View Full Version : Ebay Scam Alert!!!

01-21-2004, 03:17 PM
ok i just got an email for 2 people telling me they are offering me an emag with a whole crap of things for like 500. im like WOW! sounds good. i proceed to ask for personal information and asked him to 3rd party/escrow/COD and he said NO. hmm sounds strange doesnt it and on top of that they are both located in canada. So im just starting this to give a heads up.

01-21-2004, 03:22 PM
Pray tell where does eBay come up in this as per your title?

01-21-2004, 03:26 PM
sorry unka phil. i bid on a emag and thats how they get your email adress. sorry i thought i mentioned it.

01-21-2004, 03:35 PM
OH! ok. Gotya now.

Yea I hate bidder swipes. They send me crap too.

Lately I get a bunch from some dude over in like India wanting to sell me scooters for like nothing. Never mind they are not legal to import as they don't meet EPA and DOT but then again he doesn't garantee you will ever get em out of customs anyway!!!! hehehe.... And always some story thats familiar like "my brother in America see's to all this and he will see to it that you get scooter!" and "All you have to do is place money into my account by Western Union and I will ship immediately". Stuff like that.

Always the same guy and you can be downright rude with him and he doesn't even get it. Like you can say "Mr Mukesh I feel your honesty is questionable and so is the virtue of your wife and daughter." and he replies "Thank you very much I will tell my family that you asked about them." I just love playing with these guys. Funny stuff.


01-21-2004, 03:53 PM
I hate it when these guys just bid on your gun. You finally get a bid you like on your gun. THen they say, I can't buy it anymore! I hate that.