View Full Version : If you having account problems - PLEASE READ

09-13-2001, 09:08 AM
Hi everyone.

With the new software and everything, there is a slight learning curve and issues the forums. Most of them are easily rectified. A few I am not sure why they are happening, but they seem to be working themselves out.

So - first of all, if you have a problem, email me. I ususally will fix it within 12 hours or so. Generally much sooner.

Now - the problem I have is people send me email like "Why was my IP banned?" or "Why cant I post". Usually this comes email comes from some one like "Ted Konizsky [email protected]"

OK - well while I am a great webmaster, and a wonderfull paintball player, my pshycic abilities are lacking. Im afraid I cant tell you what Ted's user name is. Or if they use an account labled "Metallica Fan" I am really in trouble.

Basically guys I want to help. But I need YOU to help me. I need some very BASIC information.

1) your username
2) your ISP (if it is a ban issue) and your IP addess if known
3)if you get any error messages I need you to cut and paste them.

Now - there are TWO things that I know need to be done in order for you to post.

1) you need to have a valid email account. If you dont, then you cant post. If you change your email, it will email you a new password to that email account. So - make sure that account is valid - make sure you havent been sent a new email password.

2) for what ever reason - some times there is some confusion with the software. People who posted fine awhile ago suddenly cant post. I think it has to do with a browser cach issure. Shut down ALL your browsers, and then re-enter and log into the site.

So - if you have problems - make sure you try those two things first. If that doesnt work - then email me - but PLEASE email me the information I MUST have to help you.

09-13-2001, 10:07 AM
One thing I would like to add here. Its for Moderating posts. If you use the "report this post" thingy could you please take a moment and explain why you think it's a violation and specifically which parts offend you. Some of them are coming without explanation and I have to hunt all over them to try and read your mind as to what you have a problem with. It would help. Thanks!


09-13-2001, 10:15 AM
It seems to me that this is all pretty common sense... perhaps its just me... im hoping it is for most others as well... :D

"That rarest gift To Beauty, Common Sense!"
-George Meredith

09-13-2001, 11:00 AM
It is common sence but you wouldnt believe how many people out there think I read minds...

09-13-2001, 05:37 PM
you mean... the all knowing, all mighty webby can't read minds!?! YOU LIE!!! *runs of crying* :D