View Full Version : Thanx To Phil And Shartley

09-11-2001, 08:33 PM
i want to say thanx to u guys. u guys worked your butts off today w/ all the comotion around here today. u guys handled it like real pros. u guys r really some of the best people on here.

09-11-2001, 08:59 PM
Love you too man. I am sure Sam feels the same way. Keep the faith all. Thanks for the kind words.

09-12-2001, 07:00 AM
I would like to mirror Phil’s words. I was also dealing with my Real World Family as well, and getting calls and E-Mail from clients and associates. I consider AO my “Online Family”, and I did what I could for it. Although I don’t consider what I did very much.

It was a rough day for the whole nation, and I dare say the World. The ramifications of this attack will be far reaching and be seen for years and decades to come. This is only the beginning.

I say God help the victims of this attack. And when we begin to execute OUR response to this cowardly act, God have mercy on those responsible, because they will soon be face to face with him.

Again, thank you for the kind words…

09-12-2001, 08:27 PM
u know what, u guys deserve a lot. u guys were here all day, keeping control of the forums while trying to keep your, and our spirits up. Thanx guys, u deserve every last word of it.

09-12-2001, 10:48 PM
YES! Excellent work done by the moderators! Gave me another reason to be proud to be associated with AGD and AO.

AGD Front Office

09-13-2001, 05:52 AM
(clearing throat) Uh, I am not a Moderator. ;)

But yes, the Mods did a great job keeping up with things. Thanks guys.. I would have helped more, but I simply did not have the power.

09-13-2001, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by shartley
(clearing throat) Uh, I am not a Moderator. ;)

OK!!!! So I'll take all the credit! :)

At least for the main day part as thats my watch. And yes it was indeed a busy day. Lot's of understandable cussing that I had to edit. Nothing was deleted completely and I granted a lot of leeway. As it should be. But thanks all for noticing.

And let me take this oportunity to thank all the members for keeping their cool during a trying day. For the most part everyone kept their calm and we were all united against one evil. Thanks to all members from the AO Mods