View Full Version : DEAR GOD, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! Signature related.

09-11-2001, 09:25 PM
¿What exactly does that american flag with the eagle and the ribbon mean and why does everyone have it in their signature?

09-11-2001, 09:41 PM
To show support for what has happened today. Here is the original post:


09-12-2001, 08:27 AM
The Flag Signature file is explained a bit on the thread neoxone pointed out.

It is made up of 3 major parts…

The Official Seal of the United States:
This symbol has deep meaning within it. Its elements represent many things, but I will not get into them all at this point. I used it to represent the Government of the United States and those working FOR the Government, such as the Police, Fire Department, Armed Forces, Rescue personnel, etc.

The Flag of the United States:
This symbol has deep meaning within it as well. And as with the Seal, I will not go into each of its elements at this time. I used it to represent our great Nation as a whole. Its people and spirit.

The Black Ribbon:
This symbol is one of respect and mourning for those lost in the attack. (note: If we go to War over this, or send troops of any kind to enact our response, I will be adding a Yellow stripe to the Black Ribbon to signify our desire for the safe return of our troops. Thus the ribbon will be made of 2 stripes, one Black and one Yellow.)

The combination of all three elements, create a deep and heartfelt symbol. It unites our Nation, Government, Agencies, and the Masses, in a common cause and respect. We set aside out differences and focus on what makes us who we are, and the nation we truly are as well.

I hope this better explains what the Image stands for, as well as why so many are using it. I see that you are now using it as well.

For those who are using this Symbol…. Thank you. It means more than you can know.

09-12-2001, 01:01 PM
Its all about remembering.


09-12-2001, 01:15 PM
Thank you. But if I may…. Saying it is all about remembering, is a bit of an oversimplification.

It is about MUCH more than that. A good example of a similar oversimplification would be to say that an F-16 is all about flying.

I hope you understand that I am not saying you are wrong, but that I am saying that what you said only scratches the surface of the true meaning of the symbol.

Thank you.

09-12-2001, 02:09 PM
Being an employee of DoD, I will proudly display the image.
Currently, we are also at Threatcon Delta. There were many people we deal directly with on a day to day basis in the Pentagon when the tragedy happened. Please keep them, and all who are effected, directly or not, in your prayers.

09-12-2001, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by StevoC
Being an employee of DoD, I will proudly display the image.
Currently, we are also at Threatcon Delta. There were many people we deal directly with on a day to day basis in the Pentagon when the tragedy happened. Please keep them, and all who are effected, directly or not, in your prayers.

I don't work at the department of defense, but I thought the correct term was Def Con Delta...

09-12-2001, 02:41 PM
Defense Condition and Threat Condition are both used. So, DefCon Delta and ThreatCon Delta would both be correct in this situation.

09-12-2001, 04:21 PM
American Pride...we can not be broken

09-12-2001, 11:55 PM
DefCon , I believe, more states the present stance the country has towards war and peace. Defcon 5 represents peace time, defcon 1 means we're at war. Army can probably add to this if he should happen to come through. The signs all over the post and the building I work in are listed as threatcon. Heck, even burger king down the street form my work today was at threatcon delta...and they kept the burgers going out.

09-13-2001, 12:17 AM
For all those wishing to display the symbol you might want to try putting this line in your sig.

img src="http://www.gbsu-usa.net/boss/respect.gif" width=90 height=75 border=0 (add < to the front and > to the back of this line)

At least on my computer, if you only put in the file name it doesn't show up as a pic, only a hot link.

It's really something to see everyone display Shartley's symbol of solidarity.


09-13-2001, 07:48 AM
Thanks Tom,
I overlooked the fact that the new system allows HTML in the Signature, and not just UBB/vB Code. The old one did not.

So to make it easier, I will post the code here the way it can be just cut and pasted into people’s signatire:

<b>&lt;img src=”http://www.gbsu-usa.net/boss/respect.gif” width=90 height=75 border=0&gt;</b>

The width/height/border information is really not needed to pull the picture and place it correctly in this case. Short and sweet is best for signature code.

I will add this to the other threads as well.

Once again, thanks.

09-13-2001, 08:12 AM
OK, hope this works...

09-13-2001, 03:30 PM
i dont think its in my sig

09-13-2001, 03:31 PM
yep im right im left out i feel so hated and i dont no how to put it in my sig but i want to

09-13-2001, 03:46 PM
someone tell me how to do it please

09-13-2001, 04:04 PM
You HAVE a Signature already so you evidently know how to make one. Now you just need to add the image to it.

Take the line in my post above (the dark coded line) and put THAT in your Signature along with your text (using the User Control Pannel). That quick, that simple. Give it a try. :)

Mr. -RushY-
09-13-2001, 04:46 PM

09-13-2001, 04:48 PM
test here

09-13-2001, 04:49 PM
let see if it works this time

09-13-2001, 04:50 PM
its not working for me

09-13-2001, 04:51 PM
You have to use the < and the > as well. Make sure they are on the code EXACTLY as it is written above. :)

09-13-2001, 04:52 PM
it is i copied and pasted

09-13-2001, 04:56 PM
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet i got it

09-13-2001, 05:01 PM
It was not you. I looked at the page code and you had it correct. The Board sometimes messes things up for some reason.

Good job. :)

09-13-2001, 05:14 PM
ur code wasnt working for me so i used toms and it worked

09-13-2001, 05:18 PM
Trust me on this one.... I can code in my sleep. I looked at the actual page code when your image was NOT coming up, and it WAS correct. This Board System messes up code and does not handle it correctly all the time. ;)

I also TEACH this stuff.

I will go and add Tom's part (althought it should NOT be needed) to the code in my other post. I say again... IT SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED, anyone with over 5 minutes of HTML experience knows this.

Thanks. :)

I need a beer.

09-13-2001, 05:36 PM
im not trying to be mean cause ur a really nice guy so im not trying to be mean

09-13-2001, 05:47 PM
Thank you.

It has been a VERY long day, and a longer week. And I really could use a beer. LOL :)

09-13-2001, 05:50 PM
yeah i could use a root beer cause im only 13 lol:D

09-13-2001, 10:46 PM
DEFCON (DEFensive CONdition) is a numerical code, 1-5, 5 is normal peacetime, 1 is war stance. This only applies to the military as a whole, following orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

ThreatCon is an alphabetic code. They will apply to installations as the Post/Fort/Base commander determines the level of protection to mount against the percieved threat. TC ALPHA is the least amount of security applied and is the normal day to day protective stance any installation mounts. TC DELTA is maximum security efforts. All gates and security points will be armed, no-one is allowed on post without proper and current ID. Shoot to kill is authorized.

My post downgraded to TC CHARLIE today, warnings will be given before shoot to kill is implimented. All other security measures are the same as DELTA.

A co-worker today drove his wifes car this morning. She didn't have the registration in it. Despite the site commander telling the MPs he worked here, they still had his car towed from the facility gates. Ooooops!

09-14-2001, 06:43 AM
Right after my post on the ThreatCon VS DefCon issue, I thought to myself……. Yes both are used, but one is numbers and the other is letters. I then told myself… But Army will come on and explain it better being he is still actively involved in it, and it has been quite a few years since I had to personally deal with it.

So, Thank you! LOL Well done. :)

09-14-2001, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by StevoC
DefCon , I believe, more states the present stance the country has towards war and peace. Defcon 5 represents peace time, defcon 1 means we're at war. Army can probably add to this if he should happen to come through. The signs all over the post and the building I work in are listed as threatcon. Heck, even burger king down the street form my work today was at threatcon delta...and they kept the burgers going out.

I do not work nor am I in anyway involved with the military save for a huge fasination with them. I believe the DefCon and ThreatCon came to mean the same thing but originally were two different status.

I am not sure who originated what but from the literature I have read ThreatCon relates to the level, quality and quantity (yes, there is a difference) of Threats against us while DefCon relates to our current level of combat readiness or Defensive Condition.

Again, this is just stuff that I have picked up from numerous books and I may be completely wrong.

09-14-2001, 10:52 AM
I do recall being on McConnell AFB during a hightened security alert (really don't recall the alpha/numeric code). All of the sudden, the location of the little red lines on the tarmac in relation to my person became VERY important to me and my sense of self-preservation.


Mr. -RushY-
09-15-2001, 11:26 AM