View Full Version : Shooting Left Handed with an E/X-Mag

01-20-2004, 08:49 AM
Hey Gang,
I did do a search for this before I posted, no flames please! :)

I've recently begun to give real attention to learning to shoot with my left hand. Up until now, I've been switching to my left shoulder, but shooting with my right hand.

However, I've started to notice that my hand knocks the mode switch (Manual vs Electro) into odd positions, causing the gun to stop firing because the trigger won't travel far enough to activate the HES.

Has anyone else had similar experiences with this? I LOVE the fact that the switch is there, but perhaps some attention should be paid to this switch. Has anyone successfully found a way to "lock" this switch into position, so it can't slip out? The lock shouldn't require a tool to switch modes, then it would be useless on the field, should the batteries die/electronics fail, or whatever.

How do the guys who shoot primarily with their left hand deal with this? I know I'm not the only one having issues.

Thanks ~ Dave

01-20-2004, 10:22 AM
When I switch hands to shoot left handed, I have never had trouble hitting the switch on the X-mag. It really depends on your shooting style, I guess. No, I haven't thought or concieved a good way to lock the switch in (but smarter AOers may have :) ), but it is possible not to hit it. I know when I first started switching hands, I was very sloppy with how I held the gun and such, but as you start play more as a switcher instead of a shoulder-person, you will get use to it.

My best advice to you is to learn to keep your middle finger on the trigger and your index finger along the rail if at all possible. At least it works for me. My friend always told me, "Use your middle finger to shoot, that way you're still firing but inadvertantly flicking off the opposition at the same time." :D Crazy guy. Good luck in learning to shoot with both hands, it still feels awkward to me sometimes, but we must all do it sometime.

01-20-2004, 10:32 AM
You can take the switch off.

but that leaves you with whatever mode you are in and no chance to switch back if your emode goes on you.

01-20-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
You can take the switch off.

but that leaves you with whatever mode you are in and no chance to switch back if your emode goes on you.

I think I may have an extra switch in my parts bin. (For some CRAZY reason?) I may see if I can shave off the lever portion, leaving just the round part. I should then be able to notch the round portion, so I can tell in what position the selector is. This should allow me to still change the switch, but make it a little more difficult to hit it inadvertantly.

Just an idea... Tonight, I have a date with the band saw! :)

EDIT: Hey Phil, does your post count really say 13,000+? :eek:

01-20-2004, 10:44 AM
Good idea...

yep is indeed does... Sad isn't it? :(

01-20-2004, 10:58 AM
You know, when I was looking on the forums last night, I was noticing that, Dad. That's insane. No wonder you know so much... you're reading it twenty-four hours a day. ;) Well, plus you're older and more intune to be resonable than I am. :D

01-20-2004, 11:01 AM
Well most of it comes from Moderating. Arguing with stupid kids and stuff. You know how that is right? :D

By they way. Don't use your signature but once per thread. Unclick the show signature button on each successive post on a thread. One signature showing per post.

01-20-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
By they way. Don't use your signature but once per thread. Unclick the show signature button on each successive post on a thread. One signature showing per post.

OWNED!!! :D By your Dad no less!

Dye Angel Guy
01-20-2004, 11:16 AM
I had an emag and shot it just fine with my left hand since I am left-handed and all I did not ahve any problems at all.

01-20-2004, 03:24 PM
I'm left handed and have never bumped the switch by accident. I know how it could happen, and I'd just shave a bit of plastic off the switch so it's easier to miss.

01-20-2004, 03:33 PM
Well, I shoot left handed... warped.

When my gun was apart for ano... I stretched the little spring under the mode switch so that the ball bearing was higher in the hole, thus more tension.

It feels better now.
But I really never had a problem with hitting it before...


01-20-2004, 03:45 PM
Just a thought.

If you take the switch off,you can easily cut a notch perpendiclar to the existing one w/ an exacto and then put it back on w/ E in the back,over the grip and parallel to the body position and M being straight down.If that makes sense.The switch could then be put on either way.


01-20-2004, 04:05 PM
I am a lefty and have never had this happen either. Although, when I fire, I put a finger onto the ball detent...dunno why, but thats how I fire. And, when I switch sides, I gotta roll the gun way in to get accuracy. Hm...maybe I should seek help...

01-20-2004, 05:19 PM
Yah yah.. once in the while the switch moves around a bit when I'm playing... no big deal though, i do a crazy amt. of checks before im about to play a game... Tank On, Proconnect connected, gun on, hopper on, Safety out, switch in right postition... yada yada....

All I can says is we lefty's be an endangered species...
Warp Right Baby...

01-20-2004, 06:51 PM
I have given up the warp for now and started shooting left handed. I constantly hit that darn switch. Gettin better with practice...but wouldn't it suck if u'r in a tourney and you flip the switch by accident. That would suck!

01-20-2004, 06:53 PM
dont know if anyone suggested this

tap the switch, so you can put in a set screw, and than you ll have your switch locked!

Load SM5
01-20-2004, 07:44 PM
I've taken the warp off for now to get used to shooting with both hands again (my team gun is'nt going to be warped). I've found that if you take all the weight in your right hand that leaves your left free to work the trigger. Since you are'nt holding the gun much at all with your left, you are'nt in danger of hitting the switch at all.