View Full Version : dragun T.E.S.

01-20-2004, 10:14 PM
what are your opinions about this gun? also, does anybody know if the barrel threads are compatible with spyder barrels, and what upgrades are available for this gun, what kind do i get and so on. any links to good revies or first hand experiences are appreciated.

link to dragun site: http://www.dragunempire.com/products_detail.php?id=9

01-20-2004, 10:51 PM
The Dragun TES is a wonderful marker, especially for its price! Operating like a mixture between a timmy and a Spyder, the TES has anti-chop eyes which won't let the marker fire if there isn't paint in the breech. The board is capable of 20 bps, though it's preset at 15. My team is sponsored by Dragun, so I can see about deals that I can get you (I'll have to check!)

With THE ONE kit, you can turn your Dragun or any stacked tube into an electro-pneumatic marker, basically creating a $400 Timmy. Personally, I think the TES itself is a great deal, but contact me with whatever questions you have.


01-21-2004, 03:44 AM
One of the guys that I play with regularly has a TES, it seems to be a good marker for the money. His is not tolerant of CO2 and works poorly if you try to use it, so be aware that HPA is probably a must to get good performance out of it. The one kit looks very interesting, I can't wait until someone around here gets one so I can check it out.

01-21-2004, 07:24 AM
Hey Sharpshooter,

I was looking into the TES and was really impressed by most of what I have heard and seen. Most people really love theirs however they do seem to have some quality control issues developing. I think they have taken the paintball world by storm and may have gotten a little overwhelmed with orders. I am starting to hear more and more people getting TES with problems. At a tourney that I played at last week there were several. I talked to most everyone that had one. Most of them were happy but all of them had at least some problems. One guy said he had to drive to their HQ in Mobile, AL to make them fix problems that he was having and they admitted to him that they were taking so many orders that they could not keep up. Another guys never got his to work right.

Best I can tell from others is that if you get one that works, it will be awsome, but you may have some problems. I am still thinking about getting one as a back up/loaner but will prabably wait till they have a chance to settle in and solve some of the bugs that seem to be giving people trouble.

Hope this helps,

01-21-2004, 08:34 AM
i sent ya a pm.

01-21-2004, 09:34 AM
The eye has some issues that I've seen with CO2, and it's not the best eye out there either. I think it's a reflective sensor style eye, which isn't as good as a break beam eye.

The frame, however, is very nice. Make sure you've got quite a fast loader.

01-21-2004, 01:43 PM
very cool..im definitely wanting to purchase this marker, now if i could only sell my mag:(

01-21-2004, 02:21 PM
my teammate has one and had some minor problems on the first day he play with it. the gun wouldn't let him shoot it something and we found out that the paint was being pinch by the bolt. also the eye wouldn't read blue paint so the gun wouldn't shoot. other then that the gun shot great a day with a couple ball chops.:( all u need to do to get this gun really good is use a revy or electro hopper and new round paint.( he was using a regular hopper and arse eagle paint)

01-21-2004, 07:33 PM
If you don't have the cash for a Timmy this is the way to go. Basically a Timmy clone but not bad for the money.

01-21-2004, 08:35 PM
Is it just me... or did every single report here so far mention problems and quality issues and low capped boards and then STILL CONCLUDE TO BUY ONE? Now what is happening here. If almost all of them do not shoot and have all kinds of problems why would you recomend someone buy one no matter how cheap? Not making any sense here to me at all. I mean I would rather have three $100 Spyders that shoots than one $300 Entry electro thats gonna leave me stranded with no marker to shoot. At least I can play!!! I not getting this one at all..... :(

01-21-2004, 09:05 PM
I have a dragunfly lcd w/the antichop delin bolt. It leaked when I got it and the baord was really messed up. I had to send it back twice, which really screwed up my paintball life(missed a tourney and got kicked from my team). They never reply to e-mails, and thre message box is always full so you can't leave a message. We'll After all this bs it was a real turn down, I would buy to much from them. All I'll give the gun is its anti chop bolt, its excatly like a lvl ten, but with no fine tuneing. I don't see 20 bps comes out of these things , maybe 10 bps 13 if you can manage to walk it a little. Have yet to use it in a game, little afraid to.

Save up, and buy a viking or mag or maybe a angel.

01-22-2004, 01:12 AM
My friend has one. It's worked pretty well since he's got it, but the trigger frame is kinda... I dunno, I couldn't shoot it for crap. He was pretty good at walking it, but most of the people at the field couldn't shoot it that fast. They seem good for the money, but you may want to wait for a bit so you actually get one that's working.