View Full Version : I have a 68 Classic. Do they Chop vs. PowerF?

01-22-2004, 06:37 AM
I have heard some things saying that the Classic chops more and dosn't feed as fast as the powerfeed. Accepting this as true, how has it worked for anyone out there? Also, can't you prevent chopping but cutting down the standard feed and drilling a hole in it to let the balls load faster? In other words is there a simple mod people normally do?

01-22-2004, 08:48 AM
The powerfeed body feeds faster than the standard feed body. It uses the blowback gas to rebound the waiting ball into the breach. If you use a loader such as a Halo or EggII, the ball stack won't get pushed back by blowback and the effect is reduced. A level 10 bolt kit will prevent any chops in the event that a ball is hit while entering the breach.

No modification of the feed tube will help. A level 10 bolt setup and a good loader are recommended by me.

01-22-2004, 10:35 AM
I use an evlution 2 shooting around 10-12 bps and I have never chopped :)

01-23-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Alert
I use an evlution 2 shooting around 10-12 bps and I have never chopped :)

Awesome! Just what I want to hear.
