View Full Version : What're your pet peeves?

01-15-2004, 08:29 PM
I just thought it might be an interesting idea to see what everyone's pet peeves are here on AO. Try to stay away from the ones like "I hate it when people say this gun is better over another and they haven't even tried it." We all hate that one. I'm talking about the little things.
I'll start us off:
When people in buildings of any kind (banks/dept. stores/etc) have double doors and leave one of them locked at ALL times. What's the purpose of having two??!?!? Just to make you run into one of them all the time?

When people spell the word "solenoid" as "selenoid", "selenid", and other WAY off ways.

So... What's yours?

01-15-2004, 08:42 PM
I hate it when people get overexcited while playing games, or blame the video game when they mess up.

arrogant jerks

people who talk on there cellphones constantly

01-15-2004, 08:42 PM
when someone says theyll call me back and i have to end up calling them back. if you say you will, do it!!

and also when people mention something, then say 'nevermind', and i have to pry at them to get at what they were gonna say, and it ticks me off even more when they wont tell me!

01-15-2004, 08:44 PM
people named bert
little kids
old navy
wal mart
andy pettite(damn you to hell andy)
pedro martinez
cops that try to arrest me for credit card fraud
new metallica
red sox fans
the guy who invented pokemon
kids in middle school
crotchety old people
angry fat people
people who wear socks under sandals
people from switzerland
islanders fans
people who force their beliefs on you
people that are completely vapid
attention whores
whores in general
star trek fans
half my family(see above)
people from the midwest
new yorkers
about 1769766666 more things i dont want to mention

01-15-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
people named bert
little kids
cops that try to arrest me for credit card fraud
new metallica
red sox fans
the guy who invented pokemon
kids in middle school
crotchety old people
angry fat people
people who wear socks under sandals
people from switzerland
islanders fans
people who force their beliefs on you
people that are completely vapid
attention whores
whores in general
star trek fans
half my family(see above)
people from the midwest
new yorkers
about 1769766666 more things i dont want to mention

Dang, mine as well put EVERYTHING

01-15-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Gotenks

Dang, mine as well put EVERYTHING

nice sig...very..intriguing..



people who say "don't like it? get out of the country!" in response to a complaint about how the gov't is handling things

the misuse of "their" for "there" and "your" for "you're" etc..

liars who will argue til they're blue in the face that their lies are truths...it REALLY gets to me..just fess up to what you did or didn't do!!!!!!!!!!

people who don't know how to compromise (their way or the highway mentality)

people who deck out their cars ricer-style after watching the fast and the furious

arrogance in general

people who blast rap from all the way down the hall, yet i can still feel its bass in my chair...


people who result to personal attacks when they don't agree with you

PDA (public display of affection)...a peck...a hug..those are fine..but shoving your tongue down someone's throat shouldn't be done in clear view...ever.

people who crowdsurf at concerts..too many idiots

people who throw punches in the mosh pit...too many idiots

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......people who think their crap doesn't stink too.

the list goes on...

EDIT- people who don't let you onto the freeway when you're on the onramp...ESPECIALLY if the fast lane is COMPLETELY CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-15-2004, 09:06 PM
Forum related;

Derlin - AHHHHHHhhhhhhh
___VS.___ - obviously
Best ___ - see versus
Up old thread to say "cool" - WTF


People who don't use turn signals.
People who pull out in front of you and go 3mph.
Not getting the arrow at an intersection.


Most everything else.;)

01-15-2004, 09:09 PM
When people say, "But that's just your oppinion". What a sucky comeback. Stating the obvious is not argument material.

01-15-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by gamarada717
When people say, "But that's just your oppinion". What a sucky comeback. Stating the obvious is not argument material. well thats just your opinion.:D

01-15-2004, 09:23 PM
the sound of a soda can being opened
the sound of a game controller (just the clicking and stuff)
local network reality shows
Ditses(sp), airheads
when someone wont take you seriously
when people say "prove it!"
humans in general.

01-15-2004, 09:38 PM
Getting an order messed up (not in favor) at a drive-thru.
People with sports cars who drive slow.
Every female who says she wants a nice guy with a sense of humor.
Paintball hype.
Girls who dress like hoochi-mamas and get "upset" with how they are oogled.
Paper cuts.
Vehicles with obnoxious stereos.
Ice cream shops that are not open 24-hours.
People at the gym who stay on the same equipment (that I want to use) for a half hour.
Excessive public affection.

Girls who say no. :p

Chojin Man
01-15-2004, 09:39 PM
wet socks
people driving slow in the fast lane
people who don't tip when at a resturant
people on the extreme right or left of politics
and people from NJ:p

01-15-2004, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Chojin Man
and people from NJ:p bite me

01-15-2004, 09:40 PM
Ugly girls that thing they are hott.

And people who dont put spaces after periods and commas.

01-15-2004, 09:45 PM
those bumper stickers that say "hows my driving" and have a phone number.

what would be really useful is if the number dialed in to the cab of the vehicle with the sticker so you could tell the driver what you exactly thought of their driving.

01-15-2004, 09:47 PM
more pet peeves:

closed minded people
good charlotte
people who watch wrestling
people who watch reality tv religously
those tiny headphones that go in your ear.(they look cool but hurt after a while)
barney the purple freaking dinosaur
miscue(jus kiddin:) )
er, everything.

01-15-2004, 10:02 PM
People who live in New Jersey that talk smack about other states :p

01-15-2004, 10:09 PM
Using letters as words ("o" for oh, etc)

Severe braggers

Big necklaces on guys


People who simply won't compromise

Misplaced CD's

Gamecube Controller

Snow and Cold

Long lines (shopping, rides, etc)

The word "bling bling"

white headphones

People who play extremely loud music on buses.

Bad Popcorn (too much butter, cold, etc)

People who think muscle cars suck

People who hate V8 engines

The word "pimp"

All rap

Girls who get mad at guys for looking at their chests when they have some sort of attention grabber there (I wish these were brains, etc)

People who don't excuse themselves when burping or passing gas

People who brag about their Civics

People who think just because they are good at something means everyone else should be good at that too.

People who "wall lock" you in fighting games

People who floor the gas in their cars cause they think
their engine sounds good

Standing on buses

Broken headphones

Power outs

Hoggers (Use something and never let you try it)


Touch pad mouses (on laptops)

Seizure attempting graphics

Constantly spelling words wrong on chat programs

Loud people in theatres

Glare on Screen

People who brag about their minidisk/mp3 players of their capacity when they only use like 20 songs.

Attempting to cheat full auto on paintball guns

People who don't get hints that you don't like them

Commercials on good TV shows

The cancellation of Family Guy

Cleaning glasses

Forgetting keys

Late buses

People who claim The Lord of the Rings to be horrible

Slow internet

Teachers with attitudes

Stupid commercials

Slow traffic

Annoying colored cars

Overpriced Videos and DVD's

People who wear HUGE pants (like 5 times too big)

Dead Batteries

Really small movie theatres

People who take credit for other's work

People who are act like they are the king of the road

People who are always late

Talking baby (Oh you cutsie wootsie.. etc)

Early wake ups

Dogs in neighbourhood that won't stop barking

People who have HORRIBLE hygiene

People who act superior cause they have something expensive

Peopel who laugh at you when trying


30 seconds post rule (Sorry Webby and AO)

Really hard toffee

Really strong coffee

People who quote Family guy wrong

People who quote Monty Python wrong


Threads where peopel suggest things they were instructed not to suggest

Pulling off tape and having a little strip stay on the roll

Warm soda

Runny eggs

People who say "I forgot it at home" as an excuse for not doing homework

People with no aspect of money

Kids parent's who are over protective


People who talk to their tv

Strobe lights


Dropping things while picking them up from just dropping them

Broken pudding cup lids



Highbeams in rural traffic

Snow driving

People who rag on me for a dirty room

Not getting to rest when I'm tired

Cooking cake I can' eat

People who take everything as a joke

Teacher's Pets

Sweeping and Mopping

Really cold toilet seats

Nasty public restrooms

People who use the phone for hours for stupid things

My sister (heh, but true)

Watches that have so many gadgets you think they have GPS

People always complaining about how life sucks

People always complaining about life being unfair

Getting cut off in traffic

Car alarms

Crappy cars double parked

People who work on commission who won't leave you alone (I know it's there job, it's still freaking annoying)

Camera Flashes

Class Clowns

01-15-2004, 10:10 PM
-People who fish for a conversation because they have nothing to do.

-People who talk about politics or religion in public.

-People who can't back up their political beliefs (because mommy and daddy told them what to think).

-Anyone under about 16 talking about politics.

-People who can't handle alcohol in public.

-People who I know have no training in a subject, but talk to me like they do.

-People who think there's a difference between democrats and republicans.

-People who talk above a socially acceptable volume in public.

-People that don't take the right of way when they have it while driving.

-People who complain about getting speeding tickets.

-People who do drugs.

-People who justify their need for drugs (caused by long-term family issues) by comparing it to beer. (sorry, there will always be a difference between drinking a beer watching the game, and smoking a joint).

-People who think keeping drugs illegal is helping anyone.

-People who are totally ignorant on current political or science issues.

-People who are proud of their ignorance of current issues, especially politics.

-People who were in a single car accident, and don't think it was their fault (with a few exceptions).

-Anything that is considered cool by anyone under 20.

-Anyone under 20.

-People who ignore facts to support their beliefs.

-The media.

-Time warner cable.

-People who have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend no matter what.

-People who are depressed (sorry, but it irks me, lots of people have crappy lives).

-People who complain about not having money.

-People who are in college and not working.

01-15-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Restola

-Anything that is considered cool by anyone under 20.

lol..for someone who's 21..that's funny

Chojin Man
01-15-2004, 10:29 PM
People whos pet peeve list is over 15 items long:rolleyes:

01-15-2004, 10:29 PM
I will admit if I knew, I would have been my own pet peeve.

I was actually editing it to people under 19...then I realized people under 20 is right (maybe even under 21). People under 20 are a pain because:

1. they love to drink
2. they can't drink in public
3. if they are in highschool, they think anything that happens there is important
4. if they graduated, they are freshmen in college, who are annoying because of reasons 1 and 2.
5. they think the stupidest crap is cool, or matters in the least.
6. most haven't progressed to the point of being able to look at the real world.

Probably a few more.

01-15-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Miscue


GO MISCUE!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by brak

and also when people mention something, then say 'nevermind', and i have to pry at them to get at what they were gonna say, and it ticks me off even more when they wont tell me!
My friends do that to me all the time...

To whoever mentioned "people who do drugs" I completely agree. I'll add to that people who curse and drink and all. No, I'm not some little kid, I'm a Christian.

I'll add some more...

When people respond to pet-peeve threads with "people who make stupid threads" and think they're so funny, thats what I love about AO-the maturity. I can almost guarantee I would've gotten that answer had this been on PBN.

When people get so incredibly overly dramatic about things that are just crap, like pretty much anything that can happen to a normal high-schooler, like "OH NO, WHY DID I HAVE TO GO TO THAT CONCERT, I MISSED A PHONE CALL FROM MY GIRL/BOYFRIEND!!!! (this excludes things like divorce, etc. that are big.)

When songs get stuck in my head.

People who say things that they think are soooo funny and original, like "Hey Bert, where's Ernie? (snicker snicker)"

Like someone said above, people who think they know more than you when they know NOTHING about the subject, like how I used to work in a grocery store and people would tell me how to use the credit card machine.

On a related note, people who can't slide a card through a credit card machine to save their life.

These are good, yall, keep em comin!

01-15-2004, 11:31 PM
~People that dont drive up to the sensor at stop and go lights... (you sit there for ever)

~all the tv shows like "trading spaces" example: useing aluminum foil for wallpaper-WTF!?

~when people switch the base plate on a stapler so that the staples bend out... not in (if you know what I'm talking about, you've been there)

01-16-2004, 12:25 AM
Loud eaters
Cocker threads
People who don't catch the drift and leave when I don't want them there
"showing my work" in math
Citing the same sources over and over again in government
Ford Taurus SHOs
Customers at work who ask me questions concerning donated items
People who don't understand why I can't afford gas sometimes
My dad being stubborn/thick headed
My mom ignoring the fact I've heard the same directions 50 times before
Backseat drivers
People who tailgate
People who use the brakes too much
People who lift their trucks, but fail to get the correct tire size.
Dumb questions
Dumb people
Dumb people who ask the same dumb questions over and over
Jackasses who think it's cool to be retarded
Garage Bands
Mod/70s retrofashion style
Ignorant default liberals
Thickheaded conservatives
people who think racism should be banned
whining girls who flip out about everything
Guys who don't treat girls with respect
Girls who don't treat guys with respect
the term "Bling Bling"
Wannabe hippies
Wannabe goths
Wannabe punks
fart cans
spoilers and wings on cars
People who think drinking is a hobby
People who think drinking is liquified sin
People who think kissing your girlfriend in public is "obscene"
Ugly cars
Ugly houses
Ugly people
Ugly children
People beating their kids at Wallyworld
People beating their pets, period.
Making fun of retarded people
Taking everything literally
People who can't be serious
Arrogant people who don't realize it
Arrogant people who do realize it, but try to cover it up
Stupid movies
Cheaters who brag about it
"seasonal" gun owners
People who leave stuff at their campsite and wonder why it attracts animals
Urbanites who think seeing a deer in a field is a life changing experience
Little Bass
Little Catfish that I am not using as bait
Hummer H2s
People who think H2s are cool/good
Country Music
Rookie hikers who try to pretend to be seasoned backpackers
Stupid songs

01-16-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by Restola
I will admit if I knew, I would have been my own pet peeve.

I was actually editing it to people under 19...then I realized people under 20 is right (maybe even under 21). People under 20 are a pain because:

1. they love to drink
2. they can't drink in public
3. if they are in highschool, they think anything that happens there is important
4. if they graduated, they are freshmen in college, who are annoying because of reasons 1 and 2.
5. they think the stupidest crap is cool, or matters in the least.
6. most haven't progressed to the point of being able to look at the real world.

Probably a few more.

hmm..i'm under 20..and i agree with all of that..lol. cept i don't do any of it..so..:cool:

01-16-2004, 02:03 AM
People who are not fifteen minutes early to a meeting, work, paintball tournament, etc.

People just dont seem to understand, if I tell them I will be somehwere at 8:00 I mean 7:30 - they could be a touch early too

:) and my teammates, great people, are generally late to things - thats why I drive to all tournaments and pick them up, you should see there faces, 9:00 (sign in)tournament an hour away - "Ill be at your house at six" LOL

01-16-2004, 03:52 AM
People who don't like Pennsylvania :D

People crank the volume late at night

People who follow trends

When i get my shift switched.

Web slang like "U" for you and UR for you're. Though LOL is OK

When the 40k model does not go together right

People who use slang that makes no sense.

Girls that tell me I'm too sweet or nice.

Recycled television shows

People trying to look or act different to impress someone.

My poor grammar and spelling

Loud hip hop/R&B late at night

Bosses who are the next best thing to the anti christ.

That I will not be out of Albuquerque until late april

When people dodge responsibilities

Not being able to sleep

People who randomly go through my office looking for something

Tires so small they look like skate board wheels on vehicles

People who think that a flashy paint job adds %20 horse power

The Fast and the Furious (and the related genre)

Pop culture

People who buy a Britney CD "Because she is so HOT"

Linkin Park

The ongoing Kobe Bryant case

Things never working right

being woken up 2 hours after I go to sleep

Being betrayed

Looking for the matching sock

Losing my pen

the way my right hand feels after i use it to dent my wall locker

Comcast Cable

Qwest phone service

knowing I get paid the same amount as the guy who hands out towels at the base gym.

New Mexico weather

late night TV


TRL culture

Musicians getting sponsored by soft drink companies

spam (the e-mail type)


having to repeat myself

people who don't listen to me then figure out I'm right after doing it worng

people who have no idea what they are talking about

that is all i think of for now

And we continue:

Cnn showing the same thing over and over

The way i feel after only getting about 7 hours of sleep this week

having to deal with idiots

new airmen the their attitudes

NCO's on a severe powertrip

Not being able to do anything about a bad situtation

That beathing the hell out people who really deserve it is illegal




people who do not keep their word

women who wear less clothes than jesse ventura has hair in his head wondering why people think they are tramps

people missing the obvious

people point out the obvious

01-16-2004, 08:30 AM
I forgot these:

People who leave their cell phones on during a movie.

People who answer the cell phone during a movie and carry on with a conversation.

01-16-2004, 09:08 AM
Slow gas pumps
People that pull out in front of me and dont try and get out of my way
Illegal Immigrants
Fat chicks wearing hot chicks clothes
Guys wearing hot chicks clothes(or any chicks clothes...)
Dogs (or other pets) wearing any clothes (<--that PISSES me off and I dont know why...)
Selfish people
Arrogant people
Ignorant people
People who dont obey the sig rules, even after someone points them out
People who curse alot because its cool
People who are vulgar because its cool
People that hold on to an image (or anything else) for its social status
White people who dress and act like they're gangstas
Anybody Else who dresses and acts like ganstas (real ganstas are cool, tho:rolleyes: )
Most politicians
All Liberals (Damn them to HELL! and not because its the cool thing to say, either...:p)
People who make fun of Texas (really, whats the reason for it:confused: )
People who would actually comeback and answer the above question (and I know someones going to... :rolleyes: )
People who have long lists of things that get on their nerves

Originally posted by Miscue
I forgot these:

People who leave their cell phones on during a movie.

People who answer the cell phone during a movie and carry on with a conversation.

Dude, I was on a date, and someones phone rang... It was my chick's!:eek:

Then she answered it!:eek: :mad:
I haven't so much as called her since...

01-16-2004, 09:18 AM
Jesus fish
Darwin fish
Truth fish eating Darwin fish
Wipers on headlights
People who answered liberal or conservative simply because they can't handle it when people disagree with them

01-16-2004, 09:35 AM
People who say stuff like this:
Originally posted by Zygote
People who answered liberal or conservative simply because they can't handle it when people disagree with them

01-16-2004, 10:42 AM
If it doesn't apply to you I can't see how you would be offended by it.

01-16-2004, 11:50 AM
and this:
Originally posted by Zygote
If it doesn't apply to you I can't see how you would be offended by it.

Edit- Its just the fact that you say it like it applies to everyone.

01-16-2004, 12:30 PM
I forgot this:

When people leave thier high-beams on... That pisses me off:mad:

~and when people leave thier high-beams on AND thier fog lights on... you're practically blind behind the wheel...:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-16-2004, 07:35 PM
Liberals doing ....... anything, including breathing, preatty much pisses me off.

01-16-2004, 07:41 PM
Forgot somethin:

Those damn AOL Instant messenger sounds (like when you recieve an IM...) I turn them all off but my brother turns them UP WTF!!!1:mad:

01-16-2004, 07:44 PM
threads like these...

...and for paintball it would have to be when i get a guy not looking and i miss cause my stupid hopper skipps and he turns around...

...good thing i have an evo 2 now...

01-16-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
people named bert
little kids
old navy
wal mart
andy pettite(damn you to hell andy)
pedro martinez
cops that try to arrest me for credit card fraud
new metallica
red sox fans
the guy who invented pokemon
kids in middle school
crotchety old people
angry fat people
people who wear socks under sandals
people from switzerland
islanders fans
people who force their beliefs on you
people that are completely vapid
attention whores
whores in general
star trek fans
half my family(see above)
people from the midwest
new yorkers
about 1769766666 more things i dont want to mention
you just listed my art teachers traits

edit- With some exeptions!

01-16-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by jjraf

you just listed my art teachers traits your art teacher is half my family?:confused:

01-16-2004, 11:11 PM
Your art teacher is a little kid named Bert?


01-17-2004, 06:09 PM
Trying to walk around short people carrying umbrellas.

01-17-2004, 08:36 PM
People who drink diet soda and eat tons of junk-food.

01-18-2004, 05:45 AM
I hate all people in general. Brain Damaged freakin idiots. .. so I will go on to some specifics rather than listing them all... especialy without cussing vigorously.

Guys who say x number of cylenders is beter than y number of cylenders. If you hear these words coming out of your mouth it means you are SLOW... get over it. The guys that are actualy making horse power could give 2 craps about how many cylendars a car has... they just care about going faster, and beating the guy in the other lane... thats it.

People who drive through the water box at the drag strip.

People who refer to Nitrous as NAWZ .. or NOS... WTF?

The guys who talk trash but wont back it up. (Uhh Uhh ... getting a new mod tomorow maybe after that :rolleyes: )



Idahodians...... these are the worst... comeon guys we have surface streets here too.. if you want to go 55mph go on one of those.... but dont be in the freakin left lane of I15 thank you kindly!!

Elderly People.... especialy the ones that think the world needs to cater to them. I hope your rascal goes berzerk and sends you carening off a cliff/skyscraper/bridge/helecopter.

Night Auditors (This is more of a major psycotic hatrid than a pet peve)

Liberals..... AND Conservitives too.... get over yourselves you pretentious assmunchers. Why dont you guys spend the time that you arue over petty bull like the War in Iraq or gas prices and figure out how to better educate our children. I keep hearing about how education is important.... but I never hear any plans on how to make it better, just critisism about how the other guy is doing it wrong.

People who think guns (Or any other inanimate object for that matter) are evil ...no its not you stupid imbicile... it could care less its just a hunk of freakin metal... its the folks who pull the trigger who are evil. And lets look at it this way... per capita which kills more people ... cars or guns? hmmmmmm interesting... I propose a ban on cars! Or at the very least a ban on ugly chicks in cars... at least this way I don't have to wonder if I am ogling a hot chick or a napy skank.

Here is the jest of it.... People who feel that their opinion is so much more important than everone elses are the folks who irite me to no end.

I have to end this rant now before I go out to the strip and stab a few tourists with a spork or some other blunt object.

01-18-2004, 03:34 PM
Watching people eat. Especially in commercials/movies...I mean, come on...people stuffing their gobs, then listening to them chew...thats pretty damned rude...

01-18-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Watching people eat. Especially in commercials/movies...I mean, come on...people stuffing their gobs, then listening to them chew...thats pretty damned rude...
I was playing counter-strike, the other day and one of my little brother's friends was watching me and eating a bowl rice and something... What I first noticed about him eating is that he was chewing. Rice. He was chewing rice. (and for me to notice something like that while I was concentrating on something else, well... thats saying something)
I secondly noticed that he was chewing rice with his mouth WIDE-FREAKIN-OPEN!WTF!!!!11:mad: :mad: *head explodes* I could hear it over the guns and grenades in the game!

01-18-2004, 04:19 PM
Zumina's sig
girls that wish they were guys
guys that wish they were girls
gay people that think they're cool for being gay
the tv show ***** eye for the straight guy
sopa opras
opra's in general
bands that have no talent like white stripes
gay country music
people that always say "your mom"
everyone who doesn't use a mag and makes fun of mags
stupid brass eagle bull sh*t
people that have annoying habbits like sniffing
sick people
the WNBA
all of the smilies
everyone who flames me
losing at counter strike (rarely happens)
people that tell you to get off the phone because they are waiting for a call and then the person never calls them
and pretty much anything that has to do with me being humiliated ect.
*edit* i forgot jewish people and lesbians that wont do me

Eric Cartman
01-18-2004, 05:40 PM
minivans :mad:

01-18-2004, 06:10 PM
indecisive people piss me off more than just about everything...

bad drivers too...

and, crappy American beer... come on fellas, the Canadians are kicking our butts on that front...


01-18-2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016

well pennsylvannia hates you too!!!


people over 60 that drive under the speed limit

kids that cant stop asking questions
europeans that think americans are stupid and all fat

stupid reality tv shows
protestors like the ones for save the trees and stuff
people that are rich and snotty and have no concept of the value of money and think they are better than you