View Full Version : Sand + Emags

09-12-2001, 09:53 AM
Recently I took my Emag to a tourney. The conditions of the tournament was like a blowing sandstorm, especially in teh staging area. They had just bulldozed off a few fields, put in a few more and the place was full of dry dirt and sand. When the wind blew sand and dirt went everywhere.

We tried to clean them as we went but didn't ever pull them completely apart until the day after. The small amount of sand that got in there we believe caused the problems. The air cocking bolt at times would stick forward, paint seemed to break easier, the safety's would stick in one position and barrel nipples broke or were sheared with alarming frequency.

Has anyone else found this to be a problem? Outside of breaking them comepletely apart after every game or shrink wrapping them (which we are considering) anyone know of a fix for this? Any help, information or technical advice that could help with this would be greatly appreciated.

09-12-2001, 11:00 AM
Humm I play in a sand field alsmot every weekend and have played more then a few tournies in the sand link conditions you speak of and have never had a big problem with it.

Never take your tank off the gun once its gassed up, as that a way for sand to get into the valve.

I dont use the button safty on my Emag, I use the barrel condom, the Power Feed pluga nd I turn my barrel so paint cant feed and shoot out the last loaded ball.

As for the "barrle nipples' I am going to assume you are talking about teh nubbins that hold the balls in teh barrel.

Those need to be adjusted and with the new long snout bolts and the P nubbins you need to make sure that these are adjusted correctly and spend a bit more time in checking them. I have roll 8 nubbins since World cup last year, before that I have maybe roll 8 in 8 years at best. So I think ( and this is only my personal oppion ) is that with the long nose bolts and the P nubbins they dont play so well together. I use V nubbins and have much less trouble with killing nubbins.


09-12-2001, 11:18 AM
Thanks for the 411.
Didn't take the tank off at all. We ended up leaving the safety off and using the Plastic battery breaker while leaving it in electronic mode, coupled with barrel condoms and plugs. The turn the barrel is a great idea that we will start to use as well now.

All our emags were fitted with V nubbins and have long snout bolts.

There seemed to be build of grit or sand in the back bolt though anyhow, maybe coming through from the power feed, or barrel? I would think the balls in the barrelw ould hinder this but when we took them apart to clean there was significant grit in the air chamber/bolt section behind the firing chamber.

09-12-2001, 01:08 PM
i get small amounts of dirt in the chamber of my classic valve, but i have never noticed an irregular velocity or anything as if it was to pass the reg..

also, my whole PT comes off, and i clean the air chamber periodically, is that supposed to come off?

09-13-2001, 07:04 PM
Call the tech line and get an RMa and have them reattach the PT.
