View Full Version : What can we do to Help The Victims?

09-11-2001, 07:40 PM
After seeing this major attack. I was wondering what WE can do to help. Instead of just sitting here talking about it. Lets do something that will help everybody. As me only being 16, i cannot donate blood. But if i were, i would in a secound. Please, if you are able to give blood, Please do! There are many other things you can do to help. If you are at a school, organize food/clothing/spare change drive. There are many many victims that will need help. Please give your recomedations of other things we can do to help, and also do thoose things we suggest. Please.

Robbie Kimmell

09-11-2001, 07:44 PM
1- Give blood. They are reporting major shortages.

2- Give clothing, many of the people who were treated hadf thier clothes cut off them and they need more clothing

3- pray

09-11-2001, 07:46 PM
If anybody wants the Red Cross Phone number so you can donate blood:


PS: also check out www.redcross.org (http://www.redcross.org)

Robbie Kimmell

09-12-2001, 10:38 AM
571 grains on diplomacy, that's what can be done.

09-12-2001, 11:23 AM
Please understand that Clothing is NOT needed. Nor is Shelter.

This was a BUSINESS district and the buildings hit were Office Buildings, not primarily Housing.

The victims had torn up clothing because they were involved in a terrible attack, but they were not wearing their entire wardrobe. So sending clothes might be well intended, but it is not needed. The victims only lost ONE set of clothes.

Blood and money would be the best help most of us could give. Contacting your local Red Cross would be the best bet and ask THEM what you should give. They will have all the answers you need, or should have. netjunk1e provided a good place to start.


09-12-2001, 11:41 AM
Though you are hearing reports that New York hospitals are not in need of blood, this situation will probably not last too long. The initial patients were few, but hopefully, the living injured will begin to emerge and their need for blood will increase dramatically as the day goes on.

Also, if you give blood and they don't need it, at least you helped us be prepared. I urge you to go pump your fist, eat a cookie, drink some juice and say a prayer.


09-12-2001, 11:49 AM
I have heard news reports stating that there may be enough blood right now for NY. Its the fact that after that they may need to build the surpluss back up. The final reason it not only in NY but even back home you know you may be saving a persons life. I also saw another thread showing paypal and yahoo are taking donations for releif aid. These will be the best actions anyone can take along with praying.


09-12-2001, 11:51 AM
Actually for the next few days sit tight. They are overwhelmed with help. By early next week it will be clearer what they need. The Mayor of NY said so today.

09-12-2001, 01:55 PM
This is a statement our locals are putting out to people asking what they can do. I can only assume your areas responded this way as well and you have a similar local situation.

Local blood centers have expressed concerns about shelf-life and being able to get blood to areas in need. Officials say they prefer that donors consider waiting a week or two to avoid waiting lines and to help them ensure a continuous supply of blood (rather than an over-stock this week).