View Full Version : Thats It MTV and Music Has Hit An All Time Low

01-26-2004, 01:34 AM
Ok, I don't watch much MTV, I think its not what it used to be and now is just concerned about making $$$. I saw the commercial for that show with Jessica Simpson and Nick LeDouche. I said to myself "Who in their time on being on this Earth would watch that?! That has to be the dumbest show ever known to man." Then for the first time in a long time, I actually saw a music video on MTV:eek: Can you believe it? But then my soul just sank, it was a music video of Jessica with some of the worst lyrics, sounds and video I have ever seen. Look shes not all that hot, shes not showing anything risky, and not acting like a complete whore. It doesn't add up to the usual MTV formula. My friends integrity of music and video has just hit an all time low.

Once we are done pillaging and raping SP, I say we ride to NYC and burn MTV studios to the ground! Come on my AO brethern to our steeds! The time of reckoning is upon us!

01-26-2004, 02:45 AM
mtv??? man if ou must have music on tv check out FUSE there at least alright in my book and im not much of a mainstream music fan :) but yeah fuse is actually pretty good from metal to rock to punk to good rap to good r&b they got it and yeah that pop crap we call mtv i have yet to see on FUSE

01-26-2004, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
Ok, I don't watch much MTV, I think its not what it used to be and now is just concerned about making $$$. I saw the commercial for that show with Jessica Simpson and Nick LeDouche. I said to myself "Who in their time on being on this Earth would watch that?! That has to be the dumbest show ever known to man." Then for the first time in a long time, I actually saw a music video on MTV:eek: Can you believe it? But then my soul just sank, it was a music video of Jessica with some of the worst lyrics, sounds and video I have ever seen. Look shes not all that hot, shes not showing anything risky, and not acting like a complete whore. It doesn't add up to the usual MTV formula. My friends integrity of music and video has just hit an all time low.

Once we are done pillaging and raping SP, I say we ride to NYC and burn MTV studios to the ground! Come on my AO brethern to our steeds! The time of reckoning is upon us!

R U kidding man, Jessica Simpson is Hot as hell man. U r right bout mtv, it has gotten less and less about music but dam dude, how can u not think jessica is hot

hmm... R U gay or suttin? :)

01-26-2004, 09:39 AM
Carson Daly must be killed.

01-26-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
Look shes not all that hot, shes not showing anything risky, and not acting like a complete whore. It doesn't add up to the usual MTV formula. My friends integrity of music and video has just hit an all time low.

does anyone else find something essentially WRONG here? besides the not being hot bit. just something fundamentally wrong with the reasoning presented. or maybe it's just me...

01-26-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Mateo
Once we are done pillaging and raping SP, I say we ride to NYC and burn MTV studios to the ground! Come on my AO brethern to our steeds! The time of reckoning is upon us!

dont burn it too much.. i dont want to see smoke from my house! but yes..they do suck.


01-26-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
Carson Daly must be killed.

YES I second that

01-26-2004, 04:48 PM
First off, Im not ghey. I just think that just because she is blonde, has medium sized ta-tas, and can sing makes her hot? Besides her voice I would like to welcome you guys to mediocre. I guess its just me but I like redheads and brunettes. There are better looking people in the world. Poster girl of the week for me is: Jessica Alba, now that is HOTTT! She doesn't have the biggest rack in the world but is just...wow. Another Michelle Branch, plays guitar and the new Maxim pics...*drool* and of course can't forget my Anna...Anna Kournikova of course!(killed a many of kittens for all of them:) j/k)

Krista Allen, Halle Berry, Kirsten Dunst, Shanon Elizabeth the list keeps going on and on

Yes Carson Daily must be killed he will be the first one to go when I rape the MTV studios. His head will be on a pike and paraded around NYC like a trophy.

01-26-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
Carson Daly must be killed.

well i third it then :D

01-26-2004, 05:09 PM
well as one who as always hated MTV i say welcome to the club. Its just another example of how a generaly good idea can be brought to its knees and beaten like a red-headed step child with pre-fabricated crap all in the name of progress and profit. God bless consumerism.

01-26-2004, 05:24 PM
I was never into that channel, they never had the bands I liked on there. Slipknot, Mudvayne, etc.

01-26-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Mateo
First off, Im not ghey. I just think that just because she is blonde, has medium sized ta-tas,Yep it's official you're gay. Medium sized Tatas? They're like fricking 38DD.

I'd hit it.

01-26-2004, 05:57 PM
Heheh MTV2 shows music videos like 99% of the time, I think.

01-26-2004, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Mateo
has medium sized ta-tas

medium sized? http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/moreek.gif maybe i need to move to texas. i'm not really a breast man but i'd love to see what your frame of reference is to make you call them medium sized.

01-26-2004, 06:14 PM

01-26-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Yep it's official you're gay. Medium sized Tatas? They're like fricking 38DD.

I'd hit it.

yes i second that!

how can u say she is not hot, she is incrediably hot, shes blonde, Big "ta-tas" i donno what u were talkin bout, shes rich, nice but, cute face, THE TOTAL PACKAGE

01-26-2004, 08:02 PM
Jesus Christ! You guys need to get out more or surf the internet more lol. Yes everything is bigger in Texas here is my boob scale:

Flat to Jessica Alba-small
Michelle Branch to Jessica Simpson-medium
Jenna Jameson and above-big

I guess we have to many rich Southern belles with blonde hair and "medium" knockers that I got used to it:( Oh well sucks to be where you live:D ;)

01-26-2004, 08:14 PM
i think her boobs r way nicer than jenna jameson, if u get to a point where they r too big its dumb, and jenna's look way too fake, i like jessica's way way more.

just my opinion:rolleyes:

01-26-2004, 08:18 PM
lol. anyways. i have to admit i've watched a few episodes of the newlyweds. it IS a dumb show. jessica simpson absolutely radiates stupidity. i really feel bad for nick sometimes. she seems really nice and all but she takes blonde to the ultimate extreme. the one she's taking a lot of flak for is not knowing that tuna is fish despite the moniker of "chicken of the sea."

of course the two girls from "rich girls" aren't as stupid but they're even more helpless. can't do anything on their own. they got lost in a car equipped with GPS navigation!

01-26-2004, 09:35 PM
Jessica Simpson is a great acter on that show....she is definitely trying to act like a dumb blonde, its so obvious

01-26-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Jessica Simpson is a great acter on that show....she is definitely trying to act like a dumb blonde, its so obvious

yes i was just going to say that too, they defintily tell her to act dumb, just like on the obsburnes they tell tehm to swear

01-26-2004, 10:12 PM
Subscribe to MTV2 or check out www.launch.com

Newlyweds is a gay show, but since it's the only thing on at 3:00am, I find myself watching it once and a while.

01-26-2004, 10:23 PM
launch.com is the way to go
just dont watch mtv
buy some good cds or have your friend burn them for you
if you do want to watch videos that you like once again launch.com is the place to go

problem solved

01-27-2004, 12:18 AM
This is the spiral (either down or up I can't figure out) that our country is going through. Companies are only concerned about making money because of competition, so will do anything to do so, despite ethical, moral, and legal concequences. MTV just fills the screen with hot girls and dance parties (putting forth a set of expectations of what teenagers and youngins like myself are suppose to be like), dumb kids watch it and buy the crap they constantly advertise. The money goes from the parents, to the kids, to the corporations and to the parents that work for the corporations. It's a big cycle, despite the idiots it creates and ethical and moral problems.

Whooopdie friggin do, its been happening for the last twenty years, just getting worse now.

01-27-2004, 05:54 PM
man i long for the friday night video fights of the early days. ah the good ol days.

01-27-2004, 08:45 PM
I listen to music, not watch it on TV.

01-27-2004, 09:26 PM
they are just changing their image to look cool and appeal to kids. in the 80's it was like all rock and stuff, now all they are showing is rap. this is misrepresentation, rap can be a part of it like just rock but i dont want a channel that is all about rap and then says its about other things. i want a channel that plays all kinds of music, like its supposed to (Music Televison, not Rap Television). the only show that shows like some video footage is TRL and even then its only clips. they show crappy videos even then, with ppl in them who have no talent..jessica simpson cannot sing very well, her voice is tweaked by computers..as for artists like hillary duff, how can u call that art? bands like coldplay, and i hate to say it but eminem and p.diddy and all them that is atleast a form of art, and bands like metallica. they are a real form of the art they try to create, hillary duff is spewing crappy lyrics out of her butt hole and making some lackluster performance in a video i couldve made with 10 dollars and a video camera. they call themselves MTV, where they are actually RRSTV-rap and retarted shows tv. i respect rap and ppl who like it, but if ur gonna do nothing but that, dont misrepresent. its dumb. change ur name to something more appropriate for what u show. these artists need to stop acting like retarted monkeys on crack,and stop being just an image. pop star princess is a little bit worn out, the whole thing seems kind of trite. she isnt talented, she is just the image that is selling right now..bah it all just makes me sick down with MTV

01-27-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by sharpshooter1286
they are just changing their image to look cool and appeal to kids. in the 80's it was like all rock and stuff, now all they are showing is rap. this is misrepresentation, rap can be a part of it like just rock but i dont want a channel that is all about rap and then says its about other things. i want a channel that plays all kinds of music, like its supposed to (Music Televison, not Rap Television). the only show that shows like some video footage is TRL and even then its only clips. they show crappy videos even then, with ppl in them who have no talent..jessica simpson cannot sing very well, her voice is tweaked by computers..as for artists like hillary duff, how can u call that art? bands like coldplay, and i hate to say it but eminem and p.diddy and all them that is atleast a form of art, and bands like metallica. they are a real form of the art they try to create, hillary duff is spewing crappy lyrics out of her butt hole and making some lackluster performance in a video i couldve made with 10 dollars and a video camera. they call themselves MTV, where they are actually RRSTV-rap and retarted shows tv. i respect rap and ppl who like it, but if ur gonna do nothing but that, dont misrepresent. its dumb. change ur name to something more appropriate for what u show. these artists need to stop acting like retarted monkeys on crack,and stop being just an image. pop star princess is a little bit worn out, the whole thing seems kind of trite. she isnt talented, she is just the image that is selling right now..bah it all just makes me sick down with MTV

yes that is exactly true, plus they already have that channel, it is called BET, atleast it tell u what u r gunna get rigth there in the name... Black Entertainment Television

01-27-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by sharpshooter1286
... all they are showing is rap ...You say that and go on to talk about pop princesses. You're trying to prove a point about MTV being inconsistent when you can't even stay on topic. And you act like it's the easiest thing to just change the name of a major tv station like that.

01-27-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
You say that and go on to talk about pop princesses. You're trying to prove a point about MTV being inconsistent when you can't even stay on topic. And you act like it's the easiest thing to just change the name of a major tv station like that.

obviously there is now way in hell that mtv would actually cange their name. they shouldn;t have to either, instead they should live up to their name.

01-27-2004, 11:06 PM
fpcchop has said exactly what i meant to, they should live up to their name

ultimator, its called sarcasm, and if u didnt notice there already was a topic, i was putting my two cents in about it. i didnt think they would literally change their name, its completely sarcastic

01-27-2004, 11:32 PM
I want you to know I didnt read any of the thread because im far too lazy, and im sure im not the first to point this out. But I want you to know I lost all respect for you as a person, as a man, as a paintball player, and as an AOer, as soon as I read this...

Originally posted by Mateo, hopefully while he was drunk, about the beautiful Jessica Simpson
Look shes not all that hot

jk dude;) but seriously..nvm, im sure its been said

01-28-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by fcpchop

yes that is exactly true, plus they already have that channel, it is called BET, atleast it tell u what u r gunna get rigth there in the name... Black Entertainment Television

BET is iron, whatever happen to the ending of segregation?

01-28-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob

BET is iron, whatever happen to the ending of segregation?

how is BET segregation?

01-28-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz

how is BET segregation?

haha how ironic the people that wanted to end segregration the most are now doing it them selves... how is a channel made just for black entertainment not segregation? its says it right in the title of the channel. its segregation becuase there seperating them selves from the rest of the world thats basically all it is... i have nothing against african americans asians or latinos but when they want the segregation to stop and a channel like this is on tv do you see it kind of ironic?

now back to the music television.... if you want good rap and R&B by all means watch BET only channel where you will get the good stuff for that type of genre other wise i must say FUSE again becuase nice variety and VERY LITTLe of that pop crap heck they even have good shows!!! like a show just for metal! hip hop dubbed kung fu! 5 hours of random videos during the day and its good music! and all the other stuff they have i say screw mtv and mtv2 wich still sucks and get fuse if you must have music on your tv

anyone want to flame me for my open thoughts on the bet thing go ahead

01-28-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by trevorjk

haha how ironic the people that wanted to end segregration the most are now doing it them selves... how is a channel made just for black entertainment not segregation? its says it right in the title of the channel. its segregation becuase there seperating them selves from the rest of the world thats basically all it is... i have nothing against african americans asians or latinos but when they want the segregation to stop and a channel like this is on tv do you see it kind of ironic?

It doesnt necessarily segregate black people from the rest of the world. Its just a television network built around the african american culture, just as Nikolodean(sp?) and the disney channel are built around kids. ESPN is built around sports fans, and so on and so forth.

01-28-2004, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz

It doesnt necessarily segregate black people from the rest of the world. Its just a television network built around the african american culture, just as Nikolodean(sp?) and the disney channel are built around kids. ESPN is built around sports fans, and so on and so forth.

well not really, because its not called kid-tv or sport-tv, i guarentee that if they made WET, white entertainment television there would so much bs on them, and they would get shout down, but that is a whole nother story, but what i dont like is how on bet the comedians always make fun of white people, but if white made fun of black, again a whole nother story, and how come black people are called african american when i bet u that they dont even have a family member that has ever been to africa, once again a whole nother story, some of u might think im racist or suttin but im not at all, i just think every one should b equal, black shouldn't b called african american just american just as ne white would b called. and i'll admit the bet comedians are hilarious, but i can laugh at my self, i just think that white should b able to make steriotipicle comedy too.