View Full Version : This is what Mag lovers in Manitoba have to deal with.......

01-22-2004, 07:55 PM
well just read and you'll understand the crap and misinformed players that I have to put up with out here....Come on guys, show them some of the beautiful mags that I know are everywhere.


01-22-2004, 07:57 PM
somebody take the time and point them to the ule emags and xmags. wait they don't even deserve to know, those ignorant sons of ...

01-22-2004, 08:09 PM
meh, show them a one of the logic mags, and ask if they think you should buy it, or an x-mag, but dont tell them it is a mag, and see what happens

01-22-2004, 08:11 PM
I wouldn't call that a fair representaion of the canadian stance on Mags.

Most users ever online was 22 on Jan 22 2004, 06:48 PM

And there's only 100 or so topics on the whole board.;)

01-22-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
those ignorant sons of ...
Moose? (Well, they ARE in Manitoba :) )

01-22-2004, 09:24 PM
if that forum is so small, then how in the hell did that guy get 1,648 posts?! btw, those guys are jackasses, maybe he should look at some of the other mags in the photo gallery, instead of just looking for the ugliest one, not that i am saying that zmag is ugly or anything (being serious).

edit-hah! i know whos mag that is! i forgot his username, but he is getting a logic frame and his rail milled from coolhand. that mag looks pimp now. well, atleast i recognized the valve:rolleyes: .

01-22-2004, 09:35 PM
There are a hell of a lot of nice mags, But I will say some of the most ugly guns I've seen are usually mags. Some people come up with the most fugly set ups. 8 foot fore grip extenders, gigantic purple site rails, anything with a Z grip.

01-22-2004, 09:46 PM

They're retarded. I signed up just to flame them. Also gave them a little better pic to represent.

01-22-2004, 10:08 PM
Well seeing that the forum they're in is Flamewars/Smacktalk I wouldn't expect anyless from them. But I agree, put a picture up of a really nice logic/intelli ule mag with a nice ule rail and ask if they would buy it, they seem like the type that will go out and buy the most popular marker at the time, then sell it when the next big fad comes out.

01-22-2004, 11:30 PM
man thats just...ignorant that just pisses me off

01-22-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I wouldn't call that a fair representaion of the canadian stance on Mags.

And there's only 100 or so topics on the whole board.;)

we could "crash" that board pretty hard....

01-23-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

we could "crash" that board pretty hard....

hehe, AO Army...

You should post up these (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=109802) 2 pics. Thats my old mag, got a lot of compliments... People at the local field were asking if it was the 2k4 shocker when I first moved here in august of last year...:p

01-23-2004, 12:12 AM
Ok, time to flex some muscle! We haven't beaten up on another board in a while.

this gets a sticky so we can.....


Don't tread on US,


01-23-2004, 12:17 AM
hey hey, im all for this attack on the un-informed, but dont say BLAME CANADA again for this...... there isnt really that big of a paintball scene to begin with, and when you find one, you only hear, GET AN ANGEL they rock, or SMART PARTS ARE THE BEST!

I say blame the un-informed.

Vive le Canadia

01-23-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Ok, time to flex some muscle! We haven't beaten up on another board in a while.

this gets a sticky so we can.....


Don't tread on US,


Awaiting regstration confirmation Email...:p

01-23-2004, 12:24 AM
Links dead... Did we win already? =)

Edit: Err, it's working again.

01-23-2004, 12:33 AM
lol, hope its alright with J&C and FooTemps that I used their guns as an examples of pure mag beauty :D

01-23-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
lol, hope its alright with J&C and FooTemps that I used their guns as an examples of pure mag beauty :D

Was that you on there?

I put mine up... Trying to thin kwho else we can use...


01-23-2004, 12:38 AM
My post:

fool n00bs. You know nothing of mags.

Absolutely the most consistant chrono readings I've ever seen


darts, man darts. One on top of the other (and my revvy never could keep up)

Of all the products in the paintball industry, mags are the most under-rated and under appreciated.

Mags are for ***s, indeed ;) :D

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-23-2004, 12:42 AM
Shame that I don't have a video cam or sound software to show them what my Xmag with 4.0 can do.:mad:

01-23-2004, 12:51 AM
We won!:D The thread is closed

01-23-2004, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
Shame that I don't have a video cam or sound software to show them what my Xmag with 4.0 can do.:mad:

Pics and words will suffice for now... Flood this place with the light that is AirgunDesigns!:D

01-23-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
We won!:D The thread is closed

Well, that was a quick victory...:o
Actually kinda dissapointing...yet fulfilling at the same time:D

01-23-2004, 01:03 AM
lol, what losers..victims of the hype..all hype hype hype, can't stand people that call themselves good players and cant even apreciate guns other than timmys.A GOOD player can pick up any gun and dominate. And come on, look at Oh Pawlak, he's a legend and all he shot was a mag and still stands behind mags strongly. There is so much ignorance in the air I can taste it.just my two cents.
-Ryan F.

01-23-2004, 01:08 AM
Ya know I was just talking with Tom about this in the car last Friday evening about how we can single-handedly wipe out a forum... That is it! I want some of this action, Ill do the most detestable thing I can do... Ill register on PBN and the other big ones...

I think I still know l33t well enough to translate

01-23-2004, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by PaintballSmurf13
lol, what losers..victims of the hype..all hype hype hype, can't stand people that call themselves good players and cant even apreciate guns other than timmys.A GOOD player can pick up any gun and dominate. And come on, look at Oh Pawlak, he's a legend and all he shot was a mag and still stands behind mags strongly. There is so much ignorance in the air I can taste it.just my two cents.
-Ryan F.

Its funny, the guy who actually started the whole thing is a moderator there...

I think we should continue to frequent their board, flooding everything with mag statistics, pics, videos and sound files. Effectively, we gain a second playground. An adopted child, if you will...
They cant ban 10k members, can they?:p

01-23-2004, 01:41 AM
DAMN!!! CHEATED!! You can't get a good fight anywhere these days. All talk no action....


01-23-2004, 07:53 AM
kinda sux that it had to happen on a Canadian board ... but it sure was funny to see the AO army back us rebels up here in the Great White North :)

Good Show I Say .. Good Show ..

01-23-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by AGD
DAMN!!! CHEATED!! You can't get a good fight anywhere these days. All talk no action....

dood, you shouold know well enough by now: You're prolly the only one who stands up to people like us:p;)

01-23-2004, 01:21 PM
Come on Tom !!
Pack up the wife and kids into the back of the RV, and go on a promotional roadtrip into Canada. that is the only way to stamp out those clowns, I heard you can practice your marksmanship by shooting giant mosquitoes ;)

01-23-2004, 03:53 PM
hehe, i just pmed him the vid of z-man hitting 20 bps on his ule rt pro. i also told him to go to ao, and gave him a link. maybe now he will appreciate mags more.

01-23-2004, 04:08 PM
thats my gun wtf god i know the drop is long with the z but i like how the tank feels on my sholder. besides mags are the most duribal guns on the market

but hay thanks for closeing the thread!! that same guy pm'd me saying that he wanted more pics of my gun cuse it was soo sweet here is what he said his pbnation name is Drifters_06
Hey, I noticed that you had a z mag with a huge drop forward on it. I'm in LOVE!!! Can you send me some pics of you playing with it. I just wanna see how it sits. Thanks!

01-23-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by atm743
thats my gun wtf god i know the drop is long with the z but i like how the tank feels on my sholder. besides mags are the most duribal guns on the market


I'm sorry man,that's hysterical that they just happend to pick your gun.Nothing against your gun,if like it,that's all that's important.


01-23-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by atm743
...but hay thanks for closeing the thread!! ...

You're welcome:p

01-23-2004, 06:31 PM
edit-hah! i know whos mag that is! i forgot his username, but he is getting a logic frame and his rail milled from coolhand. that mag looks pimp now. well, atleast i recognized the valve . thanks i know that this is off subject but i am still getting that fill station from ya but later on short on $ and i dont have the scuba yet i was getting it last week but i never got it. thanks

01-27-2004, 01:37 AM
I dont know how you can say..."lets inform the un-informed"
I have been playing paintball for over 10 years now and like alot of people started out with a mag. I then advanced as the years went on because lets face it...your mechanical mag does not compete with some of the intimidators and angels etc.. coming out back in the time. Dotn even say the player makes the game, because you can come out for one snap shot with your MECANICAL mag, but i will come out with 10 more from my super powered timmy. I have been both players in this situation, and i like being the man with the machine gun :D Maybe for rec play your mag will be something to have some fun with, but when it comes to tournaments...get with the day. Yes all these new super mags are coming out, but why didnt they come out earlier? It shows that they didnt have the skills to manufacture/market a gun of high standards and capabilities. Also, why dont we see very many mags in the pro/am or any big circut for that matter? I know mags are their, but there does have to be a reason why people dont flock to them like timmys and trix's.

Oh and BTW...lets remember that this years world cup was dominated by canadians for the most part, me being one of them :D

01-27-2004, 03:43 AM
Quote from Lindsey from that forum:
"That is a nice drop forward it looks like a welded coat hanger that you made up?"

LOL, he said that about a KAPP cradle, what an idiot! Those canadians make me laugh :p.

Chojin Man
01-27-2004, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by CDN_Balls
Maybe for rec play your mag will be something to have some fun with, but when it comes to tournaments...get with the day. Yes all these new super mags are coming out, but why didnt they come out earlier? It shows that they didnt have the skills to manufacture/market a gun of high standards and capabilities. Also, why dont we see very many mags in the pro/am or any big circut for that matter? I know mags are their, but there does have to be a reason why people dont flock to them like timmys and trix's.

I have a feeling that AO is about to "inform" you about that post:D

Welcome to AO by the way:)

01-27-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by CDN_Balls
I dont know how you can say..."lets inform the un-informed"
I have been playing paintball for over 10 years now and like alot of people started out with a mag. I then advanced as the years went on because lets face it...your mechanical mag does not compete with some of the intimidators and angels etc.. coming out back in the time. Dotn even say the player makes the game, because you can come out for one snap shot with your MECANICAL mag, but i will come out with 10 more from my super powered timmy. I have been both players in this situation, and i like being the man with the machine gun :D Maybe for rec play your mag will be something to have some fun with, but when it comes to tournaments...get with the day. Yes all these new super mags are coming out, but why didnt they come out earlier? It shows that they didnt have the skills to manufacture/market a gun of high standards and capabilities. Also, why dont we see very many mags in the pro/am or any big circut for that matter? I know mags are their, but there does have to be a reason why people dont flock to them like timmys and trix's.

Oh and BTW...lets remember that this years world cup was dominated by canadians for the most part, me being one of them :D

So lets inform the uninformed. You.
First off, what does canada have to do with anything? who cares if you "dominated" the world cup? That is completely irrelevant.
Also, the speed at which you pull the trigger has very little effect on how well or fast you can snapshoot. (and besides, I dont think you grasp how extremly fast even a mech mag can shoot. There's a video around here somewhere shooting faster than you will ever shoot your "super powered" n00b cannon timmi.)

On to the "meat" (if you could call it that) of your post. Mags aren't prevalent in the tournie scene... Why?
To start off, almost all of the markers you see out there operate on or near the same level. Pro teams like Dynasty, Thunder, or Assassins dont shoot what they shoot because they like what they shoot. They shoot what they shoot because someone is paying them more to shoot that then something someone else can. Get it?
Now, when paintball began growing, all manufacturers shifted their marketing approach to what they believed would be the future of paintball. Some to speedball-type markets, others tended to stay more or less with the rec-play markets. AGD was one of the companies with the latter approach. Today, while AGD is still a successful business, they do not have they money to make an about face in marketing (do you know how expensive that would be?) and aim towards mainly the speedball/tournie scene, although they have come a long way, as you mentioned.

AGD has told us before that the main reason they dont sponsor teams (pay them to shoot mags) is because their company is not big enough to allocate all that funding to free guns for pro teams. Their budget cant compete with that of NPS or SP when it comes to marketing to pro teams.

It is my sincere belief that AGD has produced a faster, more reliable, more consistant, and more affordable marker base than anyone else has ever concieved. And I've shot'em all, I'm not saying that because I'm stubborn and ignorant, like you seem to be.

01-27-2004, 07:22 PM
All you mag lovers (not intended to be insulting) are just as bad as us timmy/angel/model 98/whatever else lovers. Everyone stands up for what "they" think is the best gun. This whole arguement is simply a matter of opinion and naturally, everyone gets their back up.

Now heres to my "meat" of the story. You say there is a MECHANICAL mag that will outshoot my electronic "noob cannon"? Your saying you can pull that trigger with your finger 18 times in one second all the while not having an electronic switch. You sir must be god. I will be the first one to say that even on any marker today...there is no way im clicking the trigger 18 times in one second, its called trigger bounce my friend, a fresh new part of the game.

You cant even tell me for a second that if Dynasty was offered full sponsorship for AGD to fire a mag and wear their clothing etc... that they would take it. Why? Because they (and everyone else) know that their is better stuff on the market. Lets leave the pro scene and we can go to the say novice scene, where teams aren't sponsored. How many mags do you see there? I was at world cup and i could count on one hand how many mags i saw in action. Why is this? I'm sure you will come up with "Oh, they are just ignorant and follow trends" Like ive said before, trends happen for a reason. I dont think people would just run and buy a 2000 dollar timmy because they think they were "cool"

The Canada thing was just for all you Canadian haters...like you all say, such a small paintball scene up here blah blah...well for a small paintball scene we are sure doing well for ourselves :D

Good Day!

01-27-2004, 07:49 PM
You cant even tell me for a second that if Dynasty was offered full sponsorship for AGD to fire a mag and wear their clothing etc... that they would take it. Why? Because they (and everyone else) know that their is better stuff on the market.
(not saying this to sound arrogant or anything), but what makes everyone elses stuff better than AGD's?

Again, its the money that talks. AGD cant shell out enough money for the high end teams to consider their markers.

Lets leave the pro scene and we can go to the say novice scene, where teams aren't sponsored. How many mags do you see there? I was at world cup and i could count on one hand how many mags i saw in action. Why is this? I'm sure you will come up with "Oh, they are just ignorant and follow trends" Like ive said before, trends happen for a reason. I dont think people would just run and buy a 2000 dollar timmy because they think they were "cool"

Not necessarily that they are ignorant and follow trends, but rather they respond to what they are more exposed to. The only mags they see are scenario and 'sniper' setups. All they hear about mags is "blender", "heavy", etc.
Since all they see are the flashy timmies and trixes of the pro circuit, thats what they go for. Not because of ignorance, but because its the easiest option to see.
And then again, alot of people are ignorant and they do give into the hype.

The Canada thing was just for all you Canadian haters...like you all say, such a small paintball scene up here blah blah...well for a small paintball scene we are sure doing well for ourselves
I dont hate canada:confused:

01-27-2004, 08:32 PM
The Canada thing was just for all you Canadian haters...

I doubt we have any Canada haters on this board, but you may change all that.

01-27-2004, 08:48 PM
:o i do......j/k

01-27-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by CDN_Balls
I dont think people would just run and buy a 2000 dollar timmy because they think they were "cool"
Believe me, just at my school, there are kids who buy timmies, trixes, and speeds their second time playing. Those are the same kids that drive escalades with spinners.

01-27-2004, 11:27 PM
"PS I'd like to see you try and get 17 bps with that exact setup... heh *cough revy *cough"

^^^ that guy's quote is funny ... ^^^

considering the fact that there is a warp on that mag that you cant c because of the grip frame hehehe

01-27-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by TNS2k2
hey hey, im all for this attack on the un-informed, but dont say BLAME CANADA again for this...... there isnt really that big of a paintball scene to begin with, and when you find one, you only hear, GET AN ANGEL they rock, or SMART PARTS ARE THE BEST!

I say blame the un-informed.

Vive le CanadiaJust want to pipe up that there are pockets of Mag lovers in Canada... That and the largest Paintball forum in Canada (PBallCanada.com) is a Mag friendly place...