View Full Version : The awesomeness of the 60 duro LX o-ring, long spring at 235 fps...

01-18-2004, 04:34 PM
I found an o-ring kit at school, 60 durometer polyeurathane o-rings. They are very soft, and I figured they would work better than the stock ones (less wear, less friction).

I was right. Put it in in the smallest carrier, put on the long LX spring, and gassed it up. Turned up the velocity until it started shooting, and chrono'd with some bigball. The first shot was 235 fps. So was the second.

Brought the velocity up to ~280 fps, and ripped through a hopper with no problems.

Riot[z-grip] and I put one in his mag, .5 carrier and the middle spring and it worked fine.

He switched down to the middle spring at AONE 4, because it wouldnt work right with the ULT kit. Today we switched his back up to the long spring, and it worked fine. No setup issues at all.

The only problem with them is that they would not be co2 tolerant, but if AGD packaged both types of o-rings with the LX, it seems like those of us using HPA would be saved the problems of choosing carriers and tweaking ULT triggers and such.

If you want to try it out, go to the hardware store and pick up an o-ring that fits the bolt (In all likelyhood it will be a black buna-n o-ring, 60 duro, but it should work essentialy the same as the ones i am using.) Use the smallest carrier and see if the long spring works. My money is on no issues.

01-18-2004, 04:37 PM
What happens if the O-ring breaks in and it starts leaking?
How soft is the LX? Mine is pretty darn soft, and I would switch to one of these orings if I was positive that this oring could stop on a dollar bill too :D
Nice find!!

01-18-2004, 04:46 PM
people with mags use Co2??:eek:

01-18-2004, 04:47 PM
I'm not having any trouble with the stock LX o-rings,what probs did you have w/ them?

If yours are softer aren't they going to wear out faster?

01-18-2004, 05:28 PM
i actually figure these will have less wear than normal, because they deform more before they spring back.

ill go test it with a dollar bill, see what happens...


Well, a little crush factor, but it definately stopped on a dollar... :D
The dollar was crushed about halfway, but the bolt didnt close. (it was a $20, and not very new, so the results may have been skewed.)

I vote that some people should go buy some and do a test run, see how long they last.

BTW, i didnt oil it when i put it in.


Rf, the only problem with the stock ones is that you even have to adjust them. Mine were wearing slightly faster than normal, for some reason, and i would almost always have a leak after a few bags. And it seems very hard to get the long spring to work right with them.

01-18-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by sniper1rfa

Rf, the only problem with the stock ones is that you even have to adjust them. Mine were wearing slightly faster than normal, for some reason, and i would almost always have a leak after a few bags. And it seems very hard to get the long spring to work right with them.
maybe thats why tom didnt put them in with the lvl 10 kit :rolleyes: .

01-18-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by barberjohn

maybe thats why tom didnt put them in with the lvl 10 kit :rolleyes: .
He was talking about the stock orings.

Rf, the only problem with the stock ones is that you even have to adjust them. Mine were wearing slightly faster than normal, for some reason, and i would almost always have a leak after a few bags. And it seems very hard to get the long spring to work right with them.

01-18-2004, 06:02 PM
you should just buy alot of them, and throw a little package together.. Sell them in the dealers forum.. I'd probablly buy some..

01-18-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Digits
you should just buy alot of them, and throw a little package together.. Sell them in the dealers forum.. I'd probablly buy some..

Words from the wise

01-18-2004, 06:27 PM
Yeah, you should sell them, or atleast a few. I would love to test them out, but, I bet you home depot wont have it, and lowes is too far away to go get a few orings. Also I dont play that often, but I have been thinking about buying a scuba tank just for screwing around, so I could be able to test it, maybe...

01-18-2004, 07:03 PM
fine, AO has spoken. :)

Ill go buy a bag of them from the automation place down the road.

01-18-2004, 08:18 PM
sell them in baggies of 5 :D

01-18-2004, 08:26 PM
what size?

01-18-2004, 09:19 PM
1/4"OD, 3/8" ID i *think*

why not just bring your bolt and grab the one that fits?

01-18-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by sniper1rfa
1/4"OD, 3/8" ID i *think*

why not just bring your bolt and grab the one that fits?

sorry sniper... had to. .25 outside and .375 inside? you useing magical O-rings here? or do they exist in another dimention? :p

What your looking for in a carrier O-ring is a Dash #008. 3/16ID, 5/16OD.

Buna-N is Shore A: 70 Durometer, as are most Polyurethane O-rings..

McMaster part #9558K13 for the Polyurethane and Part #9452K16 for the Buna-N.

(again sorry Snipe.. :p )

01-19-2004, 12:35 AM
So i's a little mixed up and (***)backwards. It happens. I was talking about the 6th dimension's... uh... dimension. yeah.

I just grabbed some rings from a kit we had at school, didnt pay much attention. :) they work good, okay?

01-19-2004, 12:42 AM
Wouldn't a softer oring have more grab?

It's like throwing one of those gooey wall crawlers on your wall and watching it stick, versus a g-i joe. Obviously the wall crawler will have more resistance against the wall because it adheres to it easier.

But maybe that's just me.

Chojin Man
01-19-2004, 04:54 AM
"Wouldn't a softer oring have more grab?"

I thought the same thing. A softer o-ring seems like it would have more friction, thus a faster breakdown.

01-19-2004, 08:27 AM
o-rings seal by deforming or squeezing against the object
being sealed. a softer o-ring will deform more easily to
achieve the same level of seal.

also nitrile (buna-N) has a lower co-efficient of friction
than urethane.

Finally all o-rings have mold flash on the inside and outside diameters,
so when you put that new urethane o-ring
in, after a while the inside flash will wear off and maybe
allow a leak :mad:

01-19-2004, 09:34 AM
probably not, o-rings tend to have a certain amount of pop, where the pressure deforms them to get a seal. Thats why the same o-ring worked in bot a 0 and a .5 carrier.

Coefficient of friction is a totally different thing from hardness or elasticity.

01-19-2004, 11:14 AM
Coefficient of friction is a totally different thing from hardness or elasticity

yes of course they are.