View Full Version : What can i do? (bad trade deal)

01-16-2004, 05:11 PM
ok, in a trade gone bad, i had to get a max flow back. after a lil while on the internet i used the persons adress to get their phone #. ok, i contacted the guy, and got him to ship back the max flow. well, it got here today, there is what appears to be red lock-tite all over it, and the screw that clamps down the adjuster knob has been ripped out (looks like a dremel or hack saw job :eek: ) it has ALOT of scratches on it that it didnt have before, the guy put a new guage on the underside of it. i thought, well ok, but aupon further inspection, he only did that because he bent the other one, ive never seen something like it, its weird.it also looks like there is vasoline inside it!?! is there anything i can do about this other than be upset? man this is a bad day, first my friends cocker explodes on me (freakish, the end of 3 way actuator broke off and shot me, i have no idea how) and now this. :mad: :(

edit- looked closer at where the screw is chopped up, there is a broken piece of the screw in there, so it looks like he over tighetned it till it broke, then hack sawed/dremeled teh side off to he could attemp to get teh rest of the screw out

01-16-2004, 10:29 PM
Man that sucks, I have had trades gone bad too. I traded my mag to some guy and got ripped off (didn't send the money he said he would, and the gun he gave me was in bad condition). I couldn't do anything :(. The guy is calles himself "eyesofsandman" on PBR, don't trade with him. Or at least be careful.

Could you post pics?

01-16-2004, 10:45 PM
Theactuator rod broke in the 3 way and shot you!?

01-16-2004, 10:51 PM
probably be better if this went in the feedback forum. dont flame me, just tellin it like it is.

01-16-2004, 11:09 PM
i would just find the guy and stab him in the eye with a fork, if he lives out of state then i would just send him a bomb, that uses forks as shrapnel so one or 30 will end up in his eye.

Chojin Man
01-16-2004, 11:30 PM
Wow that does suck. How long did he have it for a day? a week? I hope that you can fix it. Mabey take it to a machine shop to see if they can get that screw out or send it to the company to try to get in good order again. As far as pressing charges against this guy or getting money out of him to repair what he broke good luck. He sounds like a total jerk off.

01-17-2004, 11:22 AM
Send it in for a full rebuild and take your losses.
Then send the guy a copy of the bill and a curse of a thousand locusts to inhabit his pants.

01-17-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Branchvillian
Theactuator rod broke in the 3 way and shot you!?
yup, thats freaky ****

"how long did he have it?"
~2 or 3 weeks :(

to make this weekend better, i got shot in the *crotch* from point blank today, i literally couldnt move for a good while :( , i think ill spend the rest of my life in bed :p

01-17-2004, 10:35 PM
that sucks I feel for you man hope you have some good luck soon you did with me didnt you in that trade:) ;)