View Full Version : $5000 cash ????

01-20-2004, 12:13 AM
do the people that shoot mags not like money i dont have any of you on the list for the event www.blingblingproducts.com agd pride are they going to play

01-20-2004, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by detroit
do the people that shoot mags not like money i dont have any of you on the list for the event www.blingblingproducts.com agd pride are they going to play

With that much money up for grabs and the history of some poor calls that go on in almost every tournament from time to time, better hope in a game deciding 1st and 2nd there is no controversy ;) hehe

01-20-2004, 12:25 PM
i should be fine right now we dont have that meny teams and there all locals

01-20-2004, 01:00 PM
I'm not usually one to complain, but just because I just took an english exam... You will be a better PR guy if you can speak and write in better english. Making your openings and announcements better presented will elicit a larger response. I'm sorry, but in my personal opinion (only me, disregard if you don't care) your name sounds half-fast and not something that I would trust. Maybe its just my environment where anything called "bling-bling" means white kids pretending to be in gangs, but it isn't appealing to me. Add to that that I have to read your posts 3-4 times before I get anything out of them, its just a serious turn off.

Its a fad and a pathetic one at that, kids trying to be cool and it appears that you are trying to hitch onto that.

I'm sorry if I insult you. I think that its really great that you are doing this and 5 grand is a lot of money. It does sound like you want to do the right things (get people playing paintball... offering big prizes), and your advertising may work with rich kids trying to be cool, but it may be a better marketing strategy to lose the "dumb white kids" facad and put on a little more serious scheme. I really do mean this as constructive critisizm and I really do wish there were more places like yours offering tournaments, and I think that you may get more teams if you lose the fad and go more hardcore paintball.

01-20-2004, 01:04 PM
As detroit will be the first to tell you....

He can't spell... or type. But he can run a mill :)

EDIT: And as far as the names... I think his sister is named Cleveland or something... it's a city thAng :)

Haven't quite figured out the blingbling thing yet... still working on that one... but I'm just a geek with a trigger finger itch.


01-20-2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by NJPaint
I'm sorry, but in my personal opinion (only me, disregard if you don't care) your name sounds half-fast and not something that I would trust.

Isn't that supposed to be half-assed.

"You did a half-assed job"

I've never heard the term half-fast.

01-20-2004, 01:09 PM
I think that was an attempt at "cuss filter" circumvention.

just kidding :)


01-20-2004, 02:20 PM
I didn't know if "assed" was filtered or not :p and "half-fast" sounds close enough

A5 Capo
01-20-2004, 06:08 PM
jeez, NJPaint! ain't that the pot calling the kettle black...between (to be proper, it should be "among," not "between" bc it's more than 2 things in the group/list, but who's counting?) "half-fast," English w/ a lower-case "e," criticiSm w/ a "z," run-on sentence (which also turns out to be a paragraph), "its" as a contraction for "it is," and "that that" (near end). GL on the exam! :p just messing with you, man.

for anyone who doesn't know, NJPaint and i are friends, and we each have the job of making the other one's life difficult, so i'm not criticiZing (sry, had to do it) to be an ***. but this is actually in return for saying he'll "break [my] knees" on my FB thread.

01-20-2004, 08:18 PM
NJPaint you have a few thing right i am white and my name is detroit and i cant spell as you can see by my number of post and the time i have been a member it becouse i cant spell that good and people like you rage about it.It all good and when i find out what bling bling is all about ill let you know a little clue trun on the radio and it cant be country music and you might find a little about blingbling ;) jeff i did not see you guys there this past week end as for rich kid al the money made is going to a local church :eek:

01-20-2004, 08:24 PM
nope... didn't make it this weekend...

I'm not a cold person and Kayle hurt his back.


01-21-2004, 10:32 AM
it was cold in there

01-22-2004, 06:52 PM
NJPaint did you goto the site to see what event was or is about

01-26-2004, 05:54 PM
it all most hear

01-26-2004, 07:15 PM

01-26-2004, 07:17 PM
lync didnt

01-26-2004, 07:17 PM

01-26-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by NJPaint
I'm not usually one to complain, but just because I just took an english exam... You will be a better PR guy if you can speak and write in better english. Making your openings and announcements better presented will elicit a larger response. I'm sorry, but in my personal opinion (only me, disregard if you don't care) your name sounds half-fast and not something that I would trust. Maybe its just my environment where anything called "bling-bling" means white kids pretending to be in gangs, but it isn't appealing to me. Add to that that I have to read your posts 3-4 times before I get anything out of them, its just a serious turn off.

Its a fad and a pathetic one at that, kids trying to be cool and it appears that you are trying to hitch onto that.

I'm sorry if I insult you. I think that its really great that you are doing this and 5 grand is a lot of money. It does sound like you want to do the right things (get people playing paintball... offering big prizes), and your advertising may work with rich kids trying to be cool, but it may be a better marketing strategy to lose the "dumb white kids" facad and put on a little more serious scheme. I really do mean this as constructive critisizm and I really do wish there were more places like yours offering tournaments, and I think that you may get more teams if you lose the fad and go more hardcore paintball.

Haha! preach on bro! I would be less inclined to sign up with a delivery like that. This is how I read it, like 8 times.

Do the people that shoot mags not like money i DONT have? Any of you on the list? For the event, - www.blingblingproducts.com, - agd pride are going to play

01-26-2004, 08:41 PM
hmm, the blingblingproducts website appears to be down.

"This website www.blingblingproducts.com is currently unavailable due to exceeded monthly traffic quota. Please visit again later."

01-26-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
...agd pride are going to play

OT, but one of my pet peeves on AO is using the wrong verb conjugation. It should be "agd pride IS" not "agd pride are." AGD Pride, AGD, WGP, Smart Parts, etc. are all collective nouns; you wouldn't go around saying "my family are from [place]" would you? No, you would say "my family is from [place.]"

Hehe, sorry for the rant; it's just something that I've noticed on AO a lot.

Is this the tourney being held out in Georgia next month?


01-26-2004, 11:23 PM
no the event is in IN we are having some problems with the site we are working on it rihgt now you can email 3man@blingblingproducts.com for more info and about the money we are giving out $5000 for frist for a 3 man and we dont have any ao people on the list that i know of th event is in a cave

GA Devil
01-26-2004, 11:40 PM
this event is gonna rock. If you miss it you will be sorry. 5k? who can pass that up without hating themselves for it?

01-27-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by GA Devil
this event is gonna rock. If you miss it you will be sorry. 5k? who can pass that up without hating themselves for it?

...there's one in Georgia next month too. ;)

01-28-2004, 04:25 PM
Wow this event is going to cool. If you do not go you are going to wish you went and you have that chanse to get that 5K.

01-29-2004, 10:20 PM
a little more then a week away email if you want to did not get your entry in and still want to play in it you can pay the day of the event

02-03-2004, 07:35 AM
the fields will be open at 4 pm est if yuo want to look at the fields and you can enter the day of the event