View Full Version : Do you think your gogs are safe

01-20-2004, 05:29 PM
Ok this is just to get an idea of what ya all think.

12ft is ABOUT 5 steps for a 6ft tall person.
Speed will equal 300fps
ROF will equal 15bps

01-20-2004, 05:59 PM
whose to say all those shots will hit you in the lense. 12ft is a lot of room for error, some will hit your mask, some the lense, I bet some would even miss your head all together.
I would sure hope our masks could take a hit like that though.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
I mean all direct hits on the lense some where

01-20-2004, 06:07 PM
One other thing to consider in that may be that is it fifteen shots fired consecutively, like one at a time, or is this mask we're talking about catching a string of 15 or 20 bps.
I would think one at a time for sure, but a string I'm not to sure of. My thinking onthis is that they would hit so close together the lense would not be finished absorbing and distributing the impact of the previous hits before the others hit.
Anybody know a real answer on this.

01-20-2004, 06:10 PM
How often do we take Gog hits? Pretty freaquently I would think. I have had my original spectra since 96 and it has never ever failed me including in some tough spots. No the lense is not that old... I am pretty methodical about changing lenses every year... but still I have never had one that looked like it even wanted to think about failing on me. Some of those lenses proboly took better than 100 shots and never even cracked. Now sticking BE stuff on my face... I'm not so sure I would be as confedent. <shrug>

01-20-2004, 06:12 PM
These masks are safe. Even if you get hit in the lense. Think about it. Lenses have 2 layers of plastic on them(right?). They are also curved, making them even harder to bend. The lense will bend when it isn't held in place. The mask itself holds the lense and it isn't gonna break very Easily.

01-20-2004, 06:19 PM
One thing I always find interesting on gogle hits is when you get a new lense with any sort or color or tint to it and you take a hit and it makes that circular patern in the tint.
Speaking of caring for goggles, I seem to take care of mine pretty well. I never let paint sit on them, I clean paint out of the gutter, I replace at the littlest sign of a crack or when they get to many scratches. I always wonder about the strenght of my goggles.
Is it still safe to use a JT spectra thermal if say the thermal layer peels off. Just wondering I've had this happen more than once.
I've known some guys (and this is just plain crazy I wouldn't play with this lense) who didn't lke the tint on their spectras anymore so they found cleaners that would actually disolve the stuff off. that should be a warning sign right there, if it eats the stuff off your lense you shouldn't put it on your lense.

01-20-2004, 08:51 PM
I think I remember seeing where someone had shot a .22 into a mask (JT, I think) and while the bullet did penetrate the lense, it wasn't allowed to pass all the way thru, stopping it before it would have reached the face. Those things are stronger than you think, for a little piece of plastic.

01-20-2004, 09:11 PM
Not afraid, of my lense breaking, but I have caught one on the lip with my proteus.

01-20-2004, 09:39 PM
when the foam seal around the thermal layer of my old JT lense broke and it started fogging up, i got a new lense for it, and me and my friend decided to have some fun in his back yard, we propped my old lense against a rock in his back yard, me, branishing my e-mag, and him, armed with a e-blade orracle... we just lit it up from 20 feet away at the max

only thing that happened was the rock and lens were drenched in paint and there were some scratches from the shell scraping against it... but it held up damn fine for a $15 peice of plastic

i feel safe with my mask... never had a concern about it... and if somthing DID happen, i'd get a good 7 figure sum of cash from the company ;) :p


01-20-2004, 09:58 PM
I second that, I believe it was an Automag a Timmy and an Impulse on an Old Mask...execution style...no problems, I feel safe. If ANYTHING somehow went crazy, youd have an extra layer...and I dunno you would probably be fine. Ive been shot inside my mask walking off the field, none in the eye, but it was nothing really. ;)

01-20-2004, 10:01 PM
Well the reasons this WOULD not happen is because.

think about when u get bunkered or gogged.

Bunkering the player is moving past u, so u would recieve about 5 to the noe part of the mask and the other 10 down ur back etc.

gogged, u react to the first shot and start to move once uve been gogged, so it is almost impossible for u to recieve 15 consecutive shots. Even at 15-20 bps, the first 3-4 shots that hit u, u usually get up to turn or look away or cover or something and the rest miss or hit u else where.

I dont think ive ever witnnessed or hear of someone benig shot 15 times in teh mask. so dont expect it likely to happen even now.

01-20-2004, 10:13 PM
my goggles have survived many a impact from close range, along with other stuff like running into trees, walls, barrels, old milk trucks that appear out of nowhere:) (true story) and I have full confidence that they'll always work fine.

I think I remember seeing where someone had shot a .22 into a mask (JT, I think) and while the bullet did penetrate the lense, it wasn't allowed to pass all the way thru, stopping it before it would have reached the face. Those things are stronger than you think, for a little piece of plastic.

I've shot my old pair with my .22 long, it went right through:rolleyes: not even a chance of it stopping the bullet. That person must have been useing a .22 short, or powderless shells...

01-20-2004, 10:22 PM
I'd be willing to put mine to the test. I change my lens around March of each year no matter what(I usually take off most of the winter). I then replace it during the year if there are any indications it is no longer sound.

I put my current lens on at Shatnerball, played about six times with it, and you can bet I've got its replacement ready to be put on in two months.

01-20-2004, 10:56 PM
My Flex is safe as it can possible be. Those are the only hits that I get, head shots :rolleyes: guess I need to work on that:p lol, If my Flex was not safe I wouldnt be here today with all those head shots I take ;)

Wes Janson
01-20-2004, 11:47 PM
Bottom line is, as long as you haven't corroded your lens out with paint/cleaner/junk, and as long as it hasn't been exposed to much UV (which could seriously weaken it), and as long as it's been made in this millenium, it can probably stand up to far more than anything you can throw at it in paintball.

01-21-2004, 12:17 AM
I hope my goggles are safe:( . I have taken some close hits and its held up so far. Has a lense ever given out on someone?

01-21-2004, 04:40 AM
Wow 285 views and 54 votes. Whats up with that?

i bought a nice chrome/smoke lens for my jt mask and the second time i went paintballing some punk hit me from at least 20 ft away and cracked it, shoulda chrono'd that piece :/ . i figured i'd best replace it... cost me $24.00, bastard.

I seem to remember some ridiculously low number of direct impacts - like 2?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


In the older documentation I got with my JT mask, once every year and everytime a the lens takes a direct hit.


the manual for my Vforce Shield says to replace it if you're hit from a distance of 15-20 feet or less.

The lenses are lexan and although vert duable, can and will crack and fail under extreme conditions.So yes, multiple direct hits can weaken the lense

Originally posted by toyotaboy12
15-20 feet that would be a bunkering move, alot closer, i say just check the mask if u get gogged, and replace the lenses every year or 2.

and if you get bunkered to just check the lenz? No there can be stress cracks that you Can Not see.

These quotes from this thread

Well I got the ANSI standard sheet on goggles so if ya all have any questions let me know. It says to replace after a direct hit at 10 ft or every year. I just wonder if enough people pay attention to their lenses. With the ROF getting to where it is it makes me wonder about the safty aspects. Not to mention I think some of the stuff is out dated

How they really test the lens is with 8 hits at 400 fps + - 20, 1bps. 3 0n the left side, 3 on the right side and 2 where they think it might fail. Any crack or any sign of damage what so ever and it fails.

Well even if just one person becomes more aware, this thread was worth it.


01-21-2004, 11:29 AM
I have never (and I do mean never) been hit on the lense more than two times in a row. I have gotten 3-4 head shots at a time but like I said, no more than two in a row have ever hit the lense. Even at 20 bps you'll be able to duck your face after a couple of hits.

01-21-2004, 01:42 PM
While reffing I once saw a guy who was running stop IN a stream of paint while looking at the shooter. I heard at least 9 distinct hits to his head/lense. There looked to be about 10-13 actual hits, about 9 of which were on the lense. This was at a distance of about 30 feet with the gun chronying at 295+- 2. I checked. The guy who got shot had to have me help him off the field... to much paint for him to see and/or whipe away. The lenses held up fine as far as we could tell but I told him to replace them anyway...

edit: fixed a typo

01-21-2004, 04:26 PM
12 ft. away LOL My mag could hit every shot on the lense from 12 ft. away. O yeah, I know my mask could take it. Me and my friend tried somethin like that and the mask held up fine.

01-21-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Adrenaline_Junkie
12 ft. away LOL My mag could hit every shot on the lense from 12 ft. away. O yeah, I know my mask could take it. Me and my friend tried somethin like that and the mask held up fine.

After you tried it, did you replace the lens? Check the story I told in the thread Beemer quoted us from.

I think I might give this a try. I have a scott Stiker mask that is two years old, but has never been used. See how many shots from 10ft does it take to crack or break the lens.

01-21-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
I hope my goggles are safe:( . I have taken some close hits and its held up so far. Has a lense ever given out on someone?

REPLACE the lens

01-21-2004, 05:37 PM
For the $15-$20 that a lens costs, replace them when in doubt. It's funny that paintball players will spend $100 per weekend to play the game, but not $20 to play it safely:)

01-21-2004, 05:42 PM
and it scares the poop out of me

01-21-2004, 05:54 PM
Yeah i replaced the lens. It was a clear dye invision lense and we were gonna swap it out for a mirror lens so we tried to see if the lens could take a lot of close range lens shots. It was my friends mask so i was like what the hell lets try it. I wouldnt try it on my Profiler though just cus i dont want to buy a new lens.

01-21-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
For the $15-$20 that a lens costs, replace them when in doubt. It's funny that paintball players will spend $100 per weekend to play the game, but not $20 to play it safely:)
You can take it further: people will spend over $1,000 on a marker, but won't spend $20 on a lens.

When people ask me what equipment they should buy, I remind them that you can play paintball without a marker, but you can't play without a mask. What piece of equipment is more important?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-21-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker

You can take it further: people will spend over $1,000 on a marker, but won't spend $20 on a lens.

When people ask me what equipment they should buy, I remind them that you can play paintball without a marker, but you can't play without a mask. What piece of equipment is more important?

Yes, but when you're talking to hyped up teens that think they are invincible they don't listen to you at all. They try to find the best marker they can buy and try to get the cheapest safety equipment, co2 tanks, and other stuff.

It seems like the only way for these people to learn is to learn the hard way. But in paintball you don't get a second chance, once that paintball goes flying into your eyes, you're done for.

Wes Janson
01-22-2004, 01:27 AM
I understand the safety aspect, and in fact replaced mine on one of my masks a month or two ago, but personally I think the replacement guidelines are utter BS. If they really believed the mask had a chance of failing from 2 shots at 10 feet, they wouldn't dare market it for fear of liability. I strongly suspect it to be a way of getting more $$$ from the replacement lenses, and maintaining their business. Realistically, they can probably survive an awful lot of paint, and if used wisely could likely last several years. However, if people only replaced their lenses every 3 years, JT and the rest wouldn't be making nearly as much as they do now.. Each time you buy a replacement, that's half the cost of a new mask..and those lenses are probably dirt cheap to produce.

01-22-2004, 01:32 AM
I've played w/ a crack in my lense for a long time now. I don't mind it. I think the lenses are really really really strong. I go to fields and see lenses as shooting targets that will never break.

01-22-2004, 03:54 AM
I've played w/ a crack in my lense for a long time now. I don't mind it. I think the lenses are really really really strong. I go to fields and see lenses as shooting targets that will never break.

Please change your lens. How would you feel if you woke up and could never see the sun the moon and the stars again??????????????????

I understand the safety aspect, and in fact replaced mine on one of my masks a month or two ago, but personally I think the replacement guidelines are utter BS. If they really believed the mask had a chance of failing from 2 shots at 10 feet, they wouldn't dare market it for fear of liability. I strongly suspect it to be a way of getting more $$$ from the replacement lenses, and maintaining their business. Realistically, they can probably survive an awful lot of paint, and if used wisely could likely last several years. However, if people only replaced their lenses every 3 years, JT and the rest wouldn't be making nearly as much as they do now.. Each time you buy a replacement, that's half the cost of a new mask..and those lenses are probably dirt cheap to

It wont fail 2 shots at 400fps on a new lens but after that it could or might because of stress effects. A failure is a crack or damage you might not even see. The lens is lexon and will detereate with time that is why they say replace after 1 year

Realistically, they can probably survive an awful lot of paint, and if used wisely could likely last several years. This is not even close to true. Please read this whole thread again and get informed. Your EYES are worth it.

01-22-2004, 04:39 AM
I hope my goggles are safe . I have taken some close hits and its held up so far. Has a lense ever given out on someone?

well i ref at my local feild twice a week just about every weekend, and try to play at least once a week over the summer as well. in the coarse of 1 year i think i generally have to change my lenses about 3 times because they develop cracks in them. but that is alot of use compared to most people.

i have had lenses crack on me after a hit to the lens.

edit: forgot to mention that the gogles i use are the jt flex-7 i dont know if that matters at all but i thought i would mention it

01-22-2004, 08:36 AM
I know my V-force lenses are safe, the curved design is actually made stronger for a few milliseconds by the impact. And I change lenses once every two months.

01-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Spectra lenses are most definitly safe. I love JT masks.

Wes Janson
01-22-2004, 07:57 PM
This is not even close to true. Please read this whole thread again and get informed. Your EYES are worth it.
In a typical year of playing (assuming I keep the same mask for an entire year, which isn't likely as I alternate between several depending on weather), I may take a dozen shots to the lens, at *most*, and none from less than 30 feet or so. I've never seen cracks yet in my gear, although I have seen the plastic start to peel from paint left too long on one mask's lens (which I subsequently replaced).

01-24-2004, 02:19 AM
I do see a problem here, I know a guy who has had his Spectra over 5 years I believe and I dont think he has ever changed his lense. Infact he has made fun of me for changing mine every few months. The thing is there are people out there who never change their lenses and probably wont.

01-24-2004, 12:37 PM
Many years ago at a pump game there was a guy wearing shop saftey goggles with the flat front. Everyone told him they weren't safe, so I leaned them up against a tree and my first shot went right through. Never compromise your choice in masks. Luckily this guy learned his lesson the easy way.