View Full Version : Warp probs AND RT Pro leaking

01-18-2004, 05:00 AM
Okay .. so I charge up my marker in my room and the warp runs fine ... marker fires great with lvl 10 carrier 3.5

I take it out in the snow, the Warp only moves 1/2 a balls length even with all 4 jumpers on it and the sensitivity set just above perm. on .. and a freash 9v.

The Marker starts to leak down the barrel that changes pitch both when i slightly pull the trigger and push on the lvl 10 bolt

I changed the on/off top and center orings only to make the leak worse, then I changed the carrier to 1.5 and it still leaked but not quite as much.

hmmm .. anyone want to venture a guess as to what happened when they both worked great in my room?! I'm thinking that the metal got cold and got smaller .. meaning I would need to put in the 1 or .5 carrier .. but it's hard to believe the metal shrinkage due to cold would account for that ... and I'm absolulty lost as to why my warp barelly moves ...

I'll fire her up and the warp tommorrow just to see if they work better now that they are back in my room. My guess is that the marker will experience barrel stick eheh and the warp will continue to not work ... but let's wait and see :rolleyes:

thanks guys..

01-19-2004, 05:29 AM
So I charge the marker up and it shoots fine once warmed up (oddly enough still with the 1.5 carrier? hmm why no bolt stick?)

Are the tolerances that small and the metal will shrink just enough in sub 0 temps to make the lvl 10 useless?! I don't want to have to change my carrier every time I go out to play in the snow .. that seems like excessive technical work for a rock solid marker..

If so .. this is not a good development .. being in canada and playing outside so often ... i might have to say good bye to my 9 year old marker and actually look into a cocker as my friend had no problem with his cocker in the snow....

... and arn't cockers supposet to be more 'finicky'?

** looks over at warp feed ** .. I'm almost ashamed to say that I made the mistake of putting MORE jumpers on making the dwell time shorter eheh ... *woops* :rolleyes:

01-19-2004, 02:36 PM
I have found that Warp and cold temps are not a good mixture....