View Full Version : Dragon Timmy vs. Angel Speed

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-21-2004, 10:24 PM
If some of you guys remember when i was new to this forum i asked which marker to get. In the end i got an xmag. But with my extremely high income it just seems normal for me to want another nice marker for a backup.

I have definately ruled out cockers since it seems like all autocockers hate me, (i've owned 2 cockers and both of them went poops on me).

I don't like how matrix's look, they probably work good but the one i tested out was horrible (they probably didnt have their trigger set right or something)

I hate the design of the new shocker, it looks too much like a squirt gun instead of a paintball marker.

So i have narrowed my list down to:

Angel Speed
Dragon Intimidator

I would like to know more about the speed and the WAS board in the Timmy, How many options these markers have, are they accurate or good and what are the ups and downs for both markers?

01-21-2004, 10:30 PM
I don't know much about the markers, except that the Speed costs $800 and the Dragon is more like $1250ish...

May as well buy both :p

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-21-2004, 10:35 PM
leave the price out of this. lets say they both cost the same. which one would you take?

01-21-2004, 11:04 PM
I would take the timmy because they have a better beam break eye systems.

01-21-2004, 11:21 PM
I'd probably pick a Speed and get it HK'd.

01-22-2004, 12:05 AM
I would say some type of custom 04 viking. I know its not on your list, but vikins are sick.

01-22-2004, 12:07 AM
How about he just gets the Speed, and DOESNT mod it? I dont know why everyone feels the need to mod the Speeds now. They function great without any tampering. You are paying alot of money for milling when you buy the Dragon. The Speed isn't really flashy, in fact, no one notices my gun really. They don't notice it until I unload on them.
Here are the ups and downs as I see them.

Sometimes you get a Sensi that doesnt work right. I on the other hand, have a Sensi that works great. Alot of people actually love the Sensi, including me. Also some BS about feednecks breaking. I simply don't believe it. Mine is strong as hell, and it wouldnt break if I stood on it while balancing on the barrel. Weak 3rd party support. Many problems with HALOs. Somtimes, I find it staring at me in the middle of the night. :confused: :eek:

It's fast, real fast infact(It's an Angel, enough said). The trigger is extremely adjustable. It might take about 2 hours or so to get it dialed in to where you really like it, but after that, you know you did a good job, because you can mow suckers down like nothing. They are also quiet. People say they are loud, but to the audience around you, they are quiet. It accepts high pressure tanks, and isnt finicky. You can also get drop in mods that work great, such as a 4 board, or a soft face bolt. No new triggers yet that I'm aware of, but I'm sure they are coming. Works great with Evo 2s. Stock barrel is very good. And...somtimes, I find it staring at me in the middle of the night...;)

01-22-2004, 12:27 AM
Timme Hands down....there prety relaiable,ubersexy,you can was it if you want.

and its made from a spider....wich goes with your name.

I would get a timme

Rope a Dope
01-22-2004, 12:36 AM
I vote for the Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!


01-22-2004, 01:26 AM
I'd go for a Warped Sportz Speed Demon. It comes with a beam-break eye, which eliminates sensi problems. plus it looks awesome in that red dust color ;)

01-22-2004, 01:37 AM
Get the A4 since price doesn't matter. They are so freaking pretty and have the 1 BPS advantage over the speed :rolleyes: . Has debounce setttings also- High BPS! I don't really like timmys all that much that are to light and the kick is a lil' out there.

01-22-2004, 02:35 AM
Go with the Timmy. Personally, I dont like the look of the dragons. The Aliens are nice, the Empires rock!! I own a GZ, and use it as my backup. Kinda wish it was LCD though. Mine has the WAS board too...which is definitely worht the cash.

01-22-2004, 12:03 PM
Rope A Dope, I like your feed neck, where did you get it? Also, I have the same volumizer, works great! Black is the only way to go.

01-22-2004, 12:14 PM
Check-it makes a feedneck exactly like that, not sure if that's it. and warped, they do have triggers for the speed. They are the cobra fang trigger and the dirt trigger. Both are extremely nice.

GA Devil
01-22-2004, 12:27 PM
I would go with the speed cause I dont care for spyders. Look at major events at which guns are being worked on the most cause of problems. You will see alot more timmies piled up waiting for techs to fix problems then you will angels in general. I cant remember who it was off hand but a pro player had numorous timmies just so he would have a gun that worked all the time. 1 went down he would grab the next, so on and so forth. How many angels you think angel shooters have to have? We have a shop by us that wont even carry timmies cause of all thier issues they lose money having to warrenty them. Im not bashing anything, just going on what Ive seen.

01-22-2004, 12:34 PM

01-22-2004, 12:34 PM
I believe that player is chris lasoya.

01-22-2004, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by SpecialBlend2786
I'd go for a Warped Sportz Speed Demon. It comes with a beam-break eye, which eliminates sensi problems. plus it looks awesome in that red dust color ;)

The Speed Demon does not come with the eyes that is a modification done at Warped La ;)

01-22-2004, 02:34 PM
That is correct, it is an EXTRA meaning you pay a bit more for it,although ACE changes the Angels lack of "reliable anti chop" (although ive seen some very nice SENSI setups). ONTO THE DEBATE. Hrm this is tough, Not factoring price in is also tough.

The Speed is a very very nice marker, I think the milling is lacking as compared to the IR3's and LCDS but its just downright nicer in terms of working. The Sensi is a bit finicky, as compared to the Timmy eye.

The accuracy and whatnot on both will be pretty much the same. The Speed has a bit of kick before its broken in, and the Timmy does also. DO NOT listen to any of this, oh the Timmy kicks around, or the Speed moves around, no...no..no, hold the gun down with at least one hand and your good to go.

I think your real differences come in the overall aspect of the gun. The Timmy is lighter, the Dragon is the lightest "non new age" Timmy out there, and im quite sure its lighter than the Speed. The Clamshell to me is just as comfortable as the Space frame and its stock trigger setup.

Both are crazy fast, but it should be noted HK aint happening..if you dont know the guys personally. You can ACE the Angel for a surefire eye, but as for a WAS in that sucker...learn to play your cards with SoCal kids VERY VERY WELL heh. IMO they are going to be the same speed, accuracy, all that jazz. I would just take the Dragon because I prefer the Timmys feel and just downright like em more.

(As for maintenance..dont throw either gun into a bunker, and your fine..all these Timmy tech stories can be matched by Angel stories, but the best story is when ya have no story about either, :D )

Note: Ive heard Warped is taking up WAS boards now..give em a call, then..maybe consider an ACED WAS'd Angel if you like the Angel more.

Rope a Dope
01-22-2004, 03:13 PM
Yep thats a check-it low rise clamping feedneck on mine. Got it at the same time I got my volumizer and soft touch bolt from TAG :)

There is a mod you can do to the Speed that makes it kick like a Matrix, meaning NO KICK at all. I've done it on 12 Speeds and 1 A4 so far and everyone has come back saying it's like a different gun!

Basicly, you set your LPR from 80psi to 55psi, your dwell from 12ms to 17ms and throw on a large volumizer. The gun will shoot like a matrix, no kick and super soft on brittle cold paint. It also makes the gun sound like a whisper when it shoots. Pretty awesome and easy to do, all the guns I have done this on besides my own have been done at my field on a large spool, I've done so many I can do it with my eyes closed, lol. Look on the Angel forum and PBNation forum, more and more people are doing this and loving it. They say you use more air, WDP techs said maybe a pod a tank you lose with this mod.. I haven't noticed a thing and some people said their gun uses less air, although I think it's because they aren't breaking paint in cold weather anymore and without the kick they are shooting more accuratly so they dont have to dump as much paint. :)

01-22-2004, 04:17 PM
timmy... all the way

01-22-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by GA Devil
I would go with the speed cause I dont care for spyders. Look at major events at which guns are being worked on the most cause of problems. You will see alot more timmies piled up waiting for techs to fix problems then you will angels in general.

Maybe because no one uses angels at major events anymore:o There are the few teams left that still do, but most are in super 7. Most guys will be using timmys, imps and trixes. So lets put this together, lets say 300 people use timmys and 30 people use angels, so lets say there are 10 angels that need to be teched, now do you think there is going to be 10 timmys to be teched or more then 10? You can figure that out for yourself...:rolleyes:

Rope a Dope
01-22-2004, 05:07 PM
No one uses Angels at major events anymore? Funny... up until 2 months ago I thought Dynasty, that won the cup, used Angels.

01-22-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Rope a Dope
I haven't noticed a thing and some people said their gun uses less air, although I think it's because they aren't breaking paint in cold weather anymore and without the kick they are shooting more accuratly so they dont have to dump as much paint. :)

That doesn't mean they use less air, it just means they have more left after the game because they shot less. Big, big difference.

Originally posted by tony3
So lets put this together, lets say 300 people use timmys and 30 people use angels, so lets say there are 10 angels that need to be teched, now do you think there is going to be 10 timmys to be teched or more then 10? You can figure that out for yourself...:rolleyes:

I'm still trying to figure out how you can say how much a particular type of marker will need to be teched on based on anothers probability to be teched on...

01-22-2004, 05:53 PM
complicity of the marker.... timmy is alot simpler in design than any angel

01-22-2004, 05:58 PM
be an individual and get a viking.

Rope a Dope
01-22-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by FallNAngel

That doesn't mean they use less air, it just means they have more left after the game because they shot less. Big, big difference.

Yeah... I know, that's what I implied. They THINK it's using less air when it is actually using MORE due to higher volume lower pressure.

I really haven't noticed that much of a difference. I'm a back player so I dump lots of paint and I use a 68/4500 tank and my field fills up to 4500psi so I always have plenty of air since the Angel Speed is very efficient to begin with, this mod didn't change efficiency all that much for me.

Also... I know I'll get flamed here, but ok, it SEEMS like the shots are flatter. not more range, but instead of a nice arc.. it kinda shoots straight out and drops at the end. It just seems that way after I did this mod and all 12 of the other people who's gun I did it to said the same thing. Must be the magic elves... lol

01-22-2004, 06:20 PM
Actually, when you lower your lpr, raise your dwell, and use a volumizer, you can lower your tank output pressure so it would use less air. Atleast I think that's how it works. Makes sense.

01-22-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Rope a Dope
No one uses Angels at major events anymore? Funny... up until 2 months ago I thought Dynasty, that won the cup, used Angels.

If you actually read my post you would realize I said a few still do.....

Originally posted by FallNAngel

I'm still trying to figure out how you can say how much a particular type of marker will need to be teched on based on anothers probability to be teched on...

fine lets put it this way, 30 angels, 300 timmys, which booth is going to have more guns to tech timmys or angels? Obviously the national or bob long booth.

01-22-2004, 08:59 PM
its so amazing how people base what gun they get on what pro team uses them its so freakin STUPID!!!!!! its not the gun, its the tactics. the gun only counts if its like a spyder classic vs a damn emag or something but up where the guns are 1k and up, it doesnt matter at all they are all the same, they all fire at the same rate of fire, they're all as smooth and chop free, and the only thing that matters is what team is sponsored by whom, its not like they have tha tmuch of a choice as to what gun they get to use so base it on feel, not a bandwagon

01-22-2004, 09:03 PM
believe it or not thor, some teams don't get gun sponsors, and I was NOT refering to pro teams, I was refering in general, less and less tourney players are using angels. Lots of good novice and am team can use any guns they want and choose to use imps, trixes and most of all timmys.

01-22-2004, 09:46 PM
I say Angel.

I've heard far too many horror stories about broken barbs and pinched hoses.

01-22-2004, 10:09 PM
Get the Speed!!

Anyway, Rope A Dope, is it safe to do what you said to my gun? I have a high pressure tank, so I am not sure it will work, you think it's ok?

01-22-2004, 10:35 PM
I sold my Speed and got a Texas Storm timmy.

I like it alot but its just not the same feeling I had for my Speed, I wish I could afford a Speed as a backup.

Now im debating on selling my Timmy to get another Speed.

My advice, get what you like the best.

01-22-2004, 10:51 PM
My suggestion is a 04 viking with was eyes and razor trigger... very nice setup and very easy to take care of maintence wise... I know its not on yer list but it would be a better investment...

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-22-2004, 11:08 PM
ok let me get you all on the right track -


Dragon Intimidator
Angel Speed

The Angel Speed is stock - The timmy has a WAS board in it
When i said price doesnt matter i mean that don't judge these markers by their price tags. Lets just say both of these markers were the SAME PRICE. which one is a better buy?

01-22-2004, 11:27 PM

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
01-23-2004, 12:09 AM
do you have any new reasons that havn't been stated in the previous posts?

01-23-2004, 12:29 AM
have you just tried both far as I'm concerned they're pretty much the same what do you have a better feel for? I think timmys are very comfy

01-23-2004, 12:02 PM
Again, speed. But I do suggest you shoot both.

Rope a Dope
01-23-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Get the Speed!!

Anyway, Rope A Dope, is it safe to do what you said to my gun? I have a high pressure tank, so I am not sure it will work, you think it's ok?

It will "work", but you just won't chrono under 300fps, LOL

I found that out last weekend when i did that mod to someones gun, I said he was crazy when he came back saying it was shooting hot so I threw on a LP tank I had next to me (he put his HP on another gun) and was chronoing at 250fps (he had cranked the reg screw all the way in), so then I threw on his tank and he was shooting 325fps... I just lowered his dwell to 10ms and still had the reg screw in pretty far, he said he was getting a new tank anyway.

I know there is some mod you can do to the mini reg for use with high output tanks, you should maybe ask in the angel forum.

03-10-2004, 07:39 PM
Get the Speed you "Moron" :)..cause i said so...also you have seen my speed and you were only 1 foot away...you could of asked to try it out...THE best benefits is that if you buy from PBG.com like it did (since we live like 30 min from it) it includes the A4soft tipped bolt/3-sum volumizers/twist-lock feed neck/Stickers (you love them:))/and you can be the 1stperson in/around chicago that i know personally with a Speed...(besides me)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-10-2004, 08:14 PM
wha? when did we meet other than that time you and death came over to take pics and sell me that drop?

03-10-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by tony3
fine lets put it this way, 30 angels, 300 timmys, which booth is going to have more guns to tech timmys or angels? Obviously the national or bob long booth.

Yes, but is that because timmys are more error prone than angels, or because there's more timmys than angels? In this case, you're still comparing apples and oranges. Now if you said 30 angels and 30 timmys, then you'd have something to work with.

Originally posted by Rope a Dope
It will "work", but you just won't chrono under 300fps, LOL

It will if you change the minireg spring stack.

Kaiser Bob
03-10-2004, 08:51 PM
Angels, overly complicated??? If anything timmys are a bit more complicated using hoses and fittings to move air around the inside of the gun over air passages. Other then that they both use noids to route air thru a ram to strive a valve... just like most of the eguns on the market.

Btw the angel just feels slicker, while the timmy feels 'more to business', at least to me

03-10-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
wha? when did we meet other than that time you and death came over to take pics and sell me that drop?

...At the AO-IL meet...when your x-mag wouldn't work :rolleyes: (this freshman shouldn't get his lisence next year)

03-10-2004, 08:59 PM
i vote timmy not dragon but either like a species,alias, or an empire.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-10-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf

...At the AO-IL meet...when your x-mag wouldn't work :rolleyes: (this freshman shouldn't get his lisence next year)

oo...uhh...my xmag never works. but i remember now at ccp. i was too busy using my ranger (thanks old man cm :))

jon and roman fixed it...then i messed it up again when i blew up my on/off assembly

03-11-2004, 01:26 AM
Ignore my first time saying A4. The dragon timmy blows away the speed. Break eye system and WAS should be good enough for u to make the choice to get it. The resale value of a dragon is really good to. The speed is worth about a pound of paper.

Rope a Dope
03-11-2004, 01:44 AM
blows away the speed? hahaha..

my Sensi works, I have NEVER chopped a ball and I throw lots of paint. I also use a Halo on it.. again no chops even though everyone says Halo's are bad on Speeds.. bull. If it's hit or miss mine was a hit, cause sensi and halo ='s no chops EVER.

ROF? Yeah, put a debounce of 1ms and a noisy microswitch and hey look ma, I really am twitching my fingers a constant 20bps!

BTW the Speed is capped at 30bps, the refined internals allow it to cycle 30 times in one second, the Spyder, I mean Timmy is capped at 20bps.

There was a video of a timmy cycling 30bps, that was without a bolt in the gun, lol

03-11-2004, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by Rope a Dope
blows away the speed? hahaha..

my Sensi works, I have NEVER chopped a ball and I throw lots of paint. I also use a Halo on it.. again no chops even though everyone says Halo's are bad on Speeds.. bull. If it's hit or miss mine was a hit, cause sensi and halo ='s no chops EVER.

ROF? Yeah, put a debounce of 1ms and a noisy microswitch and hey look ma, I really am twitching my fingers a constant 20bps!

BTW the Speed is capped at 30bps, the refined internals allow it to cycle 30 times in one second, the Spyder, I mean Timmy is capped at 20bps.

There was a video of a timmy cycling 30bps, that was without a bolt in the gun, lol

03-11-2004, 10:49 AM
Between the two I'd go for the Speed. Everyone seems to have a Timmy these days (who wants to be like everyone else?). I had a Speed and liked it but found that I just didn't use it since I love my X-Mag so much. So I traded the Speed gun for gun for an Old Skool RT. I hated to see a nice gun like the Speed sit on the shelf.

If you gave some other choices however, I'd say get another X-Mag or perhaps an SFL Emag if you were feeling saucy. I see both show up for sale in the classifieds every once in a while. Truth be told I wish that I had bought a second X-Mag (even though mine always works) just to say I have two of them (and to have a spare).