View Full Version : Another BPS thread but a wee bit different...have a look

01-23-2004, 03:56 PM
I am just getting back into the heavy swing of things after a hiatus.

I played pretty heavy from about 99-02. Most of the hot guns of today were out then in some form and I have had about all of them classic timmy, matrix, LED, Emag .... However the all super software had not came out yet. WAS was just making turborevs and Emags were still 1.37. You could shoot these guns "fast" but it required some skill.

After not playing hardly at all until very recently I was shocked at the vast performance difference in the same gun I had used 2 or 3 years ago. These "new" guns are effortless to rip on I mean just looking at them will make them shoot about 12 BPS add a finger and you've got 18:)

These "super" guns make my "normal" guns (2 race cockers) somewhat disappointing due to the effort to get them to shoot at the same levels.

So I guess the point of this whole thing was this to rant and ramble and:
For those who have played steady since pre-02 or so until now; maybe later being out of the sport I am using my last dates; did these super guns/BPS come overnight or has it been an evolution: Angel at 14->timmys at 22 with some 16s and 18s in there?

01-23-2004, 04:10 PM
I think the "evolution" stepped into high gear once the advent of shot buffering software,user defined bounce settings and uncapped or unrealistically high capped boards were unleashed,which mostly happended around the same time.


01-23-2004, 04:22 PM
So basicly one week all the kiddies dropped WAS boards and the FPO fields started smiling with the glee of a schoolgirl.

01-23-2004, 04:58 PM
Not WAS alone but yeah,sure seemed like it. :(

01-23-2004, 05:06 PM
The market has changed a lot in the last couple of years. I was just reading some magazines from 2000-2001 and its appalling looking through them. Like you said, they had Angels and Shockers and Timmy's and so forth in them, but the sport has radically changed.

Most would say the advent of constant air was the biggest innovation in paintball. I would agree, but I'm starting to think the advent of the electro-pneumatic marker is becoming a very close second.

01-23-2004, 06:42 PM
I remember going to a tournement in KS around 2001 and being told that the ref crew was debating whether or not to allow Angels because they'd be an unfair advantage to the players that had them...

This year at World Cup I bragged about getting 16 bps out of my LCD and I got the response "That's it?"

There are a couple of teenagers that I know who're trying out for the team this weekend who regularly outshoot EVO II's and HALO's with a WAS'd Viking and an '01 Fly LCD Angel. They make it a point to practice walking triggers, raking them, and bumping them...pure evil.

01-23-2004, 07:17 PM
Anti-chop systems became available in a big way, and even stock on a few guns, as well as the ability to feed paint that fast. I've got no doubt that those are the three biggest things... and they all seemed to hit close to each other.

No more chopping (ace, sensi even though it rarely works, lvl10)
Screaming hoppers (spec. the Halo B)
Software that doesn't skip shots

Add that up, and we now shoot a heck of a lot faster than we did back when I was big into tourney's (circa 2000). Back then, I remember being able to peg out a bushmaster and tribal and considering that awesome. And my rainmaker wasn't considered snail-like.

Rt's wouldn't sell, because all you'd end up with was a blender if you used them to their capability.

I also remember that back then, people with angels didn't walk their triggers... because you'd just chop. Electronic triggers were much longer, and heavier, because there was no need for a hair trigger when you're just going to outshoot your hopper with it. Now that that is fixed, people started using everything they could to actuate the trigger, be it the knobs on the trigger itself, or more fingers.