View Full Version : Matrix vs. Viking

01-25-2004, 10:36 PM
My friend is getting a new gun and has narrowed it down to these two, no matter how many times i told him to get an emag. Anyway, from what i hear, i'm telling him get an 04 viking over a trix. However, i have tried neither. Can somebody who has tried both give me an honest opinion as to which is better?

01-25-2004, 10:53 PM
I like both. Vikings are diffrent. Everyone seems to have a trix now. Both shoot fast and are efficient though the Viking has the edge.

Can't go wrong with either.

01-25-2004, 10:54 PM
it really depends on the price range. I'd take a $1300 Tequila over an 04 Viking, but it's a large price difference. Looking at the ~$800 price range, I'd get an 04 with eyes and covers.

01-25-2004, 11:06 PM
O4 feather light vikings suppost to be nice. havent shot one yet. 8month wait i dk. Pick uyp a tequila sunrise..or when they start making them again pick one of those up. I have one thing freakin ripps!!!!!!! So easy to ripp on, it isnt even funny

01-25-2004, 11:12 PM
i have shot both, and you really cant go wrong with either. they are both very nice markers. your friend should go try them boht out, then make up his mind.

01-25-2004, 11:21 PM
Exacly what Zaust said. Both are great. I like both. The only reason I'm ordering a Immortal over a DM4 is that it's different. Not too many people shoot Vikings around here. Also I play back and I'd rather shoot 13 pods using a 68/4500 than a 88/4500.

01-25-2004, 11:31 PM
yea, ive seen ALOT of trixes around here, and most of the owners are complaining about em, i dunno y, seem great to me, but they dont like em, mabey they have to do lots of matinance :confused:

01-25-2004, 11:36 PM
Well, I JUST got rid of my matrix for my first E-Mag (just joined these forums this morning) and let me tell you, vikings kill matrixes. I've shot plenty of matrixes and plenty of vikings.

Vikings straight up rip, and so do matrixes. But the 2 biggest reasons I'd snag a viking over a trix anyday are:

1. Trixes SUCK on efficiency, unless you have a slam valve.
2. A properly tuned viking will have as close to zero recoil as it gets.

They both shoot crazy fast, and wickedly accurate, but I despised having to get a fill after each game.

While I'm on this subject...I'm a new mag owner, how many shots should I expect off my mag? Pro-Team micro emag w/ LVX and RT Valve

01-25-2004, 11:36 PM
Sorry...looks like my 1st post turned into 2 somehow :p

01-26-2004, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by At_da_Fifty
1. Trixes SUCK on efficiency, unless you have a slam valve.

With an Evolve Kit you can get 2000 shots as well. On top of the Slam Valve and the Evolve, Freeflow also made (I don't know if they still make them) a kit that got similar efficiency. I'd say efficient Matrixes are quite common now.

2. A properly tuned viking will have as close to zero recoil as it gets.

As far as ram/hammer based guns, that is true. But from what I have experienced, the matrix gets a tad less.

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