also, do not use characters in place of letters, that is also not allowed here. Army, and ball breaking is a problem to. Just get a good paint/barrel match instead.

01-15-2004, 11:33 AM
There's no good reason for back spin.

The only effective way to induce it is the tippmann flatline barrel. But, although you get more total range your effective range remains unchanged. Unless you enjoy anyings other players by bouncing balls off them at extreme ranges. :P

Also, if the marker is held and shot in anything but perfectly vertical, you get all sorts of nasty curveballs.

01-15-2004, 03:28 PM
The Z-Body imparts backspin on the paintball, as the Flatline barrel does. However, the Z-Body and Level 10 are incompatible (unless the Z-Body people have changed their bodies lately). The Z-Body's inner bore is too small for the L10 bolt to fit into.

01-16-2004, 12:38 AM
If you learn how to use backspin the curve balls are great. A bit of practice and you can shoot around bunkers a little bit.

Anyway, after my gun design, the Phoenix, goes on the markey I may be making a backspin kit for both the phoenix and the mag. It is a new design. Can't disclose any details yet other than the fact that is will fit on all mags other than the old school RT.

01-16-2004, 09:38 AM
A small drop of oil on the inner top tip of the barrell is the way we did it back in the Nelspot days. Only works for a shot or two though.

01-16-2004, 03:08 PM
ok, i wouldnt reallly recommend it, but ive heard of people diluting elmers glue with water, then marking what part of the barrel is the top, then pouring the glue down the barrel on that spot untill it creates a thin back spin-inducing layer of glue.:rolleyes: sounds sketchy, but you can try with a spare barrel

and crimson turkey, "fit all but classic RT's" curse you! dont you know that classic RT's are the coolest!?!

01-16-2004, 03:16 PM
i usually just break some paint in my barrel .. i get a nice spin ...

wait thats curving ... crap
