View Full Version : Help With CP Drop

01-20-2004, 08:43 PM
Alright, so I just purchased one of the 2k3 CP drops. One of the mini ones, about 2 inches long, about a cm drop. Anyways, I hook my 32* on/off asa onto it, and what do you know. My tank(s) won't fit. On any co2 tank, the tank hits the gripframe. On my HPA tank (centerflag reg), the fill nipple and gauge hit the bottom of the drop, at the grip part.

Is there any way I can make this baby fit? I absolutely love this drop...but I can't think of how I can get it to fit?!?

I can take a picture if my explanation does not make sense.

Thanks for any help!

01-21-2004, 08:20 AM
I think i see your prob?

try screwing the 32* on/off on to the tank, then slide it on the drom and screw it down.

Thats all I can think of

01-21-2004, 01:50 PM
He's right. The ppl here that have that similar situation screw the tank to the ON/OFF, then they slide in the ON/OFF to the CP drop. There is a chance that you air tank's fill nipple might end up hitting either the drop or the grip; if so just unsrew it a bit untill the fill nipple is clear. Donīt worry if your tank is a bit loose because it's not fully screwed in, when it's preasurized, it wonīt be as loose. That takes care of the HPA tank only however, I woulnīt know about CO2 tanks :(

And I agree, it's an awesome drop. Hope I was of help :p

01-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Yeah..I ended up canning the on/off and just used an angled asa. oh well.