View Full Version : Im thinking of going AirForce

01-19-2004, 03:27 PM
I talked to my AF recruiter, and I feel like Im starting to learn more towards this branch. Mainly b/c of all the college assistance programs and the living arrangements.

One thing I found hilarious was the he told me they dont use push-ups as punishment. I mean I may be only 16, but Im not an idiot. He also said the bases besides basic you had your own room, I was thinking this could be true, but I seriously doubt it.

Anyone wanna chime in?

01-19-2004, 04:27 PM
One of my previous flight instructors became an officer in the airforce. He said all they did was pushups and classroom work.

01-19-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
I talked to my AF recruiter, and I feel like Im starting to learn more towards this branch. Mainly b/c of all the college assistance programs and the living arrangements.

One thing I found hilarious was the he told me they dont use push-ups as punishment. I mean I may be only 16, but Im not an idiot. He also said the bases besides basic you had your own room, I was thinking this could be true, but I seriously doubt it.

Anyone wanna chime in?

I hope you have 20/20 vision or better and score well on the entrance/determination exam.

01-19-2004, 04:34 PM
Yeah I went to Leadership Camp at the Citadel for AFJROTC, and the only thing we did pushups was during P.T.

01-19-2004, 06:41 PM
Not having 20/20 vision shouldn't be a problem unless he's going in to be a pilot. I looked into Helicopter pilot, but I don't have the vision for the military route, and getting commerical training will cost me in excess of $50,000 CAD...

Looking at the army now.

01-19-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by pbguy888
Yeah I went to Leadership Camp at the Citadel for AFJROTC, and the only thing we did pushups was during P.T.

Dude, you went to Leadership Camp at the Citadel? I'm in AFJROTC at my high school, but we went to Converse College for ours. I will be at the Citadel next year for college though. How far are you from El Cid?

01-19-2004, 11:19 PM
eigh its a job.

depends on where ya go if you are gonna get a room to yourself out of tech school. Heck in Korea I had to share with another staff sgt for nearly a month. But when I first got to my first assignment (Luke AFB) I always had my own room and only had to share a bathroom/possible kitchen with 1 other person

If your going in I HIGHLY SUGGEST not going for the "Cool Job" and take something you can use in the outside world. Otherwise your sorta stuck with some skills that arnt gonna be usefull on the outside. for example I am a Aircraft armament systems craftsman... which basicly means that I load and maintain the weapons systems of basicly any USAF airframe. it sounds cool but its a whole lotta waste of time if you not making a career out of it. Go for something that you can use on the outside so if you chose to jump ship at the end of your first enlistment you have that option. ALSO if you take a aircrew job like I have your actuall chances to get in college classes depends on your work schedule that floats with the flying schedule of your squadron

well time for me to pass out... got to go in early tommrow

01-20-2004, 01:21 AM
USAF Flyboy is also in the air force. Seems to love it. I had originally thought of joining the air force but I decided against it once I graduated.

01-20-2004, 02:33 AM
Well, let an Airman chime his two cents in.
I've been in just shy of five years. I'll say that there have been ups and downs, but most of those have been personal.
Like edwierd says, the cool jobs are alluring, but most have no practical application for when you get out. Honestly, if you go in, I reccommend that youlook in to the medical or administrative carrer fields. Those are jobs that have many applications in the civilian world. Also, don't be an SP (Security Police) those are some un-happy people. Also, If you go in, GET A GAURENTEED JOB!That is the most important thing, if you go in open there is a chance that you are going to get screwed.

01-20-2004, 09:13 AM
if you are relying on the US army for college assistance think again. I almost went that route myself..till i read all the fine print...they pay for your "tuition" now if you look at your local state colleges fee schedule, check out their tuition number..its gonna be less than 1/8th of what you are going to pay...at MOST. Sorry to burst your bubble. Now, i dont want to be flamed because I am all for supporting US troops and all for you guys who do what i don't. But just a heads up, read the fine print.

01-20-2004, 10:03 AM
Im in too,
if you have any more questions, post em up,

special ed... I mean Special Ops all the way baby!


01-20-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by lord1234
if you are relying on the US army for college assistance think again. I almost went that route myself..till i read all the fine print...they pay for your "tuition" now if you look at your local state colleges fee schedule, check out their tuition number..its gonna be less than 1/8th of what you are going to pay...at MOST.

No I don't think anyone will flame you for that. However I cannot confirm your numbers exactly but I can tell you what I have personaly calculated. Tuition is about half the cost. But the rest highly depends on a lot of factors so even that might vary. Like room and board. If you are staying there and all its another 50%. In Calebs case it depends on where he goes. For instance the Citadel's Tuition is 5 grand. But its first year room and board and all is another 11 grand! Just the first year. After that its 6 grand a year over tuition. Thats due to all the uniforms they have to make up front. They make you pay for them Freshman year.

Now if you get a Scholarship from the Military (ROTC) then ALL that is forgiven. But only at the Citadel is that so. Other places room and board IS NOT paid by the tuition. You get a stipend of like 300 a month for 8 months. Thats all. So its possible for a Military enlisted person to apply and get one of these. Not easy but it can be done. So that person WOULD go for free. But don't count on it.

At Clemson Tuition is $6500 a year. Room can be had for as little as 2.5 to 3.5 Grand a year. 5 grand if you include a full meal plan. You can get an appartment and share and stuff. Books about 300 a Semester. Food without meal plans? Well depends on how well you eat I guess. If you parents live near the college or univerity then Room and board can range to nothing. So it all depends.

But your point should be well made that Tuition is not all of college cost. However it is better than nothing.

I still recomend you go ahead and bite the bullet and go to college first. Then you can write your own ticket in the Military. If you do it the other way around THEY write the ticket. Consider it an investment in both to choke it up some way first. Your recovery of your investment will be swifter if you have the degree in hand when you go whatever way you chose. Its estimated a BS will net you over a million more lifetime earnings. And payback in increased earnings with it will zero out in about 7 years after. So you have it paid for and your now reaping the benefits of it before your 30 years old. A better postion to be in really.

01-20-2004, 10:55 AM
I know how you feel, brother, thinking about the military and all. I have been considering for MONTHS and MONTHS and MONTHS now whether to go to college first or go on in to the military. Everything that my father said above is true from a financial and career standpoint and is something that we have found out through all the research we are and will be doing in the upcoming of my high school graduation.

The one thing you need to ask yourself is, "Where do I go from here?" You want everything you do to applicable in life after the military. I want to be a career military man, but who's to say that wouldn't change after being in for a while? Nothing is saying that you can't go to college after you're in for four years and get back in afterwards. What you need to do is do what makes you a better person. A lot of people aren't ready to go to college straight out of high school and that is okay.

But remember, if you are enlisted and trying to get your degree, it takes a buttload of time. I mean, you are working a full time job and trying to get a degree at night school, essentially. It can be done and you can do it, but it will take awhile. Our Capt. (retired) for our AFJROTC program here at my high school did the enlisted-get your degree thing and it took him quite awhile. I think it was something like ten to twelve years. So it can be done, it's just very difficult. If you would like, I can probably get you his e-mail address and he would more than happy to answer some of your questions.

My opinion is to go to college first and apply for senior ROTC scholarships, this way you are a full time student with everything getting paid by the military. If you don't have the grades right now, go to tech school for a year and get your GPA up and reapply at the end of your first year of college. The military gives quite a few more three year and two year scholarships then it does four year- full rides. Like my dad said, that way, you control your ticket instead of them controlling your ticket.

E-mail me if you want me to get you in touch with our Capt. or any of our instructors here. There job is to inform people about life and about the military, and they are good at it. Good luck in whatever you decide. My e-mail is ccaleb@starband.net

01-20-2004, 11:19 AM
Can you get that laser eye surgery and be a pilot?

GA Devil
01-20-2004, 11:30 AM
I myself went into the military for the college money. It was a mistake. The amount "promised" Is paid out over 10 years roughly. You pay first then they reimburse you a certain amount they determine according to hours your taking which is no where near the actual cost. Also you lose it if you transfer more then once so keep that in mind. I started at a CC and switched to a university and was warned by them. The amount I recieved per term once in the university barley coverd books and supplies and did not help with actual class cost at all. Not beating down the military but it was a waste of 4 1/2 years for myself considering I went in it for the college money. Just remember you pay first then wait on the government...and we all know how the governement is when they owe you money.

01-20-2004, 11:50 AM
All the GJ's I know have there own rooms and seem to be really nice. I know many of them also love there jobs. I live on the biggest Air force base :D. WOOT! They seem to also like the pay to, maybe because most of them are single.....

01-20-2004, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Can you get that laser eye surgery and be a pilot?

My bro told me that the Army wouldn't let them do it due to not knowing the full side effects down the road.

01-20-2004, 03:40 PM
in Massachusetts, the tuition is all screwy...
they ahve these things called "operating fees" which are NOT tuition.


take a look at that link,

if you notice

Tuition for instate is only 1454.00
and the operating fee is 5.5grand...
the army only pays for Tuition, if its called ANYTHING else, sorry too bad.

oh and just a quick edit

Clemsons "TUITION" is 161.00 dollars a year


everything else is "fees"

01-20-2004, 04:10 PM
Yes technicaly though eveyone shortens it to just Tuition here. When someone asks Tuition they mean all required nessicary fee's. Its just an abreviation of what you HAVE to pay. ROTC scholarships will stipulate "all tuition and fee's" and so do College prepay programs.

I don't know what the military themselves do with recruits. I take your word for it though. But it would be misleading to tell someone that without them knowing wouldn't it?

Here if someone asks for Tuition per year we assume they mean what all it takes to enroll and take a full load. And that all fee's too.

Room and board are optional. So we would not tell them that until they ask for that.

Some fee's are NOT required and not included even in what we commonly (an a little erroneously) lump in. Some lab fees and field trip fees. Those will be posted on the course desciption if they apply.

And we do not include books. Also posted on the course desciption and vary.

When you ask me what our tuition is I am going to tell you 6500 a year. And thats because none of that is optional. If you want to then ask me if that includes all fee's I am going to say yes and no. It includes all Required fee's.

GA Devil
01-20-2004, 04:22 PM
the military does not consider nor care what each individuals tuition is. Everyone going full time recieves the same amount each month and everyone going part time recieves the same amount no matter where your going. And believe me its no where near close to what it costs to even attend CC. The 2 amounts are set. I argued this with them for a couple years.

01-20-2004, 05:15 PM
i suggest calling your local recruiter to confirm.

01-20-2004, 05:43 PM
No need to. I am not talking about or to recruiters or recruitment in any of my info. You were...

I am talking about ROTC Scholarhsips and Colleges/University prepaid Tuition programs. I not going into the militaries internal recruit education intitiatives programs at all. Those are entirely seperate things. That was you guys part of this thread not me.... I don't know a thing about them. And several times so far have clearly said I was not talking about what they promise recruits. In fact I believe you. Said so!

I am very familiar with ROTC scholarship though. But no recruiter would be I betcha that. I do know thier inner workings. But thats not the program your even talking about. The program your discussing yourself is not ROTC scholarships. Although enlisted men can apply for ROTC scholarhips while in service. But its not the same thing your talking about at all.

01-20-2004, 05:48 PM
my b
your right
rotc scholarships are different.
i am talkin about GI bill scholarships.

01-20-2004, 05:52 PM
Yea and what your telling me I had always heard and they DO NOT tell the kids that do they? Not like you guys did. Its something but its not a good reason to put off college. At all! I agree with ya there. I keep telling kids this and they just figure its easier. I mean its better than nothing but just BARELY better than nothing.

01-20-2004, 06:53 PM
......maybe my mom was right :eek:

DAMNIT!!! :)

01-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by ccaleb

Dude, you went to Leadership Camp at the Citadel? I'm in AFJROTC at my high school, but we went to Converse College for ours. I will be at the Citadel next year for college though. How far are you from El Cid?

Took us about 5 hours busride... There was people there from 13 states I think. Cally, Texas , Organ...People came from really far away it was crazy.

01-20-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
......maybe my mom was right :eek:

DAMNIT!!! :)

Of course she is.. But you don't have to tell her.... She already knows! ;)

But if you want, tell her and then follow with a quick "can I have 20 bucks?" :D

01-20-2004, 07:52 PM
Hey dad, you know, after all these years of arguing with you and thinking I know everything, I've realized that you are right. Thank you for your support and willingness to push me when I needed a swift kick in the arse.

Can I have twenty dollars? :D :D :D

01-20-2004, 08:03 PM
uh... ok... :rolleyes:

01-20-2004, 08:12 PM
I used to work for the DOD and when I did I got to work with alot of Air Force folks, both Non Com and Commisioned. The Officers were FAR happier about where they were than the Airmen and NCOs.

Officers typicaly have to do FAR less grunt work, they make more money and get better quarters.

As in the rest of life if you do some hard work now you can slack off later. If you slack now.... you will be doing much more hard work down the line. ;)

For you guys who want to fly, there is only one way to Gaurentee yourself flight school..... Be in good heath and get yourself into the AirForce acadamy. Remember everyone wants a spot in flight school and its expensive to train pilots, so they are VERY picky about who does and doesent get in. Same goes for the other services. Also.. bone up on that math.... big time. :)

01-20-2004, 08:23 PM
On the pilot issue, you cannot be a pilot without a college degree. Period... They will not accept you into flight school in the United States Air Force without a college degree. You need to go to college and get your degree if that is what you want to do. You can get a job in the "aviation career field", but you will not be flying the air craft.

I know it's the same was in the Navy, and I believe it's the same way in the Army and Marine Corps. You must have a college degree to pilot the plane.

01-20-2004, 08:30 PM
The only exception to that I ever knew was Helicopter pilots. And those could be non degree Non Com Warrant Officers back in the day. Not sure its still that way now though.

01-20-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
The only exception to that I ever knew was Helicopter pilots. And those could be non degree Non Com Warrant Officers back in the day. Not sure its still that way now though.

Yeah that is true, but the Air Force is the only brance of service that does not have Warrant Officers.
The Air Force's tuition assistance is kind of funky, but there are a lot of programs like CLEP wich allow you to get the credit on general knowledge etc. Then there are thing like the Community College of the Air Force.

01-21-2004, 12:45 AM
Actualy the Air Force has an Equivolent... its called a Flight Officer. There are 3 grades of FO... but they are extraordinarly rare and the one I did meet was in the 30th Space Group (An Air War College Instructor) and not a Zoomie.

But yeah ... don't even plan on doing any sort of Flying these days unless you have a College Degree... AND at least ROTC if not Acadamy. The Air Force gives preference to Acadamy Grads and then to ROTC and finaly the OTS guys get last choice.

01-21-2004, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Can you get that laser eye surgery and be a pilot?

Its a special eye surgery that cost a hellofa lot of money. (v something or nother) I'll be getting it sometime before Im done with college

01-21-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by ntn4502
Its a special eye surgery that cost a hellofa lot of money. (v something or nother) I'll be getting it sometime before Im done with college
Sweet. We'll kick some butt flying around in our F-16s.

Just got to finish getting in shape...