View Full Version : Raven NVX anyone use these?

01-21-2004, 10:52 PM
Just wondering if that photchromatic stuff makes it hard to see in low light conditions?

anyother insight you guys can provide would be great!

01-21-2004, 11:47 PM
I have one. The photochromatic lenses are just fine in low light....they go completely clear. In bright light they tint...not much, but enough to take the edge off a bright sun glare. Oh, and the peripheral vision and lack of distortion is superb.

Try before you buy if possible...some people complain that their nose touches the inside of the mask. Also, my foam started to peel out of the mask...some foam silicone fixed that right up.

PS: I love goggleskinz.


01-22-2004, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Sparq

PS: I love goggleskinz.

thanks a bunch. Its either a pair of these or JT spectra 260's.


01-22-2004, 08:59 AM
I have the Raven NVX, and I would recommend avoiding them, especially if you wear glasses (as I do).

The mask itself is nice, and vents very well, but the foam is much to soft to keep the goggles from being crushed up against your glasses, and the foam in mine fell out after only a few hours use. It comes unglued easily, especially around the nose.
I ended up refoaming the entire goggle perimeter.

The photochromatic lens do not impare your vision in low light, but they do not get very dark in bright light, either. They offer a good field of vision.
The lens is actually 2 lenses, separated by a thin ring of foam, with the photochromatic film on the inside. If you do get the NVX, don't get water trapped between the layers...it stays in there as "fog".

Java makes an almost identical mask (X-type), which makes me wonder if the 2 companies are somehow related....

01-22-2004, 10:08 AM
Fall out is right, if you wear glasses they are uncomfortable. But they are a nice mask other wise.

As for Raven and Java being the same company, Bingo!:)They are both owned and operated by Kingman.

01-22-2004, 10:20 AM
I had one. I love damn near everything about it.. the foam was pretty comfy, the field of vision was awesome, breathed real well and was quite light. Problems? The foam, while it was soft.. was almost too soft. After sweating a bit, it got mushy and you'd feel the plastic of the mask against your head. After a few months of use (2 days of play per month), the foam started coming off. So, I tried glueing it back on. Started coming off after that too, so I called Raven and they sent out replacement foam, which I promptly stuck on and then sold the mask. If it wasn't for the foam, I'd highly recommend it, however after seeing what the foam did, there's no possible way I can recommend the mask to anyone.

01-22-2004, 10:28 AM
Thanks, Muzikman. I learned something new today. =)

01-22-2004, 11:35 AM
I wore glasses with mine without problems for months until I got contacts. I probably will not buy another, but I do like the mask once you get around the foam issues.

01-22-2004, 11:50 AM
my suggestion: look at the v-force morph. i just played with it for the first time this past weekend, and let me tell you: it was superb. excellent comfort, absolutely NO fog(you could blow on the inside of the lense, put it on, and the fog would be gone in moments), and i even got some bounces off it. you can try the profiler, but in my opinion, it isnt worth 15 extra bucks for some new looking plastic.

01-22-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by ZAust
my suggestion: look at the v-force morph.

My current mask is a BE made by Z leader that is the exact same thing as the V force lineup.....

01-22-2004, 01:19 PM
I agree with ZAust, and was going to suggest the V-force Morph.
It is the best mask I've tried out of 8 different kinds.
Might be better off just saving yourself some money.

01-22-2004, 04:25 PM
The brass eagle ones look the same, but are far from as good as V-force. Back to the topic I use to have an NVX and I loved it, but I like my morph better.

01-22-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by bryceeden
The brass eagle ones look the same, but are far from as good as V-force.

they are both made by the same people, trust me there the same mask..

01-22-2004, 07:39 PM
I have one and it is an ok mask but I have one problem with it.

The problem is with the foam but not the same problems as the others have mentioned.

I have a tendancy to wear my mask kind of tight and after about 5 minutes of wearing this mask my nose touches the front of the mask.

'That dosn't seem like that bad of a problem, is it?' you might ask, but wait untill you take a shot right there. You will walk a way with quite an interesting bruse on the tip of your nose.

I dont think of myself as having a big nose but apairantly my face is just shaped just right to have this problem.
The foam is made realy thick to help it mold to your face well, and it works, but after a while it compresses all the way.
When I tried the mask on to see if it fit right, I didn't have the problem. It only happens after wearing it for a couple of minutes.

Other than that the I like the mask, the lense is clear and there is verry little distortion.

01-23-2004, 07:54 AM
I had this same problem, Cannonfodder, only it caused the goggle lens to contact my glasses first (since they stick out).
Basically, the mask crushes up against your face.