View Full Version : What is "Frame Assy AM/MM"?

01-25-2004, 08:01 PM
Got a pic of it? All I gather is that its the stock frame for the automag/minimag but I'm not sure what it looks like. Not the composite frame like on the old classic mags I hope.

Yes, I am actually thinking of buying a automag. This custom setup deal is to good to pass up. Back in the days of the classic mag I was tempted but not enough to buy one. Lvl 10, how much did I make this week? ULE body, when does that tax refund get here? Dream mag for ~$450, what all can I sell today?

So help me out here. I like double triggers, metalic frames of course, and a nice smooth trigger pull. But I also like a hunderd bucks. So get me a pic of the frame that its talking about so I can get one for me!

01-25-2004, 08:09 PM
Go to the online store, go to the page with replacement parts, scroll down and you'll see it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but its the composite one you get unless you upgrade it to an intelliframe or y-grip.

01-25-2004, 08:11 PM

01-25-2004, 08:16 PM
:mad: How can they do that. A crapy 15 year old frame for modern technology. Thats bull crap.

Well. What aftermarket frames are there? All I know of are the z-grips, intelliframes, y-grips, logic frames, and the composite crap.

Thanks for the quick replies though.

01-25-2004, 08:18 PM
I can still crank out 8bps on my single trigger

dye and benchmark makes some double triggre mag frames... but my recomendation is stay with agd or the logic frame

01-25-2004, 08:20 PM
Why would that be? Please, no BS. If its because you like them better or thier better companies tell me.

01-25-2004, 08:24 PM
there's a few threads already out that are along these same lines

general statements are that benchmarks are to sloppy and dye is too stiff. AGD has tighter tolerances.

if you don't take that into consideration. The AGD and logic frames already have the internal mounts if you want to intellifeed it. Intelli and logic come stock with grips(i remember seeing dyes sold without a while ago).

anybody want to add more to this list?

01-25-2004, 08:26 PM
I wouldn't call it crappy. Its fairly decent, its strong as heck and has a decent pull/feel. Much better than most composite frames. But hey you get what you pay for, if you cheap out on the ule custom deal. You really can't beat what they are offering. If your even planning on getting a frame at a later date you should just get it when you order you will save money.

01-25-2004, 08:27 PM
Another frame to look into would be the powerlyte one.

01-25-2004, 08:29 PM
yeah, powerlite makes nice frames. (looks wise [not flash, but performance look])

I will search for the other threads, dont worry about listing them here.

01-25-2004, 08:36 PM
Is there a company producing single trigger .45/1911 angle grip frames? In either electronic or standard actuation? I have been poking around other sites trying to find one, but no luck so far.

01-25-2004, 08:55 PM
well there's Centerflag with their hyperframe (electronic mag frame)... but that's not who your talking about

01-25-2004, 09:21 PM
I am prdy sure 32* makes a single trigger, as well as Dye