View Full Version : Getting Lit up? Who here has?

09-10-2001, 02:49 PM
I've gotten lit up only 1 and that sad part was it was with a guy with a pro carbine. I came around the corner and I didn't see him and he shot me twice. I could tell the gun was hot and I didn't even bother turning around so I jsut stuck my hands up in the air and the kid took an aditional 7 shots at me. I turned around Getting ready to shot the kid with my other mag I had before my Emag and the Ref's got in front of me. The thing that ticks me off the most it was in a tournement and the kid didn't get penilized. :mad: I wish I had the Emag, That kid would have been white from head to toe with welts from his bellie button to his lips.:D

09-10-2001, 03:05 PM
I think the real question is: Who hasn't gotten lit up? ;)

I think it happens more in rec ball with new players. They can get over excited and just go nuts. Experienced players train themselves to eliminate one guy and move on to the next. Why waste paint and time on an eliminated player? Get his teammate.

I'm not saying that experienced players never go overboard (I know I've been guilty) but they do tend to have more control.

And yes, I have been lit up on more than one occasion by both new and experienced players. I just rant and rave until someone tells me to suck it up and move on.:)

09-10-2001, 03:06 PM
The worst Ive been was about 8 stitched up the arm in a bunker move. Didnt hurt though...

My best light up move was 5 (FIVE) shots with a Sniper 1 (no autotrigger) vs a guy with a full auto AT-10.

09-10-2001, 03:08 PM
I'm like a bug attracted to the bug zapper light.

I see that bunker....and...."I can't help it, it's so beautiful" WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP-WAP

Lit up...like a bug.

09-10-2001, 03:15 PM
ah yes, i have been lit up and burned out... atleast thats what it felt like

09-10-2001, 03:18 PM
one game in the finals we were playin a team, the guy got hit, stood up and walked off (with out taking his band off or raising his hands) the field so i shot at'em 2 times.
we played'em again and i got hit, so walking off the field i got popped 17 times.

The Mad Painter
09-10-2001, 03:18 PM
We were on the speedball field on a sunday afternoon, and some hotshots came out from Iowa City. 2 NICE mags, and an Angel. Older style, but fast. Well, we got somehow suckered into playing them, and i was still a bad palyer, wait i still suck, but i was REALLY bad. Well, i think hey, ill take the middle like i usually do, ive gotten better, so i take the middle. well, they all 3, yes ALL 3! decide to take the middle. so im running at them, they're running at me, but im not shooting, and they are. all 3. so after 17-20 shots have landed on my chest, arms and mask, im laying on the ground, gasping, and they shut us out. course we were bad, and they werent, but it hurt nonetheless. just a neato little story.

09-10-2001, 03:44 PM
i got lit up 2 times on saterday and 2 more time befor that im was in a bunker and got hit about 5 time so i call a paintcheck and i guess im magic cause none of them poped and then when the ref left i got hit like 4 more time and one poped and that one hit my pack

and i got lit up buy this one retard that just kept shooting me i was like im out he was like pop pop pop then was ref was like he is out and made the guys sit out for a game

and the guy that lit me up on saterday i lit him up that same day i got around to where he didnt see me so i ran up and with my minimag shot him like 8 times. then a game later my 3 team member were like in a line of bunkers and i saw a guy come up to bunker one of my team members and i was like watch out and me and my brother just unloaded on the guy that triend to bunker our team mate. we hit him about 15 times

then i lit up my brother on accident cause i was using a cheap inferno and thouse thing r loud and i hit him once but i had a strem of paint and he just stood up into it and wham wham wham i hit him 6 or 7 times

09-10-2001, 03:54 PM
I got lit up at the 48 hour skirmish game. It was night time and we caught a few guys from the other team in a structure. I was in an elevated platform and was laying out tons of fire. Suddenly, someone with an Angel started tearing into me from behind. There was no back to the tower, just cover on the front and sides. He started at my right ankle, walked up my leg and stopped at my buttocks for about two seconds. I couldn't sit for a few hours.

Worst part was it was a teammate. Some young gun with a tricked out Angel that mommy bought for him.

09-10-2001, 04:03 PM
I got lit up by 2 newbies the other day. Both were toting Pro-lites.

I can't believe it happened. I should have seen it comming ya know.

Course, I was wearing bright orange so that didn't help. O wait, now I remember, I was reffing! :p

Newbies on crack, gotta love em. :rolleyes:

09-10-2001, 04:09 PM
here is a good one...I was in a tourney playing R Back...I didnt realize that we had lost our left back, and tape...
A dude with a tweaked angel he had never used before, lit me up so bad, I was saturated with paint. He never realized how sensitive the trigger was cuz he got panicky and began skaking exposing himself into my line...he mustve hit me 25 times up the side...

...he apologyzed a hundered times, and even let me try the angel to prove the trigger sensitivty...i cant believe it...the thing kept shooting on its own recoil...it was that tight...

still got the cracked JT lense, and the broken NitroDuck tank gauge

09-10-2001, 04:21 PM
playing rec ball 6 on 6 with the local team. got shot 2 times leg, 1 arm, 1 stomach, and 1 mask when i tried to make it to mid at the break. it was awesome.

i think that if you haven't gotten lit up, you haven't played paintball to its full extent :)

Blue 88
09-10-2001, 04:27 PM
when it just feels like all the balls hit you at once.... ohh so much fun.

09-10-2001, 04:28 PM
I lit up a guy, im not proud of it but it happend, me and about 6 other guys were at D-Day and where sneaking behind the enemy when a guy from the opposite team came and did a dead man walk(where a person walks and acts like he is out and then starts firing) and he started aiming at us so we all just started shooting we probably shot a total of 100 pb at the guy at about 30 feet away, I know I shouldn't be proud of it but it was in the heat of battle!

Ball Buster
09-10-2001, 04:35 PM
I got lit up once.. but.. like.. i saw it comming..

My friend had just bought his new gun.. and he was a little more than a newbie than I was (neither of us had ever been shot with something other than a brass eagle talon or tigershark).. So we were outside shooting can's etc.. when i was like "i'll let you shoot me if I can shoot you"... well.. that's where it started...

Next thing I knew we were aout 20 yards apart just capping each other.. I bet i got shot 25 times.. it was pretty sweet. :)

09-10-2001, 04:42 PM
i'vve got shot like 12 times in the back before. i've been bunkered when i was out(got shot from across the field and then bunkered) but on sunday my friend and i were playina scenario game and we double bunkered a guy behind a rock. he never called himself so we kept shooting. turned out it was like 27 breaks on him. he was shooting a dark angel and me w/a hypermag both at 12bps. wahoo!!!!!!

09-10-2001, 04:50 PM
I got lit up by a big shot that owned a paintball store when we were playing recball. I guess he thought he was cool to have his cocker at like way over 300fps, and unload on some little kids.

09-10-2001, 04:53 PM
the guy that i said i lit up on saterday deserved it we were only supposed to have out fps at 250 cause it was indoor he said he had it at 245 but turns out it was at like 325 so he deserved it

09-10-2001, 04:55 PM
thats weird i just posted at like the same time as u yama and that guy that i said that had his at 325 shot me in the leg and all up my side so he deserved what i did to him

Major Ho
09-10-2001, 05:02 PM
I got a pretty good one.
Brand new guy to the sport. VCU paintball club introduced him. Gave him a 98 with RT mod, and I assume most of us have heard/seen these things tear away with no restraints.
3 on 3 with some of the VCU club guys including mister armed to the teeth RT. Both my teammates get eliminated I run up to the 50 left tape to try to at least get better coverage. One guy burns my bunker, I try to keep off the guy on the opposite side of the 50 and suddenly the guy with the RT comes flying over my bunker and completely lets loose on the RT. He hit me 4 times in the gun, at LEAST 6 times up and down my left arm, and a few in the body and once in the mask. I cant remember if he didnt constrain himself or if it let loose that many balls in a second or two. I was on the ground rolling screaming for mercy like a little girl, yelling "HIT, HIT!!! ow ow HIT!!!" and someother things to that extent. The people on the other side of the field in the staging area even heard my wailing:D That is by far my worst paintball memory.
No exaggerations on the numbers either. That thing was sick...

09-10-2001, 05:21 PM
I got a story better than all y'all.

I was in a fort-type thing, making sure that they don't come back with the flag. They did. I was new at the game at this time, by the way. So anyway, the flag runner comes up with at least 10 newbs, most with rentals, a couple with spyders. Each and everyone of them lit me up. I bet that a lot of them were shooting hot, because about all of my welts were bleeding.

I was shot a total of 87 times.

09-10-2001, 06:20 PM
This is a great thread Son! I love these stories!

I had to have my wife count my welts last night after a big day on the field. I got stitched right up my arm 4 times, and then under my arm and on my love handle. They are all perfectly spaced about 3 inches apart. You can almost see how the recoil pushed the gun up a little each shot. It was one of those where you can't talk for 30 seconds because it stings so bad. I misread what bunker the guy was in and ended up running right at him. Ouch.

I gotta admit, I did make the guy do the dance of pain in the game before. My new E-mag had about 8 balls in the air before the sound of his screams got to me. :)

On top of that, I got bunkered by a hornet. But I still can't wait to get back next weekend.

Ni cD
09-10-2001, 06:39 PM
I've been lit up...many times.

I guess thats what you get when you play with people way better than you. :)

09-10-2001, 07:55 PM
This is about the worst I ever got "lit" up.

I was playing Rec in the woods at "Black Market, in Texas" and we were playing Fox and the Hounds. Well I was the Fox against 7 Hounds. I was hiding in a BIG ditch (im 6'6" and i couldnt see out of it), and I hear someone in front of me. I pop over the edge and snipe the dude in the marker. Just as he says "out" , I hear a SNAP behind me. A little kid about 11 with a stingray II is about 20ft away. Before I could say out, or try to fire at him he shot me 8 times, all up the back and on the love handles. NOW THAT STUNG THE PRIDE. I was the "MAG guy" with the best equipment and let me tell yopu ever since then I have ALWAYS treated Newbies with respect and tried to help them (hopefully they wouldn't hurt me like that again)

09-10-2001, 08:47 PM
i have never been 'lit up' because i have never been shot more than i would shoot someone. i think the most hits ive taken is 5 from arms length. but i put about the same on him i think.
dont bunker newbies and dont sneak up on newbies in a way that you cant shoot them in a place that they know they will be out.

09-11-2001, 08:18 AM
I was playing at NPF (WDPs home field in the UK) on their Villages field.
This field consists of lots of little huts with fences and bushes and towers to provide cover.
I was playing recball with a bunch of newbies who were unfamiliar with the field.

Anyway, me and maybe 3 punters were approaching this hut. There were obviously several baddies inside because we could see them shooting out of the windows; I guessed maybe 2 or 3 baddies.
I thought 'Right, now to show everyone how great I am! I'm gonna run up and mug the lot of them in that hut!'. I told my punter companions of my plan and told them to shoot at the windows to keep their heads in while I ran for the door with my RT. It was quite a long run (10-20m) and through a large shooting lane, so I knew I'd have to be fast.

Well, I get up and sprint for the hut. For once, the newbies did as I asked and peppered the windows with paint. I thought 'Great! I'm gonna mug these guys easy!'. I managed to make it through the door of the hut without getting hit.


As I charged into the hut, I saw straight away that I'd miscalculated. There werent just 2 or 3 newbies in there. There were six. Thats right, SIX. And I'd taken them all by suprise.

Basically, they all just turned round and hammered me with about 10 shots each. Thats about 60 shots. At point blank range.

OW that hurt.

I just curled up with the pain.

After 10 mins or so, the pain subsided and I shrugged it off and continued playing for the rest of the day.

What do you learn from that? Becareful before you suprise some newbies.


09-16-2001, 09:14 PM
ok this isn't a story about me getting lit up but about one of my friends. It was in a tourney game with a REALLY good team. Anyway, it was on a sup air field and my friend was at midfield behind a cylinder bunker on the left side of the field, soon as he goes behind his bunker because of a back player gettin close to hittin him, a guy comes up to his bunker to bunker him. My freind is standing there shooting out of the left side of the bunker and has NO CLUE that an oppenent is on the other side of it. The guy on the other team comes around the bunker from 18" and shoots my friend four times, from 18"!!! One hit his gun, two hit the side of his mask, and one hit his forearm. The gun and mask hits were just normal hits, BUT as soon as the ball hit his arm, even though it was through his jersy, blood splattered everywhere, on the bunker, all over both of the players. It was the worst paintball hit I've ever seen, even if it was only one ball. The guy who did it felt so bad that he called himself out and made his team forfit the game.

09-17-2001, 11:20 AM
Yeah, i have a story iun the same lines...

During a woods game once, I went around the right side alnoe and snuck up on a group of guys from the other team. I waited to get behind them, and they had no idea I was there. The rest of my team was running left, and these guys thought they were gonna flank 'em. O got completely around all of them (5 total) and took them out all out with about 8 shots. They were so surprised and angry that they all stood up and RETURNED FIRE AFTER THEY WERE TAGGED! The ref through them all out, but after I was hit numorous times.

I had a few bleeders that day....totally sucked.

In another instance, I was shot up by an auto paint gun, not sure what it was. My body didn;t have time to react to the first few shots before the next few hit....11+ in all. OUCH!

09-17-2001, 02:39 PM
i dont belive u got hit 87 times

09-17-2001, 03:02 PM
I played yesterday, and some guy, snuck around and ramboed my friend who was about 15 feet behind me. Then instead of just ramboing me and me other friend right next to me, he shoots us. I got shot 6 times in the back, i was bleeding a little and they had black rings around them. My friend only got shot once but it was right in the neck. I don't mind that I got shot but 6 times come on, can you say over kill.

09-17-2001, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Snap_Dogg
i dont belive u got hit 87 times

Personally I don't care what you think of me, if you believe me or not. You are a rude person, I do not care to converse with you.

09-17-2001, 09:52 PM
Dude. Relax MAgman. He can state his opinions just as you can.

09-17-2001, 10:00 PM
I'm not really sure as if I have "truely" been lit up but I do have a since of what it must feel like...when we are at XspyX's house and we feel like lettin some paint fly and want to shoot something, we say, why not a moving target?...so one of us volunteers to put on a mask and run around in his yard while they take pop shots at ya and man let me tell you does it hurt when a paintball hits you and there is no adrenaline rushing through you...lol. And you usually get a hit a good couple of times before you give in saying enough enough! Oh well, we'll never learn...:p

09-18-2001, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Ni cD
I've been lit up...many times.

I guess thats what you get when you play with people way better than you. :)

I agree. All the regulars at my field go up there like 4 days a week and play and stuff. One time It was like 3 on one and our only chance got out. So I decide I'll try the move he tried. So I run up to the bunker beside the guy and slide beside it and the side of it(that would be blocking me from him) had like 1ft. X 2ft. holes in it. He shot me like 10+ times. It was fun though. I was at a scenario about a year ago and my teams side is a bunch of trees and then a gap, then their side has a bunch of bunkers and one tree on the right side. No ones on the right side so they get me to run up there. Well, I start running and stupid me runs to the tree. I have no cover and almost everyone on their team points and shoots at me. So, I get up and start running, then I fall into some cow crap and pop right back up and start running again. Only one busted.

09-19-2001, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Snap_Dogg
i dont belive u got hit 87 times

I can believe it. In a recball game some emotionally disturbed kid 25' away with a F/A electro dumped half his hopper on me when he was on my own team and the game was already over. 35+ 'countable' welts (chest, back, arms, legs), mask/goggles covered... gogged blind. Took a lot to the head, gun/arms trying to defend myself after scrambling to a fetal position.

Thus the legend of my 1/4 twist quick detach stainless steel BigShot barrel... :)

09-20-2001, 09:12 PM
I get lit up every time I ref in rec or tourney play.

09-20-2001, 09:57 PM
well, playing with a guy that was really new (read NEWBIE)..

He was hiding in the far base... well I eliminated all those around him and had NO IDEA he was in the back base

Well, I went in from the right, fired a few shots at the base....and no movement.. So from about 2 feet away, i went to one of the openings in the base..

Well, he popped up, shot me 5 times from 2 feet... Iwent down in paint and he yells out "ARE YOU HIT??"

I screamed "OF COURSE I'M HIT" and popped over the opening to see who it was who shot me


He pops up and shoots me 4 more times!!!

I grabbed the barrel of his gun so he wouldn't shoot me again and he screamed like a little girl... I was mad and threw his gun..

I went back after 3 steps and said "Nice Move Buddy - just watch the close shots..."

My welts have started to leak


09-20-2001, 10:36 PM
A few weeks ago I got lit up pretty bad. I was reffing, and I had to go paint check a guy, I am more for being a good ref than dodging pain, so I ran right between a fire fight, which I do a lot when I ref, and I got hit by at least two guys on each team, I didn't really care though, I was expecting that, so I finally get to this guy, and I standing there checking this guy, making him turn in a circle and such, when some newbie who was using a shocker starts raining paint on this guy, he and I are both screaming neutral player, I dinally told the guy to get down and out of sight so I can get the newbie to stop, he still kept shooting, and all he could see was me, the ref! I finally signalled another ref to pull that kid out of the game, then I got back to checking that guy, luckily that kid was shooting a different color paint than what was being shot by the guy who called for me to do a paint check, he didn't have any of the same color paint that guy was using, only that kids paint, so I wiped him off and told him to play on.

I counted at the end of the day and I had 56 welts, the worst part was that kid did the same thing later that day to another ref, we pretty much banned him form the field after that.

09-21-2001, 08:46 AM
man i got lit up REAL bad once. it was a rec ball game but they put my whole tourny team on one rec team and this other tourny team on the other rec team to even things out. so me and my friend were up at this bunker at the edge of a ridge(the kind that you cant see whats comin over the top) and all of a sudden these 3 guys come flyin up the hill blazing paint. so i took lik 3 shots and got down since i expected them to take cover but noooooooo, one guy actually jumped over the bunker with his emag-yes emag and lit me up from head to tow. the ref there saw that my leg started to twitch so he escorted us out

09-21-2001, 05:34 PM
I've never been lit up... been shot 2-3 times at once, but never anything like ya'll are saying... Guess I've just been lucky... my time will come soon though. :p :p :p :rolleyes:

09-21-2001, 05:57 PM
I've been lit up once. But first let me set the story. Some guy shows up at the feild with his brand new angel. Along with him is his girlfriend. She is using his old M98. The FIRST game of the day this girl gets out one of the feilds SPONSERED team members. (VERY VERY FUNNY HOW MUCH */* WE GAVE THIS GUY HEHEH went something like "So lets get this straight, and understand the serverity of what happned. You got lit up by a girl, playing for the first time, in the first 30 sec. of her first game" haha funny) However the day goes on and this girl is getting good. SO now we're playing the final game of the day. Its one of those games where everyone just shoots whatever they have left and there is so much paint in the air you can't move. Well I was nicely postioned in the Mid-back left. Everyone is shooting there hearts out. Then kind of at the same time we all start running out and are popping pods. Well i guess this girl must have taken the 50 yard rocket ship thing... And man did she let me have it. I got hit 6 times.. 1 neck, 3 chest, 2 leg. It hurt so much that i couldnt even yell hit, i just stumbled off the feild. I had NO idea she was there, i just leaned out and WAP-WAP-WAP. I didnt even see who it was i just left. Later in the staging area i was asking some people who saw what happened. They told me it was the girl.
The neck shot felt like something bit a chunk out of it. She was probably 5-10 yards away and let me have it.

OOHH the memories.......

09-21-2001, 07:17 PM
thats gunna suck

09-22-2001, 06:31 AM
I've never been lit up either. I bet I just jynxed myself though. I'm playing today! (In about 1 hr.)

09-22-2001, 01:56 PM
Most of the replies I've read are apparently using a much different definition for getting 'lit up' than I'm used to.

In my book - the following things are NOT getting lit up:

being shot from 12 inches or closer
being shot with a hot gun
being shot after being eliminated
being shot (rapidly) less than 5 times by the same player
being shot (rapidly) less than 10+ times by multiple players

Getting 'lit' means someone - or several someones - shooting you multiple times with a second or two at most - usually at mid to close ranges and usually with the intent of 'stopping' you not with a mark but through inflicting physical discomfort.

Here's an example of getting lit up: charging 60+ players by yourself and taking at least three rounds off each of them during the first three steps - and then walking off the field leaving paint-colored footprints behind you.


09-22-2001, 04:40 PM
Ahahaha... hmm... I should apologize to my friend...

09-22-2001, 05:30 PM
once at a 7 man tourney in Oklahoma, my team only needed the 40pt flag pull to secure a 1st place win. my team captain designated me to run the gauntlet and get that flag pull.
at the whistle I dashed straight for the flag, I pulled it from the ring and stepped about 2ft when I felt what seemed like every player on the opposing team hit me with 10-12 shots. That wasnt the worst part.
I then had to stand there holding this flag at arms length in the middle of a firing lane until my team worked forward to pull it from me.

That game I was easily hit by 60 or more shots. I was literally dripping paint as I walked off the field. Luckily I was wearing a JT chest protector which deflected alot of the pain, but ow ow ow. Holding that 1st place trophy made it worth it though.

09-22-2001, 06:52 PM
:p I got back from playing paintball today. I flanked a group of seven people behind a mound bunker. They threw SO much paint at me it wasn't even funny. Luckily I only got hit twice over the knee. (They didn't break.) I got about four of them out until my own team mate shot me in the back of the head. Oh well, I had fun playing the greatest sport ever.I love it so much it puts me in a good mode for a week after playing. (I probably still be happy even if I got "lit up" every game!)

:cool: Rrok

Johnny Bravo
09-22-2001, 07:04 PM
I got lit up just today =). I was playing and all of a sudden I got a really nasty chop. Well, my gun was totally jammed and I couldn't get the damn thing to shoot. Then to make things worse the other team shot out my last 2 teammates. Well, we were playing center flag and my last chance was to hang the flag. So I just made a mad run for it. I grabbed the flag and kept on runnin... for about 10 feet before I was hit about 11 times by 4 other people.