View Full Version : mag good for me?

01-21-2004, 05:42 PM
hey im new to this forum and not sure if this is the right place to post this but i was wondering if a emag or xvalved mechical mag was good for me. right now a shoot a matrix and want something lighter.i have shot a mechanical mag and feel it shoots too slow but with the ule trigger pull kit it will be faster right? and i was wondering how fast an emag was compared to a trix and its weight. i play front and my team is doing psp so i need soemthing good.


01-21-2004, 06:05 PM
ok if you want a fast mag heres a good setup
Warp feed
Halo B
AGD Flatline system
bladetrigger if u want
and ULE warp body

01-21-2004, 06:09 PM
ya i dotn have enough money for that tho. i could only get one of the two guns listed

01-23-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Sniper king
ok if you want a fast mag heres a good setup
Warp feed
Halo B
AGD Flatline system
bladetrigger if u want
and ULE warp body
HMMM, that ULT isn't gonna do any thing but kill your Xmag but then again if you put that ULE warp body on it it won't be an Xmag, oh wait you couldn't even mount that to an Xmag what was I thinking?!!:rolleyes:
I'm not sure how weight compares, I've never used a Matrix. The ULE Trigger, ULT, will make the pull softer, not necessarily faster, that's gotta come from you;) The ULT is just meant for mechanical mags. If you want the lightest pull on a mag you would have to get an E/Xmag. Sorry I couldn't help you decide alot but hopefully I helped somehow. Welcome to AO, I'd post this over in "paintball talk" you'll get more and better responces :D