View Full Version : Lost contact with the Mars Rover

01-22-2004, 03:05 PM
Scientists havnt had contact with the Rover since wednesday morning.


Theres sposed to be another one landing saturday though.


01-22-2004, 03:24 PM
They will lose contact with that one too, unfortunately. Do you know why?

Because there really ARE martians on mars. They are destroying all our probes.......kidding......or AM I?????


Big'n slo
01-22-2004, 03:38 PM
Aaaahh :eek: :eek:

01-22-2004, 03:43 PM
Yep, $800+ million down the drain...the thing got 15 yards from where it landed and only started looking at it's first rock. This from an organization that put a man on the moon with a computer less powerful than most modern calculators. What has happened to NASA?

01-22-2004, 03:57 PM
what happened to nasa? about a 3 year trip;)

01-22-2004, 05:35 PM
Last Video Image:


01-22-2004, 05:45 PM

01-22-2004, 05:49 PM
i may have found the problem.

01-22-2004, 06:12 PM
LOL those are both hilarious pics..

but as my astronomy professor said..

"the rover's last transmission was just as it was about to drill into a rock...maybe it wasn't a rock..."

edit - it really is depressing, though...but something tells me we didn't just RANDOMLY lose transmission like that...hmm

01-22-2004, 06:16 PM
Those pics are classic. Especially the Alien one. I think it'll regain contact in a couple days.

01-22-2004, 06:18 PM
you can thank the guys over at fark for those. oh wait, one more.

01-22-2004, 06:22 PM
"We now know that we have had a very serious anomaly on the vehicle and our ability to determine exactly what has happened has been limited by our inability to receive telemetry from the vehicle," he said.

this was from the ABC australia link..i translate that to: "we're trying to cover something up without being too ambiguous"

01-23-2004, 12:29 AM
shoulda stuck to Energizer batteries

01-23-2004, 12:43 AM
theres a thought, use energizer batteries, heck, we could even send the bunny. That bunny has been through so much over the years, even if there are martians, it will just flip its little drum sticks and continue on its merry way.

01-23-2004, 01:16 AM
ACK ACK ACK!!!! ACK ACK ACK ACK!!!!! (Hopefully you have seen the movie "Mars attacks" to get this one)

Originally posted by p8ntball1016
Last Video Image:


01-23-2004, 08:30 AM
Duracell is better than energizer :)

01-23-2004, 09:59 AM
They regained contact with the rover.


01-23-2004, 03:19 PM
I think the best part of that link is the 3-D glasses so you can see 3-D pic from mars 80's Style what will the nerds at NASA think up next :D

01-23-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by PissedGodzilla
ACK ACK ACK!!!! ACK ACK ACK ACK!!!!! (Hopefully you have seen the movie "Mars attacks" to get this one)

"we copme in peace" hehe I have seen the movie one to many times.

01-23-2004, 09:07 PM
copied directly from that status checking site:

"we don't know what's broke"

im glad to know we have only the best and brightest working in this project

01-23-2004, 11:47 PM
"im glad to know we have only the best and brightest working in this project"

Maybe you should inform them about what is wrong. Oh wait, this is from a guy who doesn't know the first word in a sentence is capitalized.

01-24-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Brak
copied directly from that status checking site:

"we don't know what's broke"

im glad to know we have only the best and brightest working in this project

Hmm well i couldnt care less if these guys knew highschool grammar from english. They are geniouses in math and science, grammar dosent really relate to their field of work.

01-24-2004, 02:49 PM
Wow another one down the drain. Pathetic. I like that Microsoft picture. It wont surpise me if Microsoft gets into the space game :) Microsoft Space Edition 2004.

01-24-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
Wow another one down the drain. Pathetic. I like that Microsoft picture. It wont surpise me if Microsoft gets into the space game :) Microsoft Space Edition 2004.

try to keep up with the news..it regained contact w/ NASA :cool:

01-24-2004, 06:15 PM
Yea. It sounds now like things are looking up. Seems they have way of communicating. And some limited ability to use it. Maybe not as well as they had hoped but at least some way to boot it up every day and make it do some stuff. They at this point feel like they will be able to develop a way to start taking it for a drive in a few weeks. Using flash memory and stuff. Sounds like the main stored memory is corupt or something. But they seem to be able to get it to do what they want booting it up to volitile memory each day. Can't just send a tech up there with a new hard drive can they? :D

01-24-2004, 06:37 PM
So.. its kinda like when my computer freezes and press the reboot button.. great

01-24-2004, 06:41 PM
No not realy. It's totaly different than that. Almost the opposite from that. Its like you had a bad hard drive sector and you windows would not load but you could still boot up in Dos and run some programs from your RAM and such.

01-24-2004, 08:35 PM
Why would they send up such limited amounts of memory, only a few more ounces and a few hundred dollars more and they could have trippled what they are already using. Heck they spend $800+ million and thats all they have on board, they should have had a back up or something. It's not like they dont have the technology. I mean if they sell this http://www.go-l.com/desktops/machl38/features/ to the public, for a fraction of what they spent.

I just dont get NASA somethimes, there has to be a reason, but still. Like Muzikman said about the comp with less processing power than most calculators today, what has happened to them.

01-24-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
No not realy. It's totaly different than that. Almost the opposite from that. Its like you had a bad hard drive sector and you windows would not load but you could still boot up in Dos and run some programs from your RAM and such.

Hmm... time to call my buddy and get that one translated (jking, I think I got it all)

Will Wood
01-25-2004, 06:42 PM
We got new image! There is lifeforms on the planet!
Sorry.. I couln't resist :D

01-25-2004, 06:56 PM
Well the latest news on this is this seems now to be a software problem but one that can be fixed!

And the second Rover has landed successfully and has brodcasted back pictures.

01-25-2004, 08:16 PM
This image just in: :confused:



01-25-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
This image just in: :confused:


ypu people make me laugh

01-25-2004, 09:20 PM
Kinda off topic but did you know the RAD 6000 CPU on the mars rover does 35 million operations per second.... at a cost of about 50 million a peice...

Where the latest AMD Athlon XP 2.6 ghz does over 7 BILLION operations per second... This is around 2000 times faster than the RAD 6000.... for a small fraction of the cost.

somthing smells fishy.... :)

01-26-2004, 02:18 AM
lol the guy bottom of page 1 had the best pic ... and if ya guys didnt get it, ya need to get rip out some old (1995 or so?) RTS games ... *cough* starcraft *cough*

01-26-2004, 02:49 AM
how long does it take to send/recieve information back and forth from the rover?

01-26-2004, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
Kinda off topic but did you know the RAD 6000 CPU on the mars rover does 35 million operations per second.... at a cost of about 50 million a peice...

Where the latest AMD Athlon XP 2.6 ghz does over 7 BILLION operations per second... This is around 2000 times faster than the RAD 6000.... for a small fraction of the cost.

somthing smells fishy.... :)

now take that amd and fire it 300 million miles into space on a distant planet, make it run on solar power, and have it broadcast data back to earth, while drilling,driving,measuring,ect not so fast or cheap now is it?:confused: ;)

01-26-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by RingOfScale
lol the guy bottom of page 1 had the best pic ... and if ya guys didnt get it, ya need to get rip out some old (1995 or so?) RTS games ... *cough* starcraft *cough*

what pic are you talking about?

01-26-2004, 12:05 PM
If there is a McDonalds there you know its gotta be IN A Walmart! :D

01-26-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by dansim

now take that amd and fire it 300 million miles into space on a distant planet, make it run on solar power, and have it broadcast data back to earth, while drilling,driving,measuring,ect not so fast or cheap now is it?:confused: ;)

ehh details... just encase it in foam rubber and cast some lead around it... :)

Surpsingly the Intel Pentium M takes less power than the rad6000 Its still about 2000 times faster....

Im pretty sure they could have paid Intel to radiation harden the thing for 50 million dollars. After all the Rad 6000 is based on the IBM R6000 RISC chip.

To answer other questions:

The signal takes about 9 minutes to reach earth at the speed of light... Mars is about 9 light minutes away.... Its far....

01-26-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
If there is a McDonalds there you know its gotta be IN A Walmart! :D

There is one in the Walmart near my folks in Germantown, MD.


01-26-2004, 12:55 PM
in manville nj, the wal mart has a mcdonalds in it. outside, in the same shopping center, there is a mcdonalds. kinda dumb if you ask me.:)

01-26-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers

ehh details... just encase it in foam rubber and cast some lead around it... :)

Surpsingly the Intel Pentium M takes less power than the rad6000 Its still about 2000 times faster....

Im pretty sure they could have paid Intel to radiation harden the thing for 50 million dollars. After all the Rad 6000 is based on the IBM R6000 RISC chip.

To answer other questions:

The signal takes about 9 minutes to reach earth at the speed of light... Mars is about 9 light minutes away.... Its far....

the signals are being transmitted via light? somehow i have a hard time believing that...and there's no way it's 9 light minutes away, considering the sun is 8.33 light minutes away.

01-26-2004, 01:55 PM
The planets aren't in perfect alignment. And yes the signals are going the speed of light.

01-26-2004, 01:56 PM
yeah all electromagnetic radiation (ie)radio waves travel at the speed of light.

01-26-2004, 01:58 PM
neato, i didn't know that.

01-31-2004, 04:43 AM
The Spirit rover is back! NASA deleted 1,700 files from its flash memory Friday and then rebooted the rover.

''I am pleased to report it appears to be working just fine,'' said Glenn Reeves, chief engineer for the rover's flight software. He said NASA should be able to declare Spirit ''fully recovered'' by Sunday.

as for the computer how long ago do you think the rovers were made? my guess is at least 4 years.

01-31-2004, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Southpaw
The Spirit rover is back! NASA deleted 1,700 files from its flash memory Friday and then rebooted the rover.

''I am pleased to report it appears to be working just fine,'' said Glenn Reeves, chief engineer for the rover's flight software. He said NASA should be able to declare Spirit ''fully recovered'' by Sunday.

as for the computer how long ago do you think the rovers were made? my guess is at least 4 years.

i'd say around the sojourner mission flopped...

it's pretty damn sad that the rover wasn't given enough memory to do everything it had to do
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-31-2004, 12:26 PM
I think they said it was not purging the data it did not need. So it filled up the flash memory and was causing the fault.

01-31-2004, 08:42 PM
Another image released today:


01-31-2004, 08:51 PM
Here is what really happened to the first rover:


02-01-2004, 12:52 PM
lmao at deadeye, those are great, but heres some real evidence of coverups.

First off, the attachments im posting are from www.enterprisemission.com so uhh ya just a reference.
and THIS (http://www.enterprisemission.com/spirit2.htm) is just a page full of other things like what I have posted.