View Full Version : My new racer mag project

01-17-2004, 12:26 AM
I put this up on my other post but felt that others needed to see my picture of what I think ALL mags should look like. If your mag doesnt look like this then its no good.


Take That, System!!!

01-17-2004, 12:28 AM
umm i'd say i'm at a loss for words ....

01-17-2004, 12:30 AM
Thank You. Its a beaut. isn't it?


01-17-2004, 12:49 AM
Wow! That's a really old pic. Not only 'cause Tom looks like he's just barely old enough to drink beer, but also 'cause the guy behind him is wearing goggles with no lower face protection. /me cringes at remembering what it's like to be plastered in the kisser.

Oh, and, uh... nice gun.

01-17-2004, 03:26 AM
Can light even be shed on either of those pics? TK in the time long ago, and a mag thas drawn on....

Heh... those guys in the backround look confused...

01-17-2004, 03:29 AM
Cool! I just don't like the foregrip much. Everything else is cool though.

Chojin Man
01-17-2004, 05:22 AM
i made a racer cocker. Its still in the prototype stage

01-17-2004, 07:27 AM
dude ur gun is gonna go 3 times further with that NOS!

01-17-2004, 11:00 AM
Haha, thanks... Chojin Man: Once your racer cocker is operational give me a ring. I know a great race track... its called the Indy something or other. p.s.- nice wheels :)


01-18-2004, 01:55 AM
Is the body on the mag an uncut AGDE XMag body? And why the hyperframe?

01-18-2004, 02:03 AM
dude you have way too much spare time

Chojin Man
01-18-2004, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by nato
Haha, thanks... Chojin Man: Once your racer cocker is operational give me a ring. I know a great race track... its called the Indy something or other. p.s.- nice wheels :)

Thanks nato I'll keep you posted

"And why the hyperframe?"

ANTHING with the word "hyper" on it is sure to make it go faster!!!