View Full Version : Best Barrel for ULE body????

01-16-2004, 02:59 PM
Hey guys..

What do you think is the best barrel for a ULE body??



01-16-2004, 03:01 PM
best is very subjective.

find one that shoots/fits the type of paint you use most often..or get a barrel kit.

01-16-2004, 03:04 PM
THe one that shoots your paint. They are all pretty good. I am sticking with the standard DYE Ultralite for this week:D

01-16-2004, 03:19 PM
IMHO the Titanium Longbow set is the "best" out there. Mutiple backs to match whatever sized paint you are using. (not all that unique). The Backs are made of hardened Titanium for extreme durability. They are highly efficient. A 3 bore set with one tip is just under $300, so it's definatly not a cheap option.

It is one of the few peices of paintball gear I have felt is worth every penny of it's price. A few friends of mine have Ti LongBow kits as well, they all love them without exception.

01-16-2004, 03:22 PM
As Mindflux said there is no right or wrong answer here.

Put since you asked, I'll put in a plug for the CP barrel kit.
Reasonably priced, there are no inserts (the backs themselves come in 5 sizes), and it's very well made.
It's my favorite of the barrels I've owned.

01-16-2004, 03:25 PM
I guess I am lucky but I have had good luck with every one I have tried. Freaks included! ;)

Currently I have been using a Scepter Kit and a Edge Kit. Can't find anything wrong with either of them.

Also used my stock barrels and can't find anything wrong with them either... they are J&J made ones,

01-16-2004, 04:50 PM
allow me a moment to advertise for roguefactor. buy the kaner set he sells!!! its a great price and the set is awesome.

01-16-2004, 06:55 PM
i think i whould try out the evil pipe kit. they seem very nice looking and shoot well. but if you are jest looking for a cheap barrel ill say a lapco big shot. they shoot like a dream and they look really nice!

01-16-2004, 07:09 PM
preferably something with cocker threads...

01-16-2004, 07:43 PM
hehe i got me a blue back, black 14 inch front ultralight, you wont' see those many places;)

try xpaint and call em up they have red and blue backs for ultralights in stock.

01-16-2004, 08:49 PM
Hey, sorry if I sound like a jerk, but do you really think there is one barrel that goes best with a ULE body? What difference would one have over the other? I read thread topics like this, and it blows my mind.
What kind of answer would you expcet? "I think the ultra lite is best cause its neeto" :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
hehe i got me a blue back, black 14 inch front ultralight, you wont' see those many places;)

Actually DYE now sells them in seperate peices in any size or color you want.

01-16-2004, 10:06 PM
I shoot an Edge kit on my cocker. Shoots darts and has inproved my consistancy at the crono greatly because of the better paint to barrel match. I have used all of my backs in the last 3 months and am very happy I didn't opt for a different kit. THe kit is constructed of very good metal and has very good tollerances. Plus J+J backs thier products very well. They sent me a second 0.685 back instead of a 0.682 I had ordered. My shop returned it and J+J sent a replacement in 3 days, with no cost to me. I was very proud. Retail-$125 for the 5 piece set and $30 for the extra 0.682 back.

If your looking at a cheaper option Custom Product One Pieces are cheap ($40) and done very well. My teammate runs one on his ULE E-Mag and it shoots very well with the Severe paint we all shoot.

01-17-2004, 01:10 AM
Personally, I love my WWA Freakaboomer kit, 10" and 14" tips, all gloss black. Soon to have a Doc Flashpoint micro tip to complete the length spectrum. Check it out:


Gundam V
01-17-2004, 01:41 AM
Like everyone says the pick the one barrel that shoots the paint you use. Personally, I have a Pipe barrel kit, to me that is the best barrel kit ever made. Some people say its too loud, but it's not that loud to me and it shoots straighter than all hell. Again, this is just my opinion, so don't jump down my throat and say the barrel sucks cause I have used it for about a year and have had no problems with. Other people who played with my gun says the barrel is great as well. Just offering my 2 cents, good luck on barrel hunting. :p

01-17-2004, 10:36 AM
I love this thread. So far everyone is providing their great experances with what they like (and that's perfect), and no one is bashing other's choices. Keep it up.