View Full Version : freak tip, 2"

01-19-2004, 10:33 AM
Okay so I searched for Freak and Tip ... I think my eyes are bleeding now :)

Anyone remember the 1 or 2 inch freak tips that were being sold at one time?

I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one for when I play back as per Tom saying the most accurate but loud barrel is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 4-5" w no porting .. at least I think that's what he said.

I think i remember it was some angel guy who was selling them?! Anyhow, thanks in advance.

01-19-2004, 10:41 AM
theangelguy.com was the first to make em, don't know how to go about getting one from him
but docsmachine.com now sells them as well

01-19-2004, 10:49 AM
Theangelguy farmed the manufacturing out to http://www.tarantulamfg.com for their tips. might contact them to see if they still make them.

the only other person who makes them is Doc, with his oh so stylish "flashpoint."

GA Devil
01-19-2004, 10:55 AM
theangelguy.com still has them. He has been rebuilding the store front part of the site so just contact dee about purchasing 1.

01-19-2004, 10:59 AM
I used a original micromag with a warp, the barrel is attached to the body and its olny about 3.5 inches long. No problem in range, and the acccuracy was great, maybe 6inche spread the most from the center of the target.

01-19-2004, 01:17 PM
Doc sells them also...


01-19-2004, 01:21 PM

this is what your looking for

01-19-2004, 01:42 PM
ummm excuse my stupidity, but whats the point of a 2" tip again?

01-19-2004, 01:43 PM
*looking down in shame, with a sarcastic voice*

its not the length that matters, its the width

Doc Nickel
01-19-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
ummm excuse my stupidity, but whats the point of a 2" tip again?

-The point is, that in all the multi-part barrels (Freak, Kaner, Sceptre, Pipe, etc) the tip does absolutely nothing. It's usually .700" or larger (BoomSticks have been as big as .710") so the ball doesn't come anywhere near to touching it, and they're typically heavily ported so any pressure behind the ball is allowed to escape long before the ball leaves the actual muzzle.

Which basically means there's precisely zero accuracy/performance difference between a 1" barrel tip and an 18" barrel tip. The longer one might be a touch quieter, though as I recall, the other guy doesn't call himself "out" due to your gun's quietness. :D

The shorter tip simply makes a shorter barrel. Accuracy, range and performance are exactly the same as before, it's just shorter for front players and others who like a compact marker.

And yes, for those interested, I have both black and polished versions (http://www.docsmachine.com/gear/points.html) here.


01-19-2004, 04:05 PM
I use mine to push bunkers, which works especially well when the bunkers are not overly inflated. Some people like longer barrels because they're easier to sight (or so they claim).

On the other hand, longer barrels can make it harder to switch sides when you're playing tight.

As far as accuracy, length doesn't really make a difference - your paintball is going to go in a straight line while it's in the barrel and start to drop as soon as it leaves the barrel due to gravity.

Where length does make a difference (and only unported length) is gas efficiency - if your ball is leaving the barrel before the pressure behind it is gone, you're wasting gas, but if the ball has more barrel length to go through when the pressure is gone, you're STILL wasting gas. There's a happy medium in there where you've got just enough barrel length to give the gas enough time to get the ball up to 300 fps and no barrel after that. Anything more or less and you're using more gas, which means you're accelerating faster and/or smacking the paintball harder, which is bad for obvious reasons.

6-10" is probably the ideal length in most situations. Maybe shorter on Mags and other open-bolt markers, where some gas escapes out the feed port. (It's not much, the tolerances between bolt size and chamber size are usually pretty small.)

- Chris

01-19-2004, 04:30 PM
Here is the TAG tip, I love this thing. It does take some getting used to though.

Compared to a 10" freak tip



01-19-2004, 05:38 PM
theres a guy at one of my local fields that has a 3 inch barrel on his tippman. dont kno about rang or accuracy but it sounds like a freakin cannon!

01-19-2004, 06:21 PM
so wait...after all of this im a lil confused..is it the length of the barrel or the porting that makes it accurate? someone said that having a .700 bore size does something, to lazy to go back and look, please clearify

01-19-2004, 06:35 PM
Neither, all barrels are about the same really. What makes a barrel accurate is a good paint to barrel match. As long as the paint to barrel match is good a 30 dollar barrel will perform about the same as a 110 dollar barrel. Porting makes the barrel more quiet and length does nothing really as long as the barrel's effective length is long enough to allow the ball to reach it's maximum velocity. So really as long as the barrel's effective length is over 6 or so inches you are good.

So as long as the barrel is smooth, and the ID matches your paint then you should be good.