View Full Version : nothing happens

01-23-2004, 02:02 PM
i air up my 68. classic and i pull the trigger and nothing happens. everything is aired up, i jus dont know whats goin on

01-23-2004, 02:11 PM
Turn up the velocity adjustment until it fires.

Other than that, we need to know your gun setup including bolt type, body type, grip frame, etc. When was the last time it was working? What ws done after that time.

01-23-2004, 02:17 PM
its a stock 68 classic, with a double trigger grip frame. i actually havent used it in like 3 months..... but i oiled it up and aired it up and i pulled the trigger with the safety off and it went back, but nothing happened

01-30-2004, 09:30 PM
Hey,I read your problem and was just wondering if you found out what was wrong with your mag. Mine is doing the exact same thing and I cant figure it out. Appreciate it if you could give me some help.

01-30-2004, 10:12 PM
95% chance its a velocity problem. if turning up your velocity does nothing, then check your tank to make sure its full.

if that doesnt work check your on/off orings and change the teflon one (the little white one)

01-31-2004, 12:21 AM
Sounds good. I'll try changing the O-rings. Thanks.